Karachi 1 (Urdu:, Sindhi:) adalah ibu kota provinsi Sindh. Dan merupakan kota terbesar dan ibukota keuangan Pakistan. Dimulai pada tahun 1947 di partisi Raj Inggris, ketika ratusan ribu Muhajir dari India mencari perlindungan, populasi tersebut telah meledak dari sekitar 450.000 menjadi diperkirakan 18 juta hari ini. Dengan lebih dari satu juta penghuni baru menuangkan setiap tahun, tidak mengherankan bahwa tanda peregangan ditampilkan di salah satu kota terbesar dan paling berkembang pesat di dunia ini Karachi, yang terletak di pantai Laut Arab, adalah sektor keuangan dan komersial. Pusat bangsa, serta pelabuhan terbesarnya. Karachi berbeda dengan negara-negara lain di Pakistan dengan cara yang sama seperti New York yang berbeda dengan negara-negara lain di Amerika Serikat. Laju kehidupan lebih tergesa-gesa, dan sikap sosial jauh lebih liberal daripada di tempat lain di Pakistan. Penduduk setempat menyebutnya: City of Lights. Kota Quaid. Dan Kota yang Tidak Pernah Tidur. Kota ini menumbuhkan pertumbuhannya bagi populasi migran ekonomi dan politik campuran beserta pengungsi dari berbagai asal negara, provinsi, bahasa dan agama yang berbeda, yang umumnya datang ke kota untuk menetap secara permanen. Warga dan mereka yang lahir di kota ini disebut Karachi-ites dan hampir 98 penduduk di Karachi memahami bahasa Urdu. Distrik edit Karachi adalah kota besar dan merupakan bagian administratif dari Provinsi Sindh. Divisi Karachi secara resmi dibagi menjadi lima distrik, yang selanjutnya dibagi menjadi delapan belas kota yang dikelola oleh pemerintah kota, dan enam kanton militer yang dikelola oleh Angkatan Darat Pakistan. Untuk tujuan panduan ini, enam wilayah militer telah dimasukkan ke dalam distrik masing-masing di bawah, sehingga pengunjung harus menemukan daftar wilayah konseptual di bawah ini lebih berguna: Lima distrik resmi di Karachi digabungkan ke dalam tiga Karachi Selatan (Kota Saddar. Town, Jameshed Town termasuk PECHS Karachi Cantonment, Clifton Cantonment and Defense) Selatan adalah distrik yang beragam, tempat tinggal bagi Saddar. Pusat kota Karachis dan pusat aktivitas. Rumah bagi gedung pencakar langit tertinggi di Karachis dan banyak arsitektur sejarah. Beberapa lingkungan terkaya Pakistan, seperti Clifton dan Defense. Ada di sini, bersama dengan Stasiun Kereta Api Karachi yang terkenal. Banyak pantai, taman, museum, landmark, bangunan kolonial, restoran dan hotel terletak di distrik ini. East Karachi dan Malir (Kota Gulshan-e-Iqbal) Kota Korangi, Kota Landhi, Kota Shah Faisal, Faisal Cantonment dan Korangi Creek Cantonment Malir Town, Bin Qasim Town, Gadap Town dan Malir Cantonment) Distrik Timur adalah perpaduan antara pusat industri Karachis Dan kantor pusat kerah putih. Ada beberapa museum yang bagus bersama dengan banyak taman hiburan dan margasatwa, dan Bandara utama Karachi. Kabupaten Malir adalah distrik Karachi terbesar di wilayahnya, dan dianggap sebagai daerah pedesaan di Kota Karachi karena atmosfirnya yang terbuka dan lahan pertanian hijau subur. Rumah ini memiliki banyak taman hiburan air kota. Karachi Tengah dan Barat (Kota Baldia, Kota Kemari, Kota SITE, Kota Orangi dan Kotamadya Manora Cantoniture Liaquatabad, Kota Nazimabad Utara, Kota Gulberg dan Kota Baru Karachi) Barat adalah rumah bagi perkampungan kumuh terbesar di Asias Selatan dan juga salah satu kisah sukses Perumahan murah: Orangi Town. Taman industri besar tersebar di seluruh kabupaten, bersamaan dengan Pelabuhan Karachi di daerah Kemari. Karachi Barat juga memiliki banyak pantai dan pulau-pulau, sementara kabupaten Tengah terutama merupakan daerah kelas menengah, segera berkembang setelah kemerdekaan orang-orang Pakistan, karena gelombang imigrasi. Banyak dari migran ini adalah pengungsi dari partisi tersebut. Pahami edit jeda hari di Karachi Anda pasti akan menjadi kemuliaan Timur jika saya bisa datang lagi, Karachi, untuk melihat Anda dalam kemegahan Anda 8212 Charles James Napier Karachi adalah kota paling beragam dan kosmopolitan di Pakistan dan mungkin menawarkan petunjuk sebagai Ke arah masa depan kehidupan modern di Pakistan. Dalam banyak hal, bisa dibandingkan dengan New York dimana laju kehidupan lebih tergesa-gesa dan waktunya adalah uang. Sejumlah besar komunitas religius non-Muslim menetap di Karachi dibandingkan dengan kota-kota Pakistan lainnya: Hindu, Kristen, Parsi, Sikh, Bahai, Yahudi, Budha dan juga Zoroastrian. Penduduk Karachis, yang dikenal sebagai orang Karachi, adalah populasi kosmopolitan yang terdiri dari banyak kelompok etno-linguistik dari seluruh wilayah Pakistan, serta para migran dari beberapa negara dan wilayah yang berbeda termasuk India, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Myanmar, China dan Uganda, membuat Populasi kota mencair yang beragam. Sejarah Sejarah awal Karachi berasal dari tahun 327325 SM, ketika Alexander Agung menggunakan kota tersebut untuk berkemah dan mempersiapkan armada untuk Babilonia. Karachi kemudian dikenal orang-orang Arab sebagai Debal dari mana Muhammad bin Qasim memimpin pasukannya yang menaklukkannya ke Asia Selatan pada tahun 712 M. Sejarah modern Karachi dimulai saat dijadikan ibu kota Sindh di tahun 1840an. Pada tahun 1878 di bawah Raj Inggris, kota ini terhubung ke seluruh Inggris India dengan kereta api. Proyek bangunan umum, seperti Frere Hall dan Empress Market telah dilakukan. Pada tahun 1876, Muhammad Ali Jinnah, pendiri Pakistan, lahir di kota. Setelah kemerdekaan Pakistan pada tahun 1947, Karachi telah menjadi kota metropolitan yang ramai dengan bangunan bergaya klasik dan kolonial bergaya Eropa yang indah, yang melapisi jalan-jalan kota. Karachi dipilih sebagai ibu kota Pakistan. Pada tahun 1960, ibu kota Pakistan dipindahkan dari Karachi ke Islamabad yang baru dibangun. Selama tahun 1960an, Karachi dipandang sebagai model peran ekonomi di seluruh dunia. Banyak negara berusaha untuk menandingi strategi perencanaan ekonomi Pakistan dan satu di antaranya, Korea Selatan, menyalin Rencana Lima Tahun kedua kota dan Pusat Keuangan Dunia di Seoul dirancang dan dimodelkan setelah Karachi. Pada akhir 1980an dan awal 1990an, kekerasan etnis dan politik melanda kota antara pengikut Muhajir Gerakan Mohajir Quami, etnis Sindhis dan Punjabis dan pasukan negara. Akibatnya, tentara Pakistan dikerahkan untuk memulihkan perdamaian di kota. Perubahan iklim Periksa cuaca Karachis di BBC Cuaca Terletak di pantai, Karachi memiliki iklim yang relatif ringan dengan tingkat curah hujan yang rendah sekitar 250160mm (10160inches) setiap tahun, sebagian besar terjadi pada musim hujan bulan Juli-Agustus. Winters ringan, dan musim panasnya panas. Kedekatan kota dengan laut membuat tingkat kelembaban pada ketinggian konstan yang hampir konstan, dan angin laut yang sejuk menyegarkan panasnya bulan-bulan musim panas. Karena suhu tinggi selama musim panas (berkisar antara 30-44C dari bulan April sampai Oktober), bulan-bulan musim dingin (November sampai Februari) umumnya dianggap sebagai waktu terbaik untuk mengunjungi Karachi. Juli, Desember dan Januari memiliki cuaca yang menyenangkan dan mendung saat sebagian besar acara sosial, mulai dari pernikahan hingga penggalangan dana amal, sering terjadi. Wisatawan dan ekspatriat biasanya mengunjungi Karachi pada bulan-bulan ini. Cuaca Karachis dianggap ringan dan bisa dibandingkan dengan cuaca Floridas (kecuali presipitasi). Suhu tertinggi yang pernah tercatat di Karachi adalah 47,8C sedangkan yang terendah adalah 0C. Budaya edit Gaya hidup sehari-hari di Karachi berbeda jauh dengan kota-kota lain di Pakistan. Budaya Karachis ditandai dengan pencampuran pengaruh Timur Tengah, Asia Tengah, Asia Selatan dan Barat, serta status kota sebagai pusat bisnis internasional utama. Secara keseluruhan, ada keragaman dalam budaya, dan keragaman ini telah menghasilkan campuran budaya unik dari jenisnya sendiri. Karachi juga menjadi tuan rumah lapisan kelas menengah terbesar di negara ini. Karachi adalah rumah bagi beberapa institusi budaya penting Pakistan. Akademi Seni Pertunjukan Nasional. Terletak di Hindu Gymkhana yang baru direnovasi menawarkan program diploma dua tahun dalam pertunjukan seni yang mencakup musik klasik dan teater kontemporer. Konferensi Musik Semua Pakistan. Terkait dengan institusi serupa berusia 45 tahun di Lahore, telah menyelenggarakan Annual Music Festival sejak didirikan pada tahun 2004. Festival ini sekarang merupakan fitur mapan kehidupan kota Karachi yang ditunggu dengan cemas dan dihadiri oleh lebih dari 3000 Warga Karachi serta orang-orang dari kota lain. Dewan Kesenian Nasional (Koocha-e-Saqafat) juga memiliki pertunjukan musik dan Mushaira (bacaan puisi). Festival Film Kara yang diselenggarakan setiap tahun menampilkan film dan dokumenter independen Pakistan dan internasional. Festival Karachi kami merayakan Arsitektur Karachi. Festival Sindh Sea Festival 2 Kara International Film Festival 3 Acara ini menampilkan semua jenis film seperti film pendek, pendek, dan dokumenter serta acara lainnya adalah bagian dari festival yang mengundang selebritis dan media showbiz secara global dengan mendapatkan penerbangan. Ke Karachi Hamara Karachi 4 Dewan Seni 5 Semua Konferensi Musik Pakistan 6 Pertunjukan Dolphin 7 Festival Sastra Karachi 8 9 Karachi Classic Car Show 10 Karachi Photo Walk 11 Karachi Fashion Week 12 Get in edit Dengan pesawat edit bandara Karachi membangun Bandara Internasional Jinnah (IATA. KHI ICAO. OPKC), 13. adalah bandara internasional dan domestik terbesar Karachis yang terletak di pinggiran kota utama meskipun di daerah berpenduduk padat. Bandara memiliki koneksi ke hub lainnya seperti Toronto. London. New York Tokyo dan Dubai. Ini juga merupakan hub untuk Pakistan International Airlines 14. Maskapai penerbangan nasional Pakistan, yang terbang ke berbagai tujuan, termasuk semua kota besar di Pakistan. Dan kota-kota internasional seperti Beijing. Barcelona. London. New York Toronto. Istanbul. Kabul. Kopenhagen. Paris. Frankfurt. Amsterdam. Milan. Kuala Lumpur. Oslo. Abu Dhabi. Chicago. Birmingham. Manchester. Glasgow, Hong Kong. Dhaka. Sharjah. Al Ain. Kathmandu. Kuwait. Mumbai. Muscat. Riyadh. Jeddah. Amman. Bangkok dan Tokyo. Bandara ini memiliki tiga terminal dari Terminal 3, yang juga disebut Terminal Jinnah dalam operasi komersial sedangkan Terminal 2 sekarang didedikasikan untuk operasi haji dan Terminal 1 sekarang menjadi Kepala Otoritas Penerbangan Sipil. Terminal Utama Jinnah yaitu Terminal 3 dibagi menjadi dua concourse - the Jinnah East Satellite Concourse yang digunakan untuk penerbangan internasional dan Jinnah West Satellite Concourse untuk penerbangan domestik, masing-masing memiliki penyediaan jembatan pemuatan penumpang, yang membentang dari gerbang terminal bandara ke Sebuah pesawat terbang, yang memungkinkan penumpang naik dan turun tanpa harus keluar atau transfer melalui angkutan. Dua rumpun satelit juga melengkapi ruang keberangkatan gedung terminal dan juga menyediakan fasilitas perbelanjaan, tempat pengisian ulang baterai, dan loket makanan ringan. Tingkat yang lebih rendah dari terminal adalah untuk penumpang yang tiba, di mana jalur taksi khusus terletak tepat di luar gedung bandara untuk kedatangan penumpang sementara tingkat atas terminal untuk penumpang yang berangkat. Fasilitas di bandara termasuk beberapa restoran termasuk McDonalds dan Butler Chocolate Cafe. Ada juga sejumlah Kios Bank, ATM, Counter Pertukaran Uang, Wi-Fi, kios Internet Gratis (di Keberangkatan), masjid, kedai kopi dan banyak toko, toko serba ada dan toko-toko manis. Ada toko bebas bea besar yang menjual karpet, karpet, barang olahraga, peralatan medis, onyx, permata dan banyak lagi dengan harga murah tapi tidak menjual alkohol. Fasilitas bagasi kiri juga tersedia di terminal bagi mereka yang ingin menyimpan barang bawaan. Troli gratis dan Dedicated Porter Services tersedia di Rs100 untuk penumpang penerbangan domestik dan Rs200 untuk penumpang penerbangan internasional. Bantuan untuk penyandang cacat tersedia atas permintaan dari maskapai sebelum keberangkatan. Kursi roda dan bantuan kursi roda dapat ditemukan dari meja di daerah kedatangan dan keberangkatan terminal. CIP Lounge Bandara dapat digunakan secara gratis oleh semua Penumpang Kelas FirstBusiness, Pemegang Kartu Kredit Utama dan Pemegang Kartu Jubilee Saffron termasuk satu tamu lainnya di semua penerbangan keluar. Barclays dan UBL memiliki lounge terpisah untuk pelanggan kartu kredit mereka. Ada juga PIA Business Class Lounge di sebelah CIP Lounge. Fasilitas di CIP Lounge Bandara mencakup area tempat duduk yang nyaman untuk bersantai, akses ke Saluran TV terkemuka, wifi gratis, berbagai makanan ringan dan minuman gratis, koran, majalah, kamar mandi, faks, telepon dan fasilitas pengisian daya mobile. Prosedur imigrasi dan bea cukai seringkali merupakan proses yang panjang, terutama pada jam sibuk, dan membutuhkan waktu yang sangat lama (lebih dari 45 menit). Passport Control selalu sibuk dengan jalur panjang terutama di loket Paspor Pakistan, namun ada beberapa cara untuk menghindari jalur dan mendapat penanganan khusus di kedua tempat kedatangan dan tempat keberangkatan dengan Kartu Remitansi Valuta Asing (FERC) 15. Ada juga banyak hotel di dekat hotel. Bandara Internasional Jinnah termasuk 5 Star Ramada Plaza Hotel dan Budget Airport Skyrooms Hotel. Ini terletak di kurang dari 1 km (0,6 mil) dari bangunan terminal utama dan dihubungkan melalui layanan bus antar-jemput. Fasilitas di hotel ini termasuk gymnasium dan kolam renang, serta ruang pertemuan dan acara. Ada juga McDonalds on-site di luar gedung terminal utama di Karachi Jinnah International Airport. Parkir mobil jangka pendek terletak tepat di seberang gedung terminal sedangkan parkir jangka panjang agak jauh dari terminal, namun dalam jarak berjalan kaki. Prosedur imigrasi dan bea cukai tidak lagi membosankan dan canggung seperti dulu. Untuk item yang hilang dan ditemukan, hubungi kantor Sipil Penerbangan Airline Lost and Found di dalam terminal. Juga disarankan untuk mencapai bandara setidaknya tiga jam lebih awal untuk penerbangan internasional untuk menyelesaikan berbagai prosedur tepat waktu. Untuk penerbangan domestik dua jam sudah cukup. Dengan bus edit Daewoo Sammi 16 menawarkan layanan langsung ke Karachi dari lebih 40 kota besar dan 45 destinasi di seluruh negeri termasuk Hyderabad. Multan. Faisalabad. Lahore dan Islamabad. Mereka dianggap tepat waktu dan aman. Anda juga bisa menghubungi mereka di nomor UAN mereka yang 92 21 111 007-008 untuk tiket pertanyaan. Terminal Bus Utama mereka terletak di Sohrab Goth, Super Highway dan memiliki fasilitas termasuk ATM Summit Bank dan HBL yang menerima kartu Visa, Mastercard dan UnionPay. Selain itu mereka juga memiliki tiket dan titik pick and drop di lokasi yang nyaman di seluruh kota dimana penumpang diangkut ke terminal utama melalui pesawat terbang. Terminal Bus Utama Super Highway. Area Coridor Sektor 3-B, Skema 33 (sebelah PSO), Sohrab Goth, Jalan Raya Utama Raya. Terminal Bandara Karachi. Toko No. SF-3, Falak Naz Heights, Bandara Internasional Jinnah, Shahra-e-Faisal. Nomor kontak: 021-34684200, 021-34684300 Terminal Stasiun Kereta Api Kanton. Toko No. 45, Fatima Jinnah Road, dekat dengan Bombay Hotel, Stasiun Kereta Api Cantt Karachi. Nomor kontak: 021-35641043-4 M. A. Jinnah Road Terminal. Taj Complex, berdekatan dengan Ali Raza Imam Bargah, Karachi. Nomor kontak: 021-34248982 Federal B Area Terminal. Toko No. 05, Nighat Square, Pasar Naseer Abad, Oppsite ke Allama Iqbal Open University, Jalan Taleemi Bagh, Blok 7 FB Area, Karachi. Nomor Kontak: 021-36333311-2 Terminal Gulshan-e-Iqbal. Nomor toko A83, A84, Istana Rabia Blok 10, Gulshen-e-Iqbal, di seberang Taman Alla Din, Jalan Rashid Minhas. Nomor kontak: 021-34964611-12 Terminal Hyderi. Nazimabad, Toko 9-A, plot No. SF1, Pasar Yaqoob, Blok E, Karachi Utara. Nomor kontak: 021-36672827-8 Dengan kereta api, mengedit Karachi Circular Railway First Class dengan Railways Railways 17 bagus, dan Karachi memiliki hubungan kereta api dengan berbagai kota besar di Pakistan termasuk Lahore. Quetta. Multan. Faisalabad. Gujranwala. Hyderabad. Rawalpindi. Amp Peshawar Ketersediaan tempat dapat diperiksa di situs mereka sementara tiket dapat dibeli dari kantor pemesanan Kereta Api Pakistan yang berada di seberang kota termasuk Level 1 dari Bandara Internasional Jinnah dan Stasiun Kereta Api itu sendiri. Kota ini dilayani oleh dua stasiun kereta api utama yaitu The Karachi Cantonment Railway Station dan Karachi City Station. Dua stasiun lainnya termasuk Stasiun Kereta Api Landhi dan Stasiun Kereta Drigh Road. Stasiun Kereta Api Drigh Road terletak dekat dengan Bandara Internasional Jinnah tapi tidak semua kereta berhenti di sini. The Thar Express berlangsung setiap minggu antara Bhagat Ki Kothi dekat Jodhpur di India dan Karachi. Kereta kargo juga berjalan antara Turki dan Karachi melalui Iran. Fasilitas penumpang saat ini tidak tersedia di kereta Turki ke Karachi. Stasiun kereta Karachi Cantonment. Yang sebelumnya dikenal dengan Frere Street Station, adalah stasiun kereta api utama yang dilayani oleh semua kereta yang datang ke Karachi. Terletak di dekat Jalan Dr Daud Pota di Saddar. Bangunan stasiun telah dinyatakan sebagai Warisan Lindung oleh Pemerintah Sindh namun meskipun stasiun tersebut memerlukan perhatian pihak berwenang untuk pemeliharaan. Fasilitas di stasiun ini mencakup tempat parkir yang luas hingga kendaraan parkir, Kantor Pemesanan Current dan Advance untuk pemesanan kursi di kereta api dan mesin ATM. Kios makanan dan minuman dan toko buku dapat ditemukan di platform. Beberapa restoran seperti Rehmat-e-Shereen dan Pizza Hut memiliki cabang mereka di Platform No.1. Jarak antara Bandara Internasional Jinnah dan Karachi Cantonment Station berjarak sekitar 17,5 km dan perjalanan memakan waktu sekitar 30 menit. Ada juga beberapa hotel di sekitar stasiun dalam jarak berjalan kaki. Pak Business Train 18 adalah kereta pribadi yang beroperasi setiap hari tanpa henti antara Lahore dan Karachi melalui Karachi Cantonment Station. Fasilitas di kereta termasuk kabin keluarga, LCD, Wifi Gratis, Layanan Makanan dan Medis. Tiket dapat dipesan secara online dan dapat dikumpulkan melalui pilihan pengiriman rumah di mana Anda dapat membayar tiket via uang tunai saat pengiriman. Kartu kredit tidak dapat diterima. Kereta ini juga memiliki lounge bisnis, hotel dan kafe di Stasiun Kereta Lahore. Stasiun Kota Karachi. Sebelumnya stasiun McLeod, adalah stasiun kereta api tertua dan tertua di Pakistan. Hal ini biasa disebut City station atau City railway station di Karachi. Terletak di dekat Habib Bank Plaza di I. I. Chundrigar Road. Stasiun ini memiliki semua fasilitas dasar termasuk tempat parkir, loket reservasi Tiket, layanan Kargo dan Parcel. Kereta khusus seperti Bahauddin Zakaria Express (dari Multan), Bolan Mail (dari Quetta), Fareed Express (dari Lahore), Hazara Express (dari Havelian), Khushhal Khan Khattak Express (dari Peshawar) dan Sukkur Express (dari Sukkur) saat ini melayani Stasiun. Dengan mobil edit Karachi bisa ditempuh dengan mobil dari berbagai kota di Pakistan seperti juga India, China, Afghanistan dan Iran. National Highway N5 menghubungkan kota ini dari kota-kota lain di Pakistan (Lahore 1.240 km, Peshawar 1.380 km) serta Afghanistan, India dan China. RCD Highway N25N55 menghubungkan kota dengan Balochistan Selatan termasuk Gwadar via Jalan Raya Makran Coastal serta Iran dan Turki. M9 Motorway (juga disebut Super Highway) menghubungkan kota dengan Jamshoro dan Hyderabad 160km. Dengan perahu edit Kemari Boat Basin di Karachi Karachi adalah pusat perdagangan utama untuk dhow dari sekitar Samudra Hindia. Pelancong yang ingin tiba di kota melalui kapal atau kapal mungkin perlu membuat perjanjian sendiri dengan kapten kapal tersebut. Pengunjung asing tidak bisa datang seperti ini. Sebuah layanan pelayaran digunakan untuk menjalankan antara Karachi dan Dubai tapi sekarang ditutup. Berkeliling edit Koper kiri Ada layanan bagasi kiri yang tersedia di area Kedatangan Bandara Internasional Jinnah. Kantor koper kiri buka 24 jam. Beberapa hotel juga akan menyimpan barang bawaan bagi pelanggan yang telah check out dari hotel. Begitu Anda bisa menjalaninya di Karachi, ini menjadi pengalaman yang sangat menghibur. Anda bertemu orang baru dan bisa melihat hal-hal tak terduga. Its tidak terlalu sulit untuk menemukan moda transportasi dan jika Anda tahu apa yang Anda lakukan, sangat mudah untuk berkeliling. Dengan berjalan kaki Kadang-kadang, berjalan mungkin benar-benar cara tercepat untuk mendapatkan dari titik A ke titik B tapi sebagian besar Karachi cukup pejalan kaki-bermusuhan. Jarak yang panjang dan signage jalan buruk. Tetapi jika Anda benar-benar ingin berjalan-jalan, selalu pastikan Anda berjalan di jalan setapak, atau jika ada yang tidak tersedia, sejauh mungkin ke pinggir jalan dan di kanan menghadap lalu lintas yang akan datang. Jalannya bukanlah tempat yang berbahaya di Karachi, tapi banyak pejalan kaki sering dilukai oleh pengemudi pasif. Mereka yang mual terhadap polusi atau menderita asma mungkin perlu memakai masker polusi udara dari truk dan bus yang lewat, dikombinasikan dengan panas dan kelembaban yang membakar kadang-kadang bisa terjadi. Jika Anda benar-benar ingin berjalan-jalan, tempat-tempat ini akan bagus: Berjalanlah dari Dolmen City, Sea View ke Salt n Papper Village dan seterusnya (berjalan kaki hampir 2-3 km). Berjalanlah dari menara Mereweather di Jalan Chundrigar II ke Museum Nasional Pakistan di Jalan Dr. Ziauddin Ahmed dan menuju Dewan Kesenian Pakistan di Jalan MR Kiyani. Berjalan di Club Road dari Hotel HotelPC ke Frere Hall di Jalan Abdullah Haroon Dengan bus edit Metode yang paling umum untuk bepergian di Karachi adalah dengan bus dan digunakan oleh kebanyakan orang. Layanan bus reguler menghubungkan bandara dengan kota dan waktu tempuh sekitar 50 menit. Karena kekurangan ruang, orang sering duduk di atap, atau menggantung dari bar, dan macet di dalam bus. Orang luar mungkin ditunda oleh kondisi sempit di bus, dan mungkin lebih suka bepergian dengan taksi. Tapi bagi wisatawan anggaran yang sangat ketat, bus adalah satu-satunya pilihan. Rute dan nomor bus Karachi dapat diperiksa di sini 19 dan bus mini dan rute kereta dapat diperiksa di 20. Dengan taksi edit Sejumlah perusahaan taksi beroperasi dari luar gedung terminal bandara. Waktu tempuh ke kota sekitar 25 menit tergantung lalu lintas, dan ongkosnya mulai dari Rs250. Layanan Uber dan Careem juga tersedia. Hitam dan Kuning mengedit taksi Hitam dan Kuning adalah cara perjalanan paling ekonomis di dalam kota dan berada tepat di luar terminal bandara. Taksi ini tidak menggunakan meter lagi, jadi sebaiknya pertama-tama kenakan muatan dan letaknya dengan supir sebelum masuk. Tarif resmi per kilometer sekitar PKR 7 namun diperkirakan akan melonjak dua kali lipat. Tarif taksi dari bandara ke pusat kota hotel di Saddar seharusnya tidak lebih dari Rs 300. Meskipun, Anda selalu dapat menghubungi hotel terlebih dahulu untuk mendapatkan ide yang lebih baik mengenai tarif taksi. Taksi pribadi edit Jika Anda menginginkan perjalanan yang nyaman dan ber-AC, yang terbaik adalah melakukan perjalanan dengan layanan taksi bermerek yang beroperasi dengan tarif yang disetujui oleh pemerintah. Layanan ini mengoperasikan armada modern dengan driver terlatih. Tersedia dengan pemberitahuan 30-60 menit, mereka bersih ber-AC yang dilengkapi dengan digital, tamper-proof meter yang tepat waktu dan dilengkapi GPS dan dipantau (yang membuat mereka jauh lebih aman setiap saat). Perusahaan yang terhormat termasuk: Cab Putih. 21 paling populer dan bisa dipanggil di bandara atau di manapun di kota. Tarif per kilometer adalah PKR 15 plus PKR 50 biaya panggilan. Hanya tersedia di telepon (92 21) 111-789-786. Anda dapat dengan mudah menemukan kios Cab Putih di Level I dari Bandara Internasional Jinnah, Area Parkir di Stasiun Kereta Cantt, Gerbang Wharf Timur di Karachi Port Trust, G-4, AB, Jalan Pengadilan dan 10-C, Khayaban-e-Shamsheer Utama Tahap 5, DHA Biaya tipikal untuk sehari penuh (8 jam, 150 km) adalah US25. Metro Cab. 22 dapat dipanggil pada (92 21) 111-222-787. Biasanya mudah didapat dari bandara, tarifnya masuk akal, mereka memiliki armada mahkota putih - biaya per mm: Pak Rs. 20. Min biaya: Pak Rs. 300 km dalam 12 km. Metros adalah taksi yang dioperasikan oleh beberapa perusahaan sektor swasta yang berbeda. Orang asing sering ditagih berlebihan. Sky Cab. 23 adalah layanan taksi populer lainnya dengan armada limusin. Mereka bisa dipanggil (92 21) 111-759-426. Pak Radio Cabs. UAN: 92 21 111 732-732 Tangki Mutiara. UAN: 92 21 111 725-786 Careem, UAN92 111 227-336 Dengan menyewa mobil, edit Sejumlah perusahaan taksi milik swasta menyediakan penyewaan kendaraan jangka panjang, termasuk driver. Avis juga diwakili di bandara dan menawarkan kendaraan penggerak sendiri, namun umumnya disarankan bagi pengunjung asing untuk memilih mobil dengan sopir. Avis 24. memiliki sistem operasional yang komprehensif, beragam pilihan armada dan staf berkualifikasi tinggi. Nomor Bebas Pulsa mereka adalah 0800-111-69. Hertz 25. adalah pilihan bagus lainnya. Mereka memiliki Mercedes, Accord, Camry, Civic dan Corolla Armada. Nomor bebas pulsa mereka adalah 0800-HERTZ (43789) Europcar 26 Vintage Limousine Services. 92 21 5677721-23. Semua jenis kendaraan dengan chaufer, tanpa bahan bakar hanya dengan satu panggilan. Pearl Radio Cab. 92 21 4604465. Rs 1.500 per hari termasuk bahan bakar, jika Anda tinggal di kota dan menempuh perjalanan kurang dari 100 km. Waljis. 92 21 5660248. 13 Layanan Mess, Mereweather Rd. Untuk mobil self-drive. Harga sekitar Rs 2.400 per hari (tanpa bahan bakar tak terbatas jarak tempuh). Travel amp Jasa Kultur. 92 21 35218097. 702 Pusat sorot Fatima Jinnah jalan Saddar. Untuk mobil dan van dengan sopir untuk wisata di Karachi atau di luar Karachi Excursions. Harga sekitar Rs 2.800 per hari (tanpa bahan bakar). 27 HA Rent A Car 28. Apakah penyewaan mobil paling andal di Pakistan, HA menyewa Mobil Pakistan Memimpin Penyewaan Mobil Terbaik Pakistan. Nomor Sel adalah 92 321 555 2572. Rent Cars 247 29, adalah agen sewa terbaik dan top di Islamabad, Pakistan. Sewa layanan penyewaan mobil terbaik dan murah. Hubungi: 92 304 111 9994. Pak Car Rentals 30. Layanan Sewa Mobil Terbaik di kota. Mobil Anda hanya panggilan dari depan pintu Anda. Memberikan pengiriman di pintu depan 247. Hubungi: 92 342 022 2262 Dengan becak edit becak (juga disebut skuter roda tiga, tuk-tuk atau hanya mobil kecil) bagus untuk perjalanan yang lebih pendek. Anda dapat menemukan becak di mana-mana di seluruh kota. Tetapkan harga terlebih dahulu dan tawar-menawar. Mereka biasanya tidak mengikuti pedoman lalu lintas, jadi beberapa mungkin menganggapnya berbahaya, tapi mereka sangat aman dan cara yang mudah untuk berkeliling. Call-a-Rik. 31 92 331 2255745, adalah mode transportasi umum yang inovatif. Becak ini dipasang dengan perangkat pelacak dan juga memiliki sistem LED dan suara untuk hiburan pelanggan. Harga sangat wajar sekitar Rs 10 per km. Chingchi becak. Adalah layanan transportasi lain yang terjangkau yang membawa sekelompok orang di mana setiap penumpang membayar untuk tempat duduk mereka sendiri. Chingchi tersedia di hampir setiap persimpangan sinyal namun dilarang di distrik Souths di kota karena kekacauan lalu lintas. Dengan MRT edit Karachi Circular Railway biasa berjalan di kota namun ditutup karena kerugian yang berlebih. Sebuah proyek untuk mengubah KA Circular Karachi yang ada namun tidak operasional menjadi sistem angkutan massal modern, yang juga mencakup menara Mereweather di bawah tanah dan tinggi yang ditinggikan ke jalur Sohrab Goth telah disetujui oleh pemerintah namun pekerjaan di atasnya belum dimulai. Dengan feri edit Dua kapal feri beroperasi antara Kemari dan Pulau Manora yang dinamai Arfa Karim dan Afza Altaf setiap hari. Selain itu, ratusan kapal beroperasi antara Kemari dan Manora setiap hari. Anda juga bisa naik perahu dari rawa-rawa Port Grand ke Boat Basin, Kemari and Savour Restaurant di semenanjung DHA. Karachi ke Mumbai Ferry Service beroperasi sampai tahun 1965. Talk edit Karachi adalah kota metropolitan amp kosmopolitan terbesar di Pakistan. Urdu adalah bahasa nasional dan diucapkan di seluruh Pakistan sebagai lingua franca. Namun, sebagai kota terbesar dan pusat komersial terbesar di Pakistan, bahasa Inggris banyak digunakan di dunia usaha dan perbankan dan perdagangan. Bahasa Inggris juga bahasa resmi negara dan Anda akan bisa mendapatkan dengan bahasa Inggris di mana-mana, karena kebanyakan orang yang Anda temui dapat berkomunikasi dalam bahasa Inggris yang rusak setidaknya. Signage and Announced adalah dua bahasa dalam bahasa Inggris dan bahasa Urdu. Lihat daftar kata ganti tambahkan Daftar individu dapat ditemukan di artikel distrik Karachis Karachi adalah kota besar dan ada banyak hal yang dapat dilihat di sini, jadi semua daftar individu ada di artikel distrik yang sesuai, namun pemandangan khas kota terkonsentrasi di Karachi Selatan. Ikhtisar disajikan di sini. Waterfront and Seafront edit Pemandangan Port Grand Promenade Port Grand. MT Khan Road (Under Jinnah Bridge), 32. adalah kompleks jalan dan hiburan makanan yang luas yang terletak di Pelabuhan Karachi dekat Jembatan Jetty Asli di pusat kota Karachi. Tempat ini memiliki dermaga pejalan kaki yang ramah, menampung berbagai restoran di satu sisi dan pemandangan Pelabuhan Karachi di sisi lain. Pusat daya tarik adalah pohon Banyan berumur 150 tahun dan sebuah bangunan kedai ikon yang dikenal sebagai kedai Napiers yang berada di tepi Jembatan Mole Napier. Port Grand juga memiliki toko, pasar bazaar, toko buku, toko bunga, jalur seni, Bioskop 6D, ATM dan kuil Hindu. Anda juga bisa naik perahu dari sini ke sungai yang berdampingan dengan Rs. 500. Ada biaya masuk Rs. 300 per orang dari yang Rs. 200 dapat ditukarkan di berbagai gerai makanan dan toko di dalam fasilitas ini. Biaya masuk dibebaskan untuk pemegang kartu Jubilee Saffron dan UBL, mahasiswa terpilih, anak-anak di bawah 12 tahun dan orang dewasa di atas 65 tahun. Beberapa restoran juga menawarkan tiket masuk gratis di reservasi lanjutan. Juga masuk secara ketat untuk keluarga amp pasangan dan laki-laki tunggal tidak diperbolehkan di dalam kecuali untuk Rabu malam. Dibuka setiap hari dari pukul 6:00 sampai tengah malam, fasilitas ini dapat diakses dari M. T. Khan Road bagi pengunjung yang datang melalui carstaxis dan dari Jinnah Bridge untuk pengunjung yang datang melalui bus. Parkir gratis dengan layanan valet gratis. 160edit Pantai Clifton. Beach Avenue. Adalah pantai pasir dan pantai berpasir yang paling populer di dunia selama abad ke-20 namun sekarang ini dipengaruhi oleh tumpahan minyak yang terjadi pada tahun 2003. Pantai ini masih merupakan pantai paling sibuk karena kebanyakan berada di kawasan metropolitan tengah, meski di sini Anda ingin berjalan-jalan daripada berenang. Ada juga Taman Pantai terdekat. Pantai sepi sebelum sore hari, dan paling meriah pada hari Minggu. Unta dan naik kuda di atas pasir sangat populer, sementara jajanan berdiri menjual minuman dingin, chai (teh) dan jagung bakar. Ada juga Air Mancur Air mancur terdekat yang merupakan air mancur tertinggi di dunia yang tetap terbuka selama akhir pekan antara pukul 6 sore dan tengah malam. Taksif ke pantai Clifton dari Saddar mungkin akan memakan waktu sekitar PKR 200. 160edit Dolmen City. Beach Avenue (di sebelah pantai clifton). Adalah kompleks pertokoan terbesar di Karachi. Ini adalah rumah bagi banyak toko jalanan tinggi, pasar hipotek Carrefour yang sangat besar, taman hiburan Sindbad untuk anak-anak dan sebuah food court besar dengan restoran-restoran dari cinnabon barat, burger gemuk, roket johnny hingga GunSmoke paling trendi. Anda juga bisa menikmati pemandangan laut yang indah dari Gloria Jeans di sini atau mencoba Fish Spa. 160edit Bagh-e-Ibn-e-Qasim. Shahrah-e-Firdous (di samping taman pantai, di seberang menara Park). Adalah taman paling terkenal di kota ini. Atraksi meliputi: dermaga Lady Lloyd, parade Jahangri Kothari, taman hiburan abad ke-1 yang disebut Funland, sebuah kuil Hindu bawah tanah, sebuah masjid dan sebuah makam. Dua foto berjalan Karachis dipegang di sini dan taman tersebut menawarkan banyak pelajaran. Cobalah untuk mengunjungi taman pada jam larut malam saat taman dinyalakan. It is closed in the daytime anyhow. Bebas. 160edit Boat Basin. Khayaban-e-Roomi. got its name from the famous China Creek which was used to park boats. Today the creek is surrounded by a large public park called Benazir Bhutto Park spread over an area of 240 acres (40 acres dry area and basin on 200 acres). The park is the most expensively built in the country and just across it is a mile-long strip of open-air street food amp restaurants. Bebas. 160edit Do Darya. Beach Avenue. also referred as Devils Point and located in DHA Phase 8 next to the Arabian sea has now become a giant food district housing several authentic restaurants such as Kolachi, Charcoal, Ambala, Afridi Inn and several others. Restaurants with dine in by the sea really worth a visit. Also, the place is getting popular for dinner cruises, Savor and nearby Carlton Hotel offers dinner cruises in the Arabian Sea. Rs. 1000-1500 per head. 160edit Museums edit There are a few good, if not so many, museums in Karachi which can be referred to as the most famous museums in Pakistan. Most of the museums in the city are concentrated in Karachi South district (Saddar amp Clifton) such as Mohatta Palace, Quaid-e-Azam (Muhammad Ali Jinnah, founder of Pakistan) Mausoleum and Museum, State Bank Museum and most popular National Museum of Pakistan. Also worth planning a visit is prominent Arts Council of Pakistan. There are many small museums scattered in all over the city. For listings of specific museum, see the individual district sections of our guide. Quaid-e-Azams Mausoleum and Museum. The tomb of Muhammad Ali Jinnah, founder of Pakistan, is a prominent and impressive landmark of Karachi located at the City Center. Designed by architect Yahya Merchant, this white marble Mausoleum with its curved arches, copper grills and a four-tiered crystal chandelier gifted by the peoples Republic of China is a must see. There is also a museum and large park surrounding the mausoleum. Entry fee is Rs 20. 160edit Mohatta Palace Museum of regional history. Clifton. 33. a beautiful palace that now houses a museum with rotating exhibits, often modern art and offers a diverse range of activities for both the casual and informed visitor. The exhibitions in the museum detail the history of Pakistans distinctive artistic heritage. Theres also a small but nice gift shop with art and handicrafts. The museum open every Tuesday to Sunday from 11:00AM to 6:00PM and it is closed on Monday. Entry fee to the museum is Rs 20 for adults while it is free for students and children under 12 years. Gallery talks are conducted every Wednesday at 12.00 noon and are strictly by appointment only. You can also reach the museum through Bus No 20, Minibus N and W30 and Coaches Super Hasan Zai and Khan Coach. 160edit National Museum of Pakistan. Dr Ziau-ddin Ahmed Rd. displays two million years old axe discovered from the Potohar Plateau. There is a remarkable gallery describing the early civilisation of Debal and Mansura. Another gallery Freedom Movement gallery contains a large collection of pictures and articles arising from the time of the Independence movement . Items on display include archeological artefacts, islamic art, and other historical documents. Currently being renovated, caretakers may unlock some of the dusty, largely empty rooms for you. The museum opens every Thursday from 10AM-1PM and 2PM-5PM and every Saturday through Tuesday from 9:00AM to 12 noon. 160edit Quaid-e-Azam House ( Flagstaff HouseM. A. Jinnahs House ), Fatima Jinnah Rd. The home of Muhammad Ali Jinnah, founder of Pakistan, it has many items Jinnah owned and from the same time period. A step back in time. The museum is free but you should tip the guide a little bit. A nice garden as well. 160edit Frere Hall ( Bagh-e-Jinnah ), Abdullah Haroon Road. A beautiful British Colonial building, it now houses an art gallery (Sadequain Galerie,) a library plus a peaceful garden. It also hosts an old book sale on some weekend days. Bebas. 160edit State Bank Museum. I. I Chundigar Rd. 34. is the money museum of Pakistan that exhibits financial history of the country. The museum consist of seven Galleries and it remains opens Mon-Fri from 9:00AM to 5:00PM. Bebas. 160edit Pakistan Maritime Museum. Karsaz Road. 35. located just next to Arena 36 and the famous Ringoli Restaurant in Karsaz, Pakistan Maritime Museum is a well maintained, fascinating and highly recommended maritime museum. Apart from several interesting galleries including the Naval Gallery, Marine Life Gallery, Maritime History Gallery and Interactive Science Gallery which houses scientific articles and machines of FDSK and SUPARCO (Pakistans Space Agency), there are some great outdoor exhibits. The museum is also a venue of seasonal Karachi Dolphin Show 37. which happens mostly in winters. Dont forget to check out the midget submarine, mine sweeper and breguet atlantic aircraft. The museum remains open seven days a week from 8:00 am to 10:00 pm. The entry ticket for Adults is Rs 30 and Children Rs 20. 160edit Pakistan Air Force Museum. 38. has 30 aircrafts on show, including an Indian Gnat that was captured by Pakistani forces in 1965. The Museum is also a major venue for events and has an outdoor Amusement Park called Sindbad. The museum remains open everyday throughout the year from 8:30AM to 10:00PM except for Friday when it opens from 3:00PM to 10:00PM. The entry fee for Adults is Rs 30 while it is free for children under 3 years and senior citizens over 60 years. 160edit PIA Planetarium. ( next to Karachi Expo Centre, on main University Rd ). is a virtual observatory which regularly puts on shows about the solar system and cosmic phenomenon. The shows in English are much more detailed, and are held every Sunday evening. On other days there are only Urdu shows. A ticketed, guided tour by an officer enables one to view the plane from the inside its cockpit, pilot seats, and various other areas. Tickets for the planetarium show are Rs 45, and for the show plus the plane tour are Rs 60. 160edit Karachi Expo Centre. University road ( opposite City and District Government Offices ), 39. is a huge venue for different Trade Shows. Some of the most popular shows include IDEAS, Dawn Lifestyle, My Karachi and Expo Pakistan. Bebas. 160edit WWF Wetland Centre. Sandspit. 40. Explore the wildlife of Karachi in the middle of mangrove forests, just 35 min drive away from the city centre. The activities include trips to mangrove forests, beaches, bird watching, turtle watching, lake watching and nature excursions can be arranged. It also houses an information center which provides an overview of the major Ramsar sites, biodiversity of the area and geographical information. 160edit Colonial buildings and landmarks edit The British built variety of private and public buildings during British Raj from 1858 to 1947 in Karachi, many of which colonial buildings and landmarks still remains today. The city possesses over 600 protected buildings dating largely to the British period. Some fine examples are located in the Karachi South district, such as Frere Hall, Mughal architecture styled Mohatta Palace and Hindu Gymkhana, Karachi Port Trust, Khaliqdina Hall, City Court Building, Denso Hall, Quaid-e-Azam House, Trinity Church, Sind Club, Karachi Gymkhana, Karachi Cotton Exchange, DJ Science College, Supreme Court, Saint Andrews Church, Saint Patricks Cathedral, Sindh High Court, Wazir Mansion and the most notable Empress Market. There are a also lot of other modern and old structures to look at in this district specially in Saddar town. These include Habib Bank Plaza, which was built in 1963 and was the the tallest building in South Asia for more than a decade. To get the best experience, take a long stroll around the wide roads of MA Jinnah Road, and I I Chundrigar Road. Other famous monuments to be seen in I I Chundrigar area are the Mereweather Tower, Former Lloyds Bank building, Karachi Stock Exchange and many banks that are also excellent examples of colonial architecture in the city. This area preserves some of the finest private architecture from Karachis early period. The area is known as main business street of Karachi and home to a large number of banks and office buildings. It is the also largest financial district in the country and often termed as the Wall Street of Pakistan. Beaches and Islands edit Riding on the beach in Karachi Karachi coastal line of more than 60 km stretches from Cape Monze in the west to Bundle Island in the east however most of its area is barren except little tourist attraction or facilities provided and waiting for developments. Karachi has many big and small beaches, including one in the Karachi Souths downtown area Clifton Beach, which is citys busiest and most popular beach. But they arent that great and the water off Karachis coast is extraordinarily dirty and also these beaches are not the kind where women can wear swimsuits particularly two-pieces. The relatively better ones are in the Karachi West district most popularly Sandspit Beach, Hawks Bay Beach and French beach. These are located at the outskirts of the city and are less strict about clothing. These beaches are also the breeding ground for endangered turtles and sometimes contain stinging jellyfish, especially during the monsoon (July to September), so it is advisable to avoid walking on beach alone after dark. Karachi also has several islands including Oyster Rocks, Bundle Islands, Minora Island and Churna Island. Minora Island is a great place to visit and there are ferries and boats available from Keamari terminal to take you there. This is the island where the Talpurs gave up to British. You can find ruins of the 19th century hindu temple and church. Many food stalls here are selling fish. Another island is Churna Island which is a Naval gunnery site and coral reef. It is gifted with a marine park and here you can find fishes from Dolphins, Sea urchins, Barracudas, Hound fish, Marlin, Angel fish, Turtles, Parrot fish, Sea Anemones, Jelly fish, Puffer fish and creatures that are just beyond the word Beautiful. Besides the marine life, there are also birds of various species on the island. Divers Reef organize weekly trips to the island from PKR 3500 per person. Parks edit Karachi has a justified reputation as a concrete jungle, but there are some nice pockets of greenery within the city. Some city parks are very well-maintained mostly in Karachi South district where two most popular Bagh-e-Ibn-e-Qasim Park and Boat Basin Park are located. Others being Polo Ground, Frere Hall, Hilal Park, Nisar Shaheed Park, Sea View Park, Captain Raja Farhan Ali Shaheed Park offers various facilities such as Playland area Contact 923218736448 facebookCaptRajaFarhanAliShaheedPark and Zamzama Park. Zamzama Park offers various facilities such as skating rinks, walking paths, jogging tracks, bonsai gardens, gymnasium, Playland area Contact 923218736448. It also houses Karachis only Modern Arts Museum FOMMA. The city zoo (Karachi Zoo formerly Gandhi Garden) is also located in this district and well-preserved. Jheel Park and Hill Park are also very popular and offers birds eye view of the city. In Karachi East, there are plenty of amusement parks as well as adventure parks with Safari Park being most popular. Aamir Kanji Gardens inside Aga Khan University Hospital is one of citys best urban landscaped garden. Quaid-e-Azam park is the largest park of steel town. In Malir district, you can found plenty of water parks, a best option for relaxation. Karachi also have Pakistans second largest national park Kirthar National Park, which is situated outside the city in the Kirthar range mountains in Karachi District. Pakistans largest national park Hingol National Park is also located just 190kms from the city. Do edit add listing Ice skating in the Arena There is much to do in Karachi, a city of more than 18 million people is unlikely to be short on activities. Simply let yourself be overwhelmed by this city, its size and scope, its heart breaking disparity between rich and poor, and its breathtaking sights and sounds. Karachi isnt just a city, it is a world unto itself. KiaSceneHai. pk. 0344-4436661. 41. Discover whats happening in Karachi through online event discovery offered by KiaSceneHai. pk 160edit Relaxation edit You can walk along the beaches . under clear skies, which at night is an experience worth the travel alone, as visitors can gaze towards the heavens while the Arabian sea cascades over their sandalled feet. Streetlights dotting the coast of Karachi increase the beauty of the sea and surrounding areas. A Riding Victoria type horse carriage from Polo ground to Clifton can be a memorable experience. Most city dwellers visit other beaches at the outskirt of the city like Hawksbay, Paradise Point, Sansdpit amp French Beaches. Huts are available on these far-flung beaches, where you can also do fishing . yachting . ride on horses and camels . collect sea shells or dive . Manora Island, next to Clifton Beach, is another breathtaking place for a picnic. Private boats are the easiest way to reach the Island they can easily be hired from marshes Port Grand. Manora Island also has a shrine, a light house, hindu temple, church and some hundred-year old monuments. For those who love watching the city skyline . they can visit Hill Park, an amusement park, offering a nice view of the City. Karachi has recently been experiencing a spa and massage boom, and there are now plenty of choices for everything from holistic Ayurveda to green tea hydrotherapy. Good spas can be found in most five-star hotels such as Avari, Marriott, Sheraton, Ramada Plaza, Regent Plaza and PC. There are plenty of options for Boating amp Cruise Dining . Checkout the options by Savor 42 and Carlton Creek Hotel 43 If you have the time, and inclination to smoke, check out one of Karachis cigar lounges. They stock quality international brands including authentic Cuban cigars at Club Havana (DHA 5). Other notable lounges are Castros and the Cigar Bar in Zamzama. These places have luxurious interiors and can give the illusion of being in a 1950s film, Note that you will have to pay a handsome sum for the pleasure of genuine Cubans. You can also try shisha at Cafe Shisha or at Indulge. Entertainment edit Karachi is also a great place to go to the movies. Most cinemas have world-class standards and show the latest Hollywood, Bollywood and Pakistani releases. The tickets are available at very low prices compared to the west and expect to wear 3D glasses for some of the latest Hollywood releases. Atrium Cinema 44. located inside Atrium Mall in Saddar. There is also a gaming zone Atrium GHQ just next to the cinema entrance. Nueplex Cinemas 45. is Pakistans largest Cinema Complex located inside The Place at Khayaban-e-Shaheen, DHA Phase VIII (Opposite Creek Vistas Apartments). The complex has five theatre halls 270 seats in cinema 1, 360 seats in cinema 2, 275 seats in cinema 3, 148 seats in cinema 4 and cinema 5, which is a luxury cinema, has 48 seats. Cinepax 46. located in Ocean Mall, Clifton Karachi Cineplex 47 . 5D Cinema . 48,a 8 seat movie cinema is located inside Emerald Mall Karachi offering a unique movie experience. You might also like experiencing 6D Cinemas located inside Port Grand and Millenium Mall or visit The Arena . 49 a gaming arcade at Karsaz offering an ice skating rink, a bowling alley, minigolf course, arcade games, rock-climbing and much more. Area 51 is another bowling alley located besides creek club in DHA Phase VIII. Culture edit Karachi has a fine collection of Anglo-Indian architecture . a legacy of the British Raj, which will keep history buffs engaged. Culture vultures will find a city with many art galleries . displaying a broad spectrum of works from Asia, and some New Age works from aspiring Pakistani artists. Adventure amp Sports edit One is spoiled for choice by the variety of adventure options that can be found in Karachi: Jetski. Airmen Club, Korangi Creek. 92-300-8202332 (Jetskikarachigmail ), 50. Mon to Sun 6am-6:30pm. 1999-4999. 160edit Snorkelling . Explore the beautiful aquatic life of Arabian Sea at a totally different level. Spend a thrilling, fun and excitement filled day with Divers Reef 51 at the Churna Island and know what true open sea adventure is all about for PKR 3500. Scuba diving . Karachi Scuba Diving Center 52 organizes and promotes swimming, lifesaving, skin diving and scuba diving, through training programs to provide a complete range of instructions. Water sports . Jetski Rentals at Jetski Karachi 53. Sailing ( at the Karachi Yacht Club ), snorkelling, water-skiing, wind surfing, deep sea fishing which are accessible due to the Citys Arabian Sea coast. Paragliding - packages offered by Karachi Gliding Club. Offshore Fishing . If you are a nature and outdoor lover, then saltwater fishing is the sport for you. The adventure and joy of Karachis outdoor wilderness, fishing in the virgin blue waters, will definitely be one of the finest and exciting investments of your lifetime. Aghas Sportfishing 54 (the headquarters of saltwater sport-fishing in Pakistan) was established in 1985 in Karachi, with the prime purpose of promoting sea fishing in the country. It organizes offshore sport-fishing tournaments, provides fishing guide service, sells charters and takes out fishing publications that also highlight environmental issues. The company also promotes marine environmental causes. Go Aish Adventure park . University Rd, 55 is Karachis largest adventure park offering different adventure activities such as rope course, Paintball, Wall climbing, ATV track, Big Swing amp Flying Fox. Golf . there are several fine golf courses which host international tournaments such as the Pakistan Open on the Asian circuit. Airmen Golf Club has the biggest golf course in Pakistan. Cricket can be found at every conceivable corner, from the lush grounds of the more wealthy professional clubs or elite schools to the side streets of the working class Saddar City district. Water parks . there are several water parks located in the suburbs of the city near the Super highway. Some popular ones include: Fiesta . 56. opens only on weekends (fri-sun) and public holidays. Sunway Lagoon . 57 Cosy Water Park . 58 Amusement parks edit Dont miss the indoor kids theme parks that are located inside shopping malls, listed under Buy Dreamworld Resorts . 59 Pakistans MashAllah icon Resort with Golf club, Amusement Park, Water Park, 5-star Hotel, Spa, multiple World-class restaurants, numerous all-ages entertainment and sports events. Also very popular among Corporate for various official events and meetings as well as different Corporate entertainment activities. Aladdin Amusement Park . Gulshan-e-Iqbal, 60 is an outdoor theme park with several rides for children. It also has a mini zoo and offers options for boating, shopping etc. Sindbad . Gulshan-e-Iqbal, is another outdoor kids theme park offering different rides for children. Dont be confused with other Sindbads which are located inside different shopping malls in Karachi. Askari Park . Main University Rd. The reptilian house and aquarium are worth a visit. Hill park amp Jheel park . ( near Tariq Rd ), offers Birds eye view of Karachi. Karachi Visual Park . Well its nothing compared to the ones in Dubai and Vegas but for those who wants to see the glimpse. Wildlife edit Safari Park . Gulshan-e-Iqbal, 61 has a zoo, a childrens playland and many gardens. It is one of the major recreation and amusement areas of Karachi geared with viewing facilities like chairlifts and safari tracks, as well as two natural lakes. You might be interested in catching a birds-eye view of the animals from the Chair lifts here or enjoy Swan lake which is a natural lake featuring a pagoda style sitting place. There is also an adventure park called Go Aish Adventure Park 62 also running in the Park as well as Metro Cash amp Carry 63. Aladin Park 64 is also originally a part of Safari Park but has a seperate entrance from Rashid Minhas road. Dolphin Show . 65 Experience the beauty of sea life and a dazzling array of flips, leaps and twists of Dolphins at Pakistan Maritime Museum, Karsaz Road Karachi. Karachi Zoo 66. Garden Rd, ( formerly called Gandhi garden ), Reptile house, a natural history museum, and a mughal garden. Turtle Spotting . In the evenings of September and November, you can easily spot giant Olive Ridley and green turtles along parts of Hawkes Bay and Sandspit. The best way see them is to go with a local naturalist or hire a boat from Keamari with a knowledgeable captain for the specific purpose of watching them. Crabbing tours . Karachi Oyster Rocks is an amazing location for crabbing. Avari Hotel organizes crabbing tours where you will be picked from the hotel in the evening for Kemari harbor where you will be transferred to board on a traditional sail boat. It will cruise outside the Karachi harbor and stop near oyster rocks to try your luck to catch crabs. The crabs caught by you and the expert fishermen will be cooked on board with traditional style of mild spices and fried potatoes and you can have a delicious dinner and enjoy the sunset at Karachi harbor. You will be bought back to the hotel around 8:30 - 9 PM Clubs edit Karachi has numerous quality country clubs. If you know anyone who has membership (they are, of course, restricted) check them out. Arabian Sea Country Club . Bin Qasim, 67. 68 . Aga Khan sports club . Stadium Rd. Auto travel club . 72 Garden Rd, 69 . Arena 70. Karsaz Rd. Ice skating rink, bowling alley, mini golf, arcade games and rock climbing. Civil Aviation Club . Star gate, Sharah-e-Faisal Carlton resort hotel amp club . DC-5, Opp. Zulfiqar Street, Phase 8, D. H.A. UAN, 92 21 111 727 272, Dinner amp boating excursion. Countryside Chalets, Club E Resort . Super Highway, 71 . Dreamworld Resort, Hotel and Golf club . ( adjacent to Gulshan-e-Maymar, off main Super Highway ), 72 . DHA Creek Club . Phase 8, DHA. DHA Golf Club . Phase 8 DHA, 73 . Karachi Boat Club . MT Khan Rd. Karachi Club . Ziauddin Ahmed Rd. Karachi Gymkhana 74. 4 Club Rd. Karachi Race club Karachi Scuba Diving . 75 . Karsaz golf club . Karsaz, 76 . Kashmir Club . Kashmir Rd, PECHS. Marina Club . 77. DHA. PAF Yacht club . Korangi creek. Pavilion end club . Rashid Minhas Rd, ( adjacent to Alladin park ), 78. Club house, sporting facilities and swimming pools. Sea View riding amp Equestrian club . Clifton Sind Club . Abdullah haroon Rd, 79 . Sunset Club . Khayaban-e-Jami, Phase 2 Extension, D. H.A The Royal Rodale . TC-V, 34th Street, Khayaban-e-Sehar, Phase-V, Ext.,DHA UAN: 92 21 111 000-168, 80. Sports and recreational complex with dining, banquets, sauna, jacuzzi, gym, swimming pool, yoga, aerobics, tennis, billiards, and snooker. The Yacht club . ( Standard Chartered Bank compound ), I. I. Chundrigar Rd, 81 Medical Treatment edit Medical tourism in Pakistan is viewed as an untapped market. A number of modern health facilities exist while majority of doctors amp surgeons are foreign qualified. Many patients, mainly of Pakistani origin, from the Middle East, United Kingdom and United States, also travel to the city to seek a range of treatments which they cannot otherwise access in their resident countries either due to expense or lack of insurance coverage there common treatments that these patients seek include cardiac surgery, infertility treatments, dental surgery and cosmetic surgery including liposuction. A number of patients from neighbouring countries also travel frequently to Karachi for treatment. Learn edit Body Beat. 1st Floor, 42-C, 10th Street, Badar Commercial Phase 5, D. H.A. (92-21) 3-584-1243 (bodybeatdancestudiogmail ), 82. Dance workout set to the latest Indian and Hip-Hop music. 160edit The MAD School. Zam One, Main Zamzama Boulevard, Zamzama Phase 5, D. H.A. (92-21) 0336-235-0775. Mon-Fri 11am-7pm. Run by a team of fervent artists and musicians who are dedicated to helping students learn means of expression in fun and interactive ways. The school aims to fine tune the students potential, elevating their passion to new heights. The faculty include the famous and talented Nida Butt amp Hamza Jafri. 160edit Candela. Salsa dance group with instructors from USA amp Canada. Have been dancing salsa and other Latin dance styles for over 10 years. Learn the hottest salsa moves from New York amp Los Angeles. The Original and Classic Salsa from Puerto Rico. 160edit Indus Scuba. No. C-23, Small Bukhari Commercial St 5, Phase 6, D. H.A. 92 21 3524-3153, 92 21 3524-3163 (infoindusscuba infoindusscuba ), 83. PADI scuba diving centre with scuba diving classes, equipment sales and service. 160edit Rangoonwala Community Centre. Dhoraji Colony. Variety of classes on cooking, computers, handicrafts, sewing, textile designing, English, fitness and more. Art gallery and other exhibitions. 160edit School of Leadership. Clifton. Provides a platform for individuals to discover and utilise their lives through conscious endeavor. A youth-driven organisation, SoL has a huge following and regularly organizes and facilitates learning conferences, seminars and events. 160edit Work edit Karachi is the financial and commercial capital of the country. There are many jobs available in the financial sector such as banking, the ITmedia sector such as BPO, call centre etc. especially for English-speakers which you can find at 84 and 85. You can also do acting in one of the largest play and drama industry of the world or work in one of many television morning shows. Buy edit add listing Individual listings can be found in Karachis district articles Karachi is the worlds cheapest city and the shopping capital of the country. You can shop to your hearts content, in the massive range of markets and bazaars that dot the city, or you can shop in one of the many modern shopping malls that are found across the citys more affluent sectors, namely Defence and Clifton. And dont worry too much about your budget as a recent survey by the Times newspaper (UK) found Karachi to be the cheapest city in the world. It is generally advisable to plan and list down the items that you want to buy before coming here. There are a great number of shopping places in Karachi, ranging from the traditional bazaar to the modern shopping malls. A first-time visitor should try and visit the bazaars, The bazaars usually consist of many small vendors selling a variety of products from accessories to clothes to food and drink. In addition, there are larger stores which are more specific in their products. Also one would find that the bazaars are a more culturally enriching experience. One problem is that when shopkeepers find out youre from out of town, they will charge you doubletriple prices. Try to go with someone local if you can to get a good price. If there is one book you need to pick up about the people of Karachi, go for Karachiwala: a subcontinent within a city written by Rumana Husain. It is a coffee-table book sold at all outlets of Liberty Books and copies of the book are also available at bookshops located in major hotels in the city. The book is priced reasonably, and it helps to understand the origins, traditions, history and lifestyles of the diverse communities inhabiting this metropolis. Buying Pakistani currency edit The Pakistani currency is the Pakistani Rupee (PKR Rs). It is usually advised to get your foreign currency converted in local currency before you buy stuff (of course thats only applicable if youre planning to buy with cash and not credit card). A number of licensed currency exchange companies operate their offices located in various parts of the city that can be used for the exchange. A passport might be required as an identification document but the requirement is often ignored. Some good repute currency exchange companies are Dollar East and Galaxy International and they exist at both arrival and departure entrances of the airport. Most large department stores and souvenir shops, as well as all upscale restaurants accept major credit cards. Some small shops may choose to pass on their 2-3 service fee to you if you choose to pay through credit card, but this is negotiable so dont hesitate to haggle. ATMs exist almost every where across the city including airport and major hotels and accept major credit debit cards including Visa, MasterCard, American Express, UnionPay etc. ATMs charge fee of 3 of the transaction amount for foreign currency transaction. The exchange rate between the transaction currency and the billing currency used for processing foreign currency transactions is a wholesale market rate selected by Visa from within a range of wholesale rates in effect plus the Bank charges of 3 as the Foreign Currency Conversion Fee. Places to Shop edit Shopping at a Karachi bazaar Shopping Malls are everywhere in Karachi. Locally renowned ones are: Atrium Mall 86. on Zebunissa Street is one of the brand new and largest shopping mall in the city. Its also home to Karachis only 3D Cinema, a Gaming Zone, Zam Zam departmental store and a giant food court. Dolmen Mall is the place to shop in Karachi, especially if youre looking for big shopping malls and high street designer boutiques. There are currently 3 Dolmen Malls in Karachi at Clifton, Tariq Road and Hyderi. Each is equipped with big and budget brands, an indoor kids theme park and huge floor dedicated to food. The Clifton Dolmen Mall is the largest of all and is also featured on CNN news report. The mall is home to Debenhams (a British department store), HBL Bank Smart Branch with cash deposit machine, a huge Carrefour hypermarket (locally called Hyperstar), ToniampGuy salon and the countrys largest Sindbad (the kids amusement park). Khaadi and Khaadi Home is a hip local chain stores with clothes, furniture and home goods. Wall Street Money Exchange company is also located inside Hyperstar in the mall. Ocean Mall . located in Pakistans tallest building The Ocean tower in Clifton, is one of the brand new malls of the city. It is home to Farids, one of the countrys most sophisticated retail shop which houses popular brands such as Liberty books, United Mobile, Scentsation, Pharmacy, MARS Currency Exchange, Mong Chow, OPTP etc all under one roof. It also has a wide-ranging Grocery Section that houses everything including gluten free food, soy milk, organic fruit and vegetables, diet and low fat food, pro-biotics and a fresh deli selection (catered by the best restaurateurs in town) and the famed Rahat Bakery. Other famous shops in the mall include Bonanza, BabyShop, Ego and Krude. The mall is also home to several restaurants including Turkeys most famous Solen Istanbul, Cafe Zouk and Shoko latte. Cinepax Movie Complex and Childrens Play Area are located on fourth floor of the mall. Chase ,87 is a departmental store selling various products at wholesale rates. You are sure to get the best value for your money here. The Forum . Clifton. Includes shops, food court and Ebco superstore. Park Towers . Clifton, 88. Includes Shop, food court, a superstore, an indoor kids theme park and art gallery. Lavish Mall . Tariq Rd. Jumeirah Mall . Tariq Road Millennium Mall . Gulshan-e-Iqbal. Includes shops, restaurants, indoor kids theme park, superstore, 6D cinema, cocktail bar and a bowling alley. Emerald Mall . Clifton, opposite Ocean Tower Makro Wholesale Centre . Saddar 89. Also houses famous clothing brands like Gul Ahmed, Kurta corner, Cambridge and Junaid Jamshed. PakStyle . Main Shahrah-e-Faisal, Karachi 90. A fashion store offers fashion apparel and accessories from different brands. You can also shop online and enjoy Free Home Delivery with COD services Metro Cash amp Carry . University Rd, Stargate Airport amp SITE 91 . Hyperstar - Carrefour . Inside Dolmen Mall, Clifton Awami Markaz . Sharah-e-Faisal. Imtiaz Super Market . Bahadurabad, Awami Markaz at Shahrah-e-Faisal, Nazimabad. 92. Store Of Selling Products, Exports Products, Ration With Highly Discount. Naheed Super Market . ( near Tariq Rd ). Superstores chain. Aghas super market . Shop no 1,Uzma court DC 3,Block 8,Clifton, Karachi. Sea View, Bahadurabad, 93. Superstores chain. Dreams . Mohd Ali Society. Lal Qila Lane, Karsaz, ( near Kay bees restaurant ). ARY Cash n Carry . Gulshan-e-Iqbal, 94. Superstores chain. Some of the main bazaars in Karachi that deserve a visit: Tariq Road Bazaar . is currently the largest shopping district of the city. It houses several shopping malls such as Dolmen Tariq road, Jumeirah and Lavish. Sunday Bazaar . for a wide variety of second hand goods. Zebunissa Street . ( formerly known as Elphinistone Street ) during the british era is now home to Karachis biggest high end shoes shops from Metro, Sputnik to English Boot House, Gold Souks and other retails shops. It also houses one of Karachis largest Atrium Mall. Bahadurabad Bazaar . adjacent to Tariq Rd Zamzama Boulevard . for upscale designers boutiques, clubs and restaurants. Gulf Area Market . many traditional vendors and more upscale boutiques and designer shoes Hyderi Bazaar . North Nazimabad, is also home to several high-end malls such as Dolmen Hyderi, Madni and Saima mall. KDA Market . Gulshan Iqbal. Comparatively small than other Bazaars of Karachi, but KDA offers wide range of brandednon-branded clothes, foot-wear and cosmetics. Zainab Market . Branded clothing for half the normal price. There are also three underground bazaars in Karachi at Bohri Bazaar, Nazimabad chowrangi and Liaqatabad No. 10. These are just a few to mention. On the whole, shopping in Karachi is interesting, exhilarating, and an often tiring experience. What to Shop edit You can buy very cheap garments, bed sheets, shirts, T-shirts from any store located at Tariq Rd or Zainab market local branded stores include Chen One, Bonanza, Ideas (Gul Ahmed), Cambridge Shop 95. For upscale designers boutiques, you can go to Zamzama Avenue, It is also worth mentioning that many world renowned brands like Adidas, Levis, Slazenger, HangTen, Nike, Reebok, Calvin Kline Jeans, Armani, Versauce, American Eagle etc get their products prepared from Faisalabad which has got one of the largest textile industries of the World. You can find cheap products of these brands at local stores. You can get a pair of Levis jeans (or any other good brand for that matter) for just Rs 1200. Leather goods . like shoes, jackets and bags are also a specialty of Pakistan. Go to English Boot house 96. Hush Puppies, Sputnik, Shoe Planet, Servis, Metro, Gap shoes (at Tariq road), Lotus, Step-in (at Hyderi, North Nazimabad), Jaybees (at Zebunissa market, Saddar) for best quality shoes at low prices. Also, do shop for Leather Jacket, Leather Wallet, Ladies Bag and Travel bags from Panaroma Center in Zebunissa Street. Gold . at Gold souks located in major malls and across Zebunissa market. Gold in Karachi is available duty free and is cheaper than even Dubai and other major Gold destinations. Sports goods . like cricket bats, balls, kits, footballs, sports wear and almost anything related to sports you can imagine. You will not find such high quality equipments at such low cost anywhere else. To mention, Pakistan produces ninety percent of the worlds sports goods and is the largest provider of sports equipment to FIFA for the World cup. Pakistan produces cheap and high quality musical instruments . You can get an acoustic guitar for as low as Rs 2,000. Books . from Liberty Books next to Bar BQ tonight restaurant in Clifton. You can also find Liberty Books in most of the shopping malls and well as in the Marriot hotel. Computer accessories . Regal Centre, (Preedy St, Saddar), Rainbow centre (near Preedy St, Saddar for CDs amp DVDs), Technocity (II Chundrigar Rd, Saddar), Unicenter (II Chundrigar Rd, Saddar), Naz plaza (M. A Jinnah Rd). Electronics Cell Phone . from Electronic Market in Preedy St Regal. You can buy the worlds cheapest Samsung S4 here. Arabian, Afghan, Iranian and Pakistani carpets. Afghan carpets . ( Marriott hotel ) Asian carpet palace . Zebunissa St. Wazir Carpets . ( Hotel Metropole on Club Rd ) or visit stores located at Zamzama Ave. Wood carvings Gems. handicrafts, glassware, brassware, marble products, crystal works, carved wood and antiques, Zebunissa St, Saddar. ( formerly known as Elphinistone St ). Also buy pashmina, rugs, wool-shawls or wraps . which can cost anywhere between US15 to as much as US700. Remember to bargain. Ajrak . a shawl is the souvenir of Sind province. Souvenirs . such as decorative items from sea shells. Food stuffs . go to any super store like Dmart, Makro, Naheed especially buy Swat honey (the worlds best), biscuits and Mitchells Jubilee chocolate. Home accessories . visit shops located in Dolmen mall at Tariq Rd or one of many departmental stores such as Imtiaz and Zubedas. Art galleries V. M Art Gallery . Rangoonwala Community Centre Jahanzeb Art Gallery . Clifton Commercial area Vision Art Gallery . Kehkashan, Clifton Tariq Jay Gallery . P. E.C. H.S A. R. Fareedi . (Permanent Collection), Arts Council building Ahmed Pervaiz Gallery . Arts Council building Fayzee Rahamin Gallery . (French Cultural centre), Alliance Francaise De Karachi Art Gallery Sadequain Galerie . Frere Hall, Bagh-e-Jinnah, 92 21 920-4325, Ongoing art exhibition amp library plus a peaceful garden . Clifton Art gallery . 11-Al Habib Apartment, Clifton Rd Indus Art Gallery . Bath island, Feroznama Rd Chawkandi Art . DCI Kehkashan. Clifton Funkar Art Gallery . 202,Dean Arcade, Schon Circle, Building No.8, Clifton Studio Art . D-67,Block-9,Clifton Kunj Art Gallery . 147D KDA Scheme No.1 Majmua . The Art Gallery, 239 Staff Lines, Fatima Jinnah Rd. 97 Momart . The Art Gallery, Anum Classic, Mezzanine, Main Shahrah-e-Faisal Reevaj . The Art Gallery, at Park towersparktowers. pk Louvre Art gallery . 9 Pearl Haven, Block 5, Clifton Canvas Art gallery . A-3 Hassan Homes, Block 5, Clifton, Clifton Rd Zinaini . Clifton Commercial Area, Eat edit add listing This article or section does not match our manual of style or needs other editing. Please plunge forward. give it your attention and help it improve. Suggested fixes . Wikitravel articles are not meant to be a directory like a phone book, please help by trimming down the entries here and help provide more information that is of interest to the traveller Karachi is a multi cultures city where you can find every class of food of other areas of the country. As the worlds cheapest city, you can buy a normal lunch even at 0.5, however it may not be hygienic. Karachi has also several fantastic upscale restaurants, which serve a huge variety of cuisines. Most of the upper-end restaurants are either located within one of the major hotels in the city (the Sheraton, the Pearl Continental and Avari Towers), or in malls such as Dolmen, Ocean and Atrium or in the trendy shopping district of Zamzama in Defence. One can also easily find a franchise of KFC, McDonalds, Subway, Papa Johns, Mr Cod, Hennys, Pizza Hut, Domino and Dunkin Donuts. The beauty of the food in Karachi is that you will probably find cuisine for every taste. Food districts edit Tipping Tip between 5-10 at sit-down places. If a place includes service charges on the bill, you dont need to leave an extra tip. Note the difference between service tax and service charges. Service tax goes to government and not to the staff. While tipping is always a good practice. Please do not miss the food courts located inside different malls listed under Buy. Beach Avenue. is a huge strip along the Clifton beach. is home to several restaurants including Pizza Hut. It is famous for its giant food outlets such as McDonalds, KFC, Burger king, Dip shop, The Village, Kinara and of course the Dolmen Mall. Along side, far away from main beach there is a strip known as Do Darya . it is a food district filled with several authentic restaurants: Sajjad, Afridi inn, Charcoal grill, Ambala, Kolachi, Hot bite etc to name a few. Here, the rocky shore provides shrimps which is used as bait to catch fish. 160edit Port Grand Promenade. 98. along side Karachi Harbor next to Clifton is the citys only pedestrian friendly food strip with scores of restaurants, cafes and eateries such as Aylanto, Chairman Mao, Bistro, Skewers, Mr. Cod, Mr. Burger, Oishi Sushi, One Potato Two Potato, Sheikh Abdul Ghaffar Kebab House etc. 160edit Zamzama Avenue. This is the place where the rich. famous and affluent like to hangout. Zamzama is home to the trendiest and hippest Cafes in Clifton town. where all the hip and young people of Karachi like to hang out in their designer attires and sip on the best brews in town. At the same time Zamzama is also home to the more up end and exclusive dining places in the city. some of the most expensive restaurants in the country are found on this one boulevard. For Cafes be sure to check out Ciao, Espresso. Aylanto, Chatterbox and of course the only chocolate caf in town Butlers Chocolate Caf ( the Irish chain). As far as restaurants go Copper Kettle, Arizona Grill and Roasters being the oldest restaurants on the street win hands down as far as popularity goes. For fine dining the most reputed places to head to are Fuchsia, Okra and Baan Thai. Other than the above mentioned Zamzama has a fair share major fast outlets scattered across it, the most notable being Pizza Hut, Dominos and Subway. 160edit Boat Basin. is a mile-long strip of open-air street foodrestaurants in Clifton. Favorites tend to include Karachi Broast, Mr. Burger, Qasr-Al-Nakheel, Jans, Dera, Nihari Inn, Cafe Clifton, BBQ Tonight and Tandoori Hut. Boat Basin is where almost all of Karachis late-partying citizens wind up, since food is often available here until 5-6AM, and some restaurants are open 24 hrs. Most dining is open air, during winter this becomes the most popular hangout place in the city. Local style breakfast (such as halwa puri and anda paratha) is also served at Boat-Basin from 6AM-7AM onwards. Note that restaurants here will frequently only accept cash. It is a good idea to carry enough cash to tide you over, at most of these locations Rs 1,000-2,000person will be more than sufficient. If youre not the experimenting type then theres always the fast food option. KFC, Pizza Hut, Burger King, Mr Burger and Nandos can all be found here. The Chicken Makhni (Butter Chicken) with Garlic Naan at Tandoori Hut is by far the most popular dish on this mile long gastronomic delight. 160edit Burns Road. It is one of the most famous food street in Karachi and known to many citizen of different cities of Pakistan. For authentic Karachi food this is the place to be in Saddar district. The best tasting Nihari, Sajji, Bottis and Tikkas can be found in this congested corner of Old Karachi. Burns Road is a part of Saddar the main business district of Karachi. Most of the restaurants here are built in really old pre independence era Victorian style buildings which sort of gives you the feeling of being in a crowded part of Old Delhi. Hygienically this may not be the cleanest part of town, but if you are a big time foodie and you really want to taste real Karachi food then seriously this is the place to head to. If food preparation hygiene is really an issue for you then the best option is to head to Food Centre, the biggest and prettiest building on the street. Places to head to here include Punjab Lassi house for the best Lassi in town, Food Center and Sabri Nihari. Other than these there are many more restaurants scattered througout this street. Restaurants accept only cash here. Price wise you can easily have food dessert and a glass of Lassi for less than Rs 300. 160edit Khadda Market. in Defenceis mainly famous for its delicious Paratha Rolls that can be eaten with a various array of different meats eg Chicken, Beef and Kebab to name a few. With different fillings and yea that includes Cheese and Garlic Mayo also. For the best Paratha Rolls head to Hot and Spicy and Red Apple. One average Paratha Roll with out any fillings will cost you around Rs 80. The more fillings you add the more price increases this can go up to around Rs 130-150 per roll. Other than the Paratha Rolls both of the above mentioned restaurants serve great Sandwiches and Burgers also. Other popular places in the area to head to are Chatkharay and Gazebo for Chaat. Indus Biryani for Biryani. Kay Bees for fast food. Mingcourt, Chopstix and China Ming for Chinese. Food aside Khadda market is home to the best Salons in the city for a designer snip head to Clippers and Pzazz. 160edit Sindhi Muslim SMCHS. The main food district in PECHS is basically built around one roundabout. Sindhi Muslim is home to the typical fast food joints like KFC, Nandos and Pizza Xperts. Places to check out over here are Kahva, Royal, Bundoo Khan and Hyders. Karachis famous Hob Nob bakery is also located here. Most recently a new coffee chain Gloria Jeans Coffee house has opened there. 160edit Shahbaz Commercial. This place is slowly developing in to the new Zamzama. With Zamzama getting more and more congested new restaurateurs are looking towards Shahbaz in Defence to set up their new businesses. Trendy cafes and restaurants have started to spring up left right and center. Shahbaz like Zamzama is basically a rich mans playground where most of the restaurants and cafes clientele comprises of people from the rich and upper middle class of society. Notable places to check out are Studio Cafe for the best Sheesha in town theres a seperate floor for Sheesha, the one thing thats special about this place is that once youre done eating your food a professional photographer takes you down to the basement for a photo shoot and you get a CD that contains your pictures in it to keep as a memorabilia of your visit here. Then theres Kaps Cafe that is a flower shop cum coffee shop all in one. Secret Recipe is popular for its sumptous Cheesecakes and other desserts. Not to forget Espresso is by far hands down the most popular cafe in town. this place serves the best western styled breakfast in town. Espresso has two more outlets in town but this branch tends to be the most popular one in town. The newly opened The Diner seems to be doing pretty well it serves great continental food. Sawasdee is famous for its tangy hot and sour Thai food. Other than the above mentioned your fast options in this part of town include Pizza Hut and Subway. 160edit 26th Street and Tauheed Commercial. Fine dining in Karachis Defence has officially found a new home. Most of the finest art galleries in the city are found in this area. so it isnt uncommon to come across a restaurant that has an art gallery within in it or vice versa. Hence because of this. this area has unofficially been dubbed the Artist district of Karachi. The finest French restaurant in the city if not the country Cafe Flo is located here. An artist favorite is Cafe Koel. The Patio is another favourite that has an art gallery attached to it. Purple Haze a popular youngster hang out where they occasionally have a Karaoke night. Another youngster favourite hang out is The Hotspot. The Hotspot is known to serve the best desserts in town. From Banoffee Pie to Supersonic fudge sundaes you name it and theyve got it. Infact you can also create your own Milkshake flavour over here like for eg Banana Caramel with White Chocolate (Toblerone). 160edit Hyderi. This densely populated suburb of Karachi (Central Region) in North Nazimabad has now grown into a food hub of Karachi housing numerous restaurants. It has a separate Mini food street (between 5 Star and Landi Kotal). US famous Hardees which is famous for its thick burgers and unlimited drink refills to other fast food chains like Pizza Hut, KFC, Arizona Grill, Burger king, Dominos, Nandos, Largess, California Pizza, Yogen Fruz, Lal Qila (chain Restaurant), Mc Donalds, Burger King, Montina Ice Cream Parlour and several others can also be found here. Hyderi is also home to sub branches of Karachi namely chains like Red Apple, United King Bakery, Bin Dawood Super Store and several other restaurants and food centers. 160edit Bahadurabad. in Gulshan is famous for its restaurants like Tooso, Wimpys and Have More and ofcourse the United King bakery. 160edit Tariq Road. Apart from Shopping, Tariq Road in PECHS district is also famous for different traditional food items including traditional Samosa, Katchori and especially the mixed fruit chat (Type of fruit Salad mixed with spices andor fresh Cream). Laziz Mix Fruit Chat Liberty Signal Tariq Road is the most renowned, famous and an old clean place for dine in and take away. 160edit Hasan Square. ( University Rd ). in Gulshan-e-Iqbal is famous for Sajji, Barbeque and various other Pakistani dishes. 160edit Drink edit add listing This article or section does not match our manual of style or needs other editing. Please plunge forward. give it your attention and help it improve. Suggested fixes . Wikitravel articles are not meant to be a directory like a phone book, please help by trimming down the entries here and help provide more information that is of interest to the traveller Drinking alcohol in public areas is nominally banned, since Pakistan is an Islamic country, but most of the top end hotels have their own bars. Non-Muslims are allowed to consume alcohol after obtaining a permit license. Karachi also has few legal shops that stock alcohol in posh areas. Try local brands like Murree Brewery, in addition to that there are other brands such as Budwieser and Barveria with non-alchoholic beer. Some larger hotels have bars, but often they are hidden (as in, you have to go through the laundry room or they are in a random guest room.) In soft drinks, try local Limca cola which makes pop sound when opened. you can also try Pakola Pakistans premier soft drink brand which is available in different flavors like Ice cream soda, Lychee, Orange, Raspberry, Apple sidra, Vino, Double cola, Bubble up etc. Also try, Lassi which is a classic yogurt drink that is served either plain or sweet, and is sometimes flavored or even fused with fresh fruit. Rooh-Afza, a red-color-sweet-herbal drink. Sugar Cane Juice which is extracted by mechanical force, it is best when fresh. You would also love the Falouda and Gola Ganda which include various kinds of syrups in crushed ice. If you want to drink plain water, always prefer bottled water of a good brand, it just costs Rs 35 for a 1.5 ltr bottle of Nestle water. Mirchi 360. Stadium Lane No. 2, Phase 5, D. H.A. 160edit Cafes edit Aroma . ( Regent Plaza Hotel ), Main Shahrah-e-Faisal, UAN: 92 21 111 111-774 Bread people bakery amp Cafe . 10-C, Khayaban-e-Shahbaz, 26th St, Shahbaz Commercial Area, Phase 6, D. H.A. 92 21 524-3256. Live music bands, usually on random Saturday nights. Call for schedule. Basement . ( off Zamzama Ave ). Bowling Cafe . Royal Rodale, TC-V, 34th St, Khayaban-e-Sehar, Phase-V, Ext.,DHA, UAN: 92 21 111 000-168 Celsius . Defence Phase II, adjacent to Iqra University, UAN: 923343828155, 923218950766 Cinnamon . Avari Towers, Fatima Jinnah Rd, UAN: 92 21 111 282-747 CAFE 9 . 5-E, 9th Commercial Ln, Zamzama. Phase 5, D. H.A. 92 21 529-5081, 92 21 529-5082 Cafe Chatterbox . 3-C, 3rd Commercial Ln, Zamzama, Phase 5, D. H.A. 92 21 583-0337, 92 21 586-9548 Cafe Fresh . ( Juice Zone ), Shop No. 1 Main Zamzama Blvd. Phase 5, D. H.A. Cafe Lamore . 4,I-C, 3rd Commercial Ln, Zamzama, Phase 5, D. H.A. 92 21 581-0061 Cafe Lagoon . ( Dreamworld Resort ), 99. ( off main Super Highway ), 92 21 32219236, 92 21 32219246 Cafe Sheesha . Clifton Casbah amp 007 Club . ( Beach Luxury hotel ), MT Khan Rd. Saturday night dance party. Couples only. Call to confirm. 92 21 561-1031 Creek inn . DHA 8 Don Coreleons Cafe amp Restaurant . Mall Square, 6th Commercial Lane, Zamzama, Phase 5, D. H.A. 92 21 583-0615 Damascus Cafe . ( near KPT Underpass ), Block-9, Clifton, 92 301 824-9444, 92 300 824-9444 Dunkin Donuts . 11 Locations around the city. Dj Vu . Clifton Indulge . For Sheesha, Park Towers. 100 92 21 587-7953, Millennium Mall, Rashid Minhas Road, Gulshan-e-Iqbal. 92 21 460-0995, 92 21 460-0996 Koel Cafe . F-422, Block 4 Scheme 5, Clifton Karachi, Pakistan. 92 21 530-9745 Kahva . 6-C, Mustafa Arcade, Block A, S. M.C. H.S. 92 21 455-3395, 92 21 455-3582 Latte Lounge . C3C, Nishat Commercial Area, Phase 6, D. H.A. 92 21 534-8631 OL . Plot 22, C-1, 6th Commercial Lane, Zamzama, Phase 5, D. H.A. 92 21 529-5144, 92 21 529-5145 Opera Cafe . Grand Mercure Hotel, Karachi Airport, Star Avenue Terminal 1 Original Crepe Factory . Shop 1, Khaada Market, Main Khayaban-e-Mujahid, Phase 5, D. H.A. 92 300-987-8778, 92 21 322 206-8783 Purple Haze . 66C-68C, 25th Street, Tauheed Commercial Area, Phase 5, D. H.A. ( in the basement of Evolution restaurant ). 92 21 586-0941, 92 21 582-4651. It serves some of the best desserts in Karachi and also Shisha (Arabic Tobacco). Karaoke nights are usually fun too. Roadside Cafe . F-10, FL 19, Block 5, Kehkashan, Clifton. 92 21 586-9777, 92 21 586-9778 Roasters . 10-C, 2nd Commercial Lane, Zamzama, Phase 5, D. H.A. 92 21 530-2204, 92 21 530-2205 The Sports Bar C-22, Suite No. 2, 26th St, Tauheed Commercial Area Phase 5, D. H.A. 92 21 530-4257, 92 21 530-4258 The Elbow room . Mumtaz Hussain St, I. I. Chundrigar Rd, 92 21 241-2241, 92 21 241-2242 The Grapewine . Pearl Continental Hotel, Club Rd, UAN: 92 21 111 505-505 Venus Cafe ( Carlton Resort Hotel amp Club ), DC-5, Phase 8, D. H.A ( opp. Zulfiqar St ). 92 21 584-9172 UAN: 92 21 111 727-272 Butlers Chocolate Cafe Plot 10-C, 6th Commercial Lane, Zamzama Phase 5, D. H.A. Coffee houses edit Avenue Art Cafe . 33-C, 6th Commercial Lane, Zamzama. Phase 5, D. H.A. 92 21 582-3972, 92 21 583-0983 Alao Coffee House . Shop 37, SB 3 K. D.A. Scheme 1 92 21 200-5129 Coffee Day . First Stadium Lane, Khayaban-e-Shamsheer, Phase 5, D. H.A. 92 21 546-3814, Live rock bands, usually on random Saturday nights. Call for schedule Ciao . 31-C, 6th Commercial Lane, Zamzama, Phase 5, D. H.A. 92 21 587-7974 Espresso ( 3 locations),The Forum Shopping mall, Clifton ,10th Commercial Lane, Zamzama, Phase 5, D. H.A. 92 21 582-4007,Main Khayaban-e-Shahbaz, Commercial Area Phase 6 D. H.A. 92 21 534-2725. Fanoos Coffee Shop Sheraton Hotel Club Rd. 92 21 563-3333 Lattetude . Clifton Le Grand 9-E, 7th Commercial Lane, Zamzama Phase 5, D. H.A. 92 21 582-0186, 92 21 582-0187 The Second Floor (T2F) 101. 10-C, Sunset Lane 5, Phase 2 Extension, DHA, Karachi, 92 300 823-0276, 11AM - 9PM. The second floor is a wireless coffeehouse, featuring a bookshop and a space for creative expression and intelligent discourse. Apart from excellent coffee, T2F also has a range of excellent sandwiches, snacks and dessert. There are regular events such as poetry readings, book signings, workshops, talks, debates, film screenings, unplugged music sessions, gallery openings, exhibitions and stand-up comedy. Numerous well-known politicians, artists, writers, musicians, dancers, filmmakers and thinkers of all ages frequent the place to speak, work or simply hang out. U ampamp Me Coffee . 10-C 8th Commercial Lane, Zamzama, Phase 5, D. H.A. 92 21 587-8913, 92 21 857-8931 Juice, milkshakes, frozen yogurts and ice cream edit Agha juice since 1960 main Nazimabad No1, branches 1. Opp Amber Auditorium, Bahadurabad. 2. Main Rashid Minhas Rd, Gushan Iqbal. 3. Khadda Market Defence phase 5. The Dip Shop . ( near Sea View Mc Donalds and Gulshan Iqbal 13 ). Brown . Rahat Commercial, DHA Phase 6. Mvenpick Ice Cream . Clifton Gelato Affair . haidery, karsaz, clifton HotSpot . 33st, Towheed, DHA Phase 5 Hyder Juice . Sindhi Muslim Housing Society Commercial Area, ( near Tariq Road and off Shahrah-e-Quadeen Rd. ) Tutti Frutti, Many locations in the city, Dolmen City Mall, North Nazimabad etc. Yogunfruz, Bahadurabad Snog Frozen yogurt, Dolmen city mall Red Mango Tcby Cigar lounges edit Castros Cigar lounge . Carlton Hotel, DC-5, Opp. Zulfiqar Street, Phase 8, D. H.A. UAN: 92 21 111 727-272 Cigar Bar . 6th Commercial Lane, Zamzama, Phase 5, D. H.A. 92 21 530-2006 Club Havana . 2, Vawda House, 10C, 10th Commercial Lane, Zamzama. Phase 5, D. H.A. 92 21 537-4463, 92 21 582-1696 Mizaaj . Clifton. An Egyptian theme restaurant, is also famous for cigars. Club Genova,37-C khayaban-e-Seher off Saba avenue DHA. Karachi, Pakistan-74500 Badal Pan Shop . North Nazimabad near Five Star Chowrangi, Karachi, Pakistan 92 333 292 9142 Maps:102 Nightlife edit Excelsior, Tobys bar, Purple haze, Basement, the Casbah. Karachis night life has become the envy of the region. Bars, nightclubs and dance halls have sprouted across the city and some people have also made entertainment venues in their own homes. In the seaview and defence area there are Sports car and bike races. Port Grand . 103 is an extensive entertainment amp food complex in downtown Karachi housing numerous food outlets, shopping malls, art gallery, tavern area, pedestrian friendly street and much more. Arts Council . 104. Live theatre . Karaoke nights amp Live Bands at Purple haze . at Base Rock cafe 105 (6th lane, Ittehad, DHA phase 6), at The Sports Bar (26th Street, Towheed, DHA Phase 5), and at Thespianz Theater Bread People Bakery amp Coffee Day Cafe . Live music bands, usually on random Saturday nights. The Elbow room . ( off II Chundrigar Rd ). Concerts, movie nights, masquerade balls. Nadia Cafe . ( Marriott hotel ). Theme Nights Royale Rodale club on Sea View Road with a gym, sauna bath and a bar and bowling alley. Spianz Theater . Live theatre. PC Hotel . Live band playing all types of music from 8:30PM-11PM. Live Ghazal band from 11PM-2AM Karachi Club . Live band playing all types of music from 8:30PM-11PM. Live Ghazal band from 11PM-2AM Al-Bustan . ( Sheraton Hotel ). Live Pakistani traditional band playing nightly from 8PM-12 midnight. Dumpukht . ( Marriott Hotel ). Live Indian traditional dancer every night except Monday from 8-11:30PM. Beach Luxury Hotel . Saturday night dance party for couples. Boat Basin . Restaurants at are open till 6AM Carlton Hotel . offers a luxury cruise out to sea with a buffet dinner for up to 35 people Sleep edit add listing Individual listings can be found in Karachis district articles Contact edit The area code for Karachi is 21 . Prefix 92 If you are calling from outside Pakistan. Phone numbers are eight digits long. All mobile numbers, however are 11 digits long and begin with 03, and should not be dialled with the city prefix. Omit the 0 when dialing a cell phone from outside Pakistan and prefix the 92 code. Internet Access . can be obtained easily on mobile phone or notebook computers with the help of GRPS or 3G4G LTE, supported by almost all of the 5 mobile operators. Alternatively, you can buy PTCL Evo Wingle 106. which is a USB internet device with speed upto 9.1 mbps. Basically, Karachi is one of the most internet-friendly city compared to other cities of Pakistan, specially downtown area as it is refereed as wall street of Pakistan, for example Witribe 107. Qubee 108 and Wateen 109 also offers wireless pocket modems with good speed at low prices. Wifi . There are several free Wifi Hotspots in Karachi 110 in hotels, malls and cafesresturants. Wateen HotSpot 111 is a paid WiFi service, which is being offered free of any charges for a limited time only. Cybercafes . used to be found on virtually every street corner with rates as low as Rs 15-20 per hour but most of them have closed now with the emergence of mobile internet but still some exist. The ones which exist usually use 14 inch monitors with Windows 2000, Windows 98 or Windows XP installed. They usually dont have a very fast operating system or decent internet speed so dont be too impatient. Also caution is advised for putting USB in these computers as they mostly have viruses. Public Call Offices . can be found all over the city. You will find a PCO in nearly 50 of the general stores. there is usually someone who operates the phone and fax. Fees will be charged according to the time spent, and you will pay when you have finished your call. Cell phone . coverage in the city is pretty good. There are various service providers offering a huge variety of plans. Among them are Mobilink, Warid Telecom, Telenor, Ufone amp Zong (China Mobile). Its not a bad idea to buy a new sim and use a prepaid plan to get yourself connected while you are in the city. You can purchase a new sim only from the customer care centers of the cellular companies by providing a copy of your passport while you can recharge your sim from almost every general store in the city. Postal amp Courier . can easily be found across the city. Some popular postal amp courier companies include TCS 112. Leopards 113. Pakistan Post 114. DHL 115. Fedex 116 etc. Stay healthy edit Karachi is a hot city. The temperatures from April through June regularly top 35C, meaning that proper hydration is of the utmost importance hence you should keep a bottle of water with you at all times. Drink only bottled water so you may avoid any water-related illness. Also, Drink a lot of water, 8 glasses a day, particularly in the summer. Keep yourself covered in summers to avoid a heat stroke. Do not eat food that has been lying out for some time, as high temperatures speed up deterioration. Some street food can be very spicy Always notify your host, cook or waiter if you can not stomach very spicy food. Stay safe edit NOTE: Some districts such as Orangi town and Lyari town are home to regular conflicts between gang groups and other criminals. These conflicts can result in loss of life, so visiting the effected areas should be done with caution. Street crime in Karachi is about what youd expect from a big city. Use common sense and avoid dangerous areas. Avoid going out alone, or walking by yourself on dark, empty streets. Never flash electronics or valuables in public keep your cell phones, watches, and purses in a safe place. These things easily attract attention. There are also con men looking out for foreigners, so if someone you dont trust approaches you, just keep on walking. Beware of pickpockets when you are in any crowded areas. If you are planning to see colonial public buildings, especially those that are located on MA Jinnah road or Preedy street, try to see them at late evening, after 10PM or at early morning, before 7AM because traffic in those streets are a nightmare during the day time. The people of Karachi are very hospitable. They tend to welcome any foreigner very warmly, but regardless of how nice someone seems you should remain aware and alert at all times, and try to keep a low profile at all times. Karachi has mostly been spared the attacks that have happened in the rest of the country, but mostly is a relative term. You should always keep the emergency telephone contact numbers of your countrys consulate in Karachi. There should be no serious danger in the affluent parts of the city. Defence and Clifton are regarded as safe at all times, as they are populated by the citys business and cultural elite. These districts offer the most tourist-friendly experience of Karachi, given that there will be no language barrier (most Pakistanis can speak some English, and many people in these districts will be completely fluent). Most visitors will find there is a large degree of cultural understanding and compatibility between the residents of Karachi and western tourists. Traffic jams are a major hassle in Karachi. Although the city government has recently built dozens of underpasses and flyovers to get rid of the overflow of the traffic, it is a good idea to keep a look for any ralliesprotests and check out alternate routes while traveling in the city. Do not attempt to drive in Karachi if you are new to the city since drivers are aggressive and chaotic. Pedestrians should be careful while crossing roads as some drivers will neither slow down nor sound a horn to warn of an impending accident. This also applies when getting out of the car on the traffic side look both ways until you are off the road and dont hesitate to run if you sense a car barreling towards you. Minibus drivers are particularly notorious. Emergency Numbers edit Police. (toll free: 15 ). 160edit Rangers. (toll free: 1101 ), 117. Sometimes police is not helpful in whole of Pakistan whether its Karachi, Lahore or Islamabad. For instance, if youre threatened by a political partys military wing. In such cases only rangers are able to help you out of such situation as theyre special army forces trained to protect border as well as citizen of the country. 160edit Fire. (toll free: 16 ). 160edit Ambulance. (toll free: 1021 ). Private sector handles Ambulance network in the city. Edhi Foundation runs the worlds largest ambulance service while others include Chippa (1020) and Aman Ambulance (1021). For Air Ambulance Service contact Princely Jets at (92-21-111000062), Edhi(1150) or Aman Air Ambulance (92-21-111118324). 160edit City Call Center. (toll free: 1339 ). For complaints regarding civic amenities 160edit Cope edit Newspapers amp Radio edit Local newspapapers are reliable sources for daily updates about the city. Several newspapers publish daily from the city including Dawn 118 which is an english daily. The newspaper also has a supplement called Metropolitan which is dedicated to the updates about the city. Another major newspaper is the The Express Tribune 119 which is an international affiliated newspaper that publishes in partnership with The International Herald Tribune, the global edition of The New York Times. There are also other english newspapers like The News, Business Recorder, The Nation and Daily Times. Liberty bookstore sells British and American newspapers. There are also plenty of radio stations in the city with most of them broadcast on FM band. Hospitals edit Individual listings can be found in Karachis district articles List of Major Hospitals: Aga Khan University Hospital. Stadium Road, P. O. Box 3500. (92-21) 3-493-0051. 120. 24x7. 160edit Aga Khan Hospital Clifton. Scheme 5, Block 2, Clifton. (92-21) 3-925-0051. 121. 160edit South City Hospital. St-1, Shahrah-e-Firdousi Block 3, Clifton. (92-21) 3-586-2301. 160edit Omi Hospital. 891, Depot Lines. (92-21) 3-225-8075. 122. 160edit Jinnah Post Graduate Medical Center. Rafiqi H J Rd, Karachi ( Its a Government-run free hospital for civilians ). 160edit Animal Hospitals edit Karachi Veterinary Hospital. Garden Road ( Inside Karachi Zoo ), 92-21-35426684. 160edit Richmond Crawford Veterinary Hospital. MA Jinnah Road. 160edit Animal Care Center. Badar Commercial Area Phase 5 Extension, D. H.A. (92-21) 3-585-1296. 160edit 24 hour chemist edit Time Medico. Afzal Apartment, Stadium Road ( Opposite Aga Khan University Hospital, next to McDonalds ). 92-21-34932278. 160edit Get out edit By road edit Thatta - Once a famous center of learning, arts, and commerce, as well as a provisional capital for about four centuries. Visit Makli a UN World heritage site, Debal The first Mosque of South Asia was built in 8th Century A. D. by Muhammad Bin Qasim, Jamia Masjid - built by Mughal emperor Shah Jehan - who also built Taj Mahal, Haleji Lake - Famous Birds sanctuary and Sunway Lagoon Waterpark . 55 km away from Karachi. Keenjhar Lake Resort - 16 miles from Thatta on left side is the famous Keenjhar Lake with cottages for overnight stay. Here, travelers can take a break, go boating, bird-watching and fishing. At night you can light beachcombers torches to extend your enjoyment of the day, before turning in at your cottage. The cottages are booked through Pakistan Tourism Development Corporation (PTDC) offices located in Karachi on Stratchen Road, opposite Hotel Metropole. Kirthar National park - An absolutely beautiful park. Hungol National Park - The biggest park in Pakistan, with sites including volcanoes and remnants of the countrys ancient civilizations. Makran Coastal Highway - (Over 770 km From Karachi to Gwadar) provides a unique destination for tourists. The highway, which follows the route that Alexander the Great took through the coastal belt of Balochistan in 325 BC, takes you by some of the worlds most beautiful beaches. Somiani Caves - Spectacular and amazing By train edit Pakistan Railways has connections to several major cities of Pakistan including Sukkur. Lahore. Rawalpindi and Peshawar By air edit Moenjodaro - An ancient civilization, not to be missed by history buffs Gwadar - Enjoy the beaches of Gwadar Dubai - Several low-cost carriers frequently travels between Karachi and Dubai By sea edit It is apparently possible to take cargo ships from Karachi to a few ports around the Middle East like Dubai. Oman and other cities. This is a usable article. It has information for getting in as well as some complete entries for restaurants and hotels. An adventurous person could use this article, but please plunge forward and help it grow Karachi 1 (Urdu: , Sindhi: ) is the capital of the province of Sindh. and is the largest city and financial capital of Pakistan. Beginning in 1947 at partition of the British Raj, when hundreds of thousands of Muhajirs from India sought refuge, the population has exploded from about 450,000 to an estimated 18 million today. With more than a million new inhabitants pouring in each year, its not surprising that the stretch marks are showing in one of the largest and most rapidly growing cities in this world Karachi, located on the coast of the Arabian Sea, is the financial and commercial centre of the nation, as well as its largest port. Karachi is different from the rest of Pakistan in the same way that New York is different from the rest of the United States. The pace of life is more hurried, and social attitudes are far more liberal than elsewhere in Pakistan. Locals call it: the City of Lights . the City of The Quaid . and the City that Never Sleeps . The city credits its growth to the mixed populations of economic and political migrants along with refugees from different national, provincial, linguistic and religious origins, who generally come to the city to settle permanently. Residents and those born in the city are called Karachi-ites and almost 98 of the population in Karachi understands the Urdu language. Districts edit Karachi is a huge city and an administrative division of Sindh Province. The Karachi division is officially divided into five districts, which are further sub-divided into eighteen towns that are administered by the city government, and six military cantonments which are administered by the Pakistan Army. For the purposes of this guide, the six military cantonments have been incorporated into their respective districts below, so that visitors should find the conceptual region list below more useful: Five official districts of Karachi are merged here into three South Karachi ( Saddar Town. Lyari Town, Jameshed Town including P. E.C. H.S. Karachi Cantonment, Clifton Cantonment and Defence ) The South is a diverse district, home to Saddar. Karachis downtown area and centre of activity. Home to Karachis tallest skyscrapers and much historical architecture. Some of Pakistans richest neighbourhoods, such as Clifton and Defence. are here, along with the iconic Karachi Railway Station. Many beaches, parks, museums, landmarks, colonial buildings, restaurants and hotels are located within this district. East Karachi and Malir ( Gulshan-e-Iqbal Town. Korangi Town, Landhi Town, Shah Faisal Town, Faisal Cantonment and Korangi Creek Cantonment Malir Town, Bin Qasim Town, Gadap Town and Malir Cantonment) East district is a mix of Karachis industrial heartland and white collar office centre. There are some good museums along with many amusement and wildlife parks, and the major Karachi Airport. Malir district is the largest district of Karachi by area, and is regarded as the countryside of Karachi City due to its open atmosphere and lush green farmsland. It houses many of citys water amusement parks. Central and West Karachi (Baldia Town, Kemari Town, SITE Town, Orangi Town and Manora Cantonment Liaquatabad Town, North Nazimabad Town, Gulberg Town and New Karachi Town) The West is home to South Asias largest slum and also one of the success stories of low-cost housing: Orangi Town. Large industrial parks are scattered through the district, along with the Port of Karachi in the Kemari area. West Karachi also has many beaches and islands, while Central district is primarily a middle-class area, it developed immediately after Pakistans independence, due to a wave of immigration. Many of these migrants were refugees from the partition. Understand edit Day breaks over Karachi You will yet be the glory of the East would that I could come again, Karachi, to see you in your grandeur 8212 Charles James Napier Karachi is the most diverse and cosmopolitan city in Pakistan and may offer a hint as to the future direction of modern life in Pakistan. In many ways, it can be compared to New York where the pace of life is more hurried and the time is money. Large numbers of non-Muslim religious communities are settled in Karachi compared to other Pakistan cities: Hindus, Christians, Parsis, Sikhs, Bahai, Jews, Buddhists as well as Zoroastrians. Karachis inhabitants, locally known as Karachiites, are a cosmopolitan population composed of many ethno-linguistic groups from all parts of Pakistan, as well as migrants from several different countries and regions including India, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Myanmar, China and Uganda, making the citys population a diverse melting pot. History edit The early history of Karachi dates back to 327325 BC, when Alexander the Great used the city to camped and prepare a fleet for Babylonia. Karachi was later known to the Arabs as Debal from where Muhammad bin Qasim led his conquering force into South Asia in 712 AD. The modern day history of Karachi begins when it was made the capital of Sindh in the 1840s. In 1878 under the British Raj, the city was connected to the rest of British India by rail. Public building projects, such as Frere Hall and the Empress Market were undertaken. In 1876, Muhammad Ali Jinnah, the founder of Pakistan, was born in the city. Following the independence of Pakistan in 1947, Karachi had become a bustling metropolis with beautiful classical and colonial European styled buildings, lining the citys thoroughfares. Karachi was chosen as the capital of Pakistan. In 1960, the capital of Pakistan was moved from Karachi to the newly built Islamabad. During the 1960s, Karachi was seen as an economic role model around the world. Many countries sought to emulate Pakistans economic planning strategy and one of them, South Korea, copied the citys second Five-Year Plan and world Financial Centre in Seoul is designed and modelled after Karachi. In the late 1980s and early 1990s, ethnic and political violence broke out across the city between Muhajir followers of the Mohajir Quami Movement, ethnic Sindhis and Punjabis and state forces. As a result, the Pakistani army was deployed to restore peace in the city. Climate edit Check Karachis weather forecast at BBC Weather Located on the coast, Karachi has a relatively mild climate with low levels of rainfall of approximately 250160mm (10160inches) each year, the bulk of which occurs during the July-August monsoon season. Winters are mild, and the summers are hot. The citys proximity to the sea keeps humidity levels at a near-constant high, and cool sea breezes relieve the heat of the summer months. Due to the high temperatures during the summer (ranging from 30-44C from April to October), the winter months (November to February) are generally considered the best times to visit Karachi. July, December and January have pleasing and cloudy weather when most of the social events, ranging from weddings to charity fund raisers, frequently take place. Tourists and expatriates usually visit Karachi in these months. Karachis weather is considered mild and can be compared to Floridas weather (except for the precipitation). The highest ever recorded temperature in Karachi is 47.8C while the lowest is 0C. Culture edit The everyday lifestyle of Karachi differs substantially from that of other cities and towns in Pakistan. Karachis culture is characterized by the blending of Middle Eastern, Central Asian, South Asian and Western influences, as well as the citys status as a major international business centre. As a whole, there is considerable diversity in culture, and this diversity has produced a unique cultural amalgam of its own type. Karachi also hosts the largest middle class stratum of the country. Karachi is home to some of Pakistans important cultural institutions. The National Academy of Performing Arts . located in the newly renovated Hindu Gymkhana offers a two-year diploma course in performing arts that includes classical music and contemporary theatre. The All Pakistan Music Conference . linked to the 45-year old similar institution in Lahore, has been holding its Annual Music Festival since its inception in 2004. The Festival is now a well-established feature of the city life of Karachi that is awaited anxiously and attended by more than 3000 citizens of Karachi as well as people from other cities. The National Arts Council (Koocha-e-Saqafat) also has musical performances and Mushaira (poetry recitations). The Kara Film Festival organized annually showcases independent Pakistani and international films and documentaries. Our Karachi Festival celebrates Architecture of Karachi. Festivals edit Sindh Sea Festival 2 Kara International Film Festival 3 The event features all kinds of films like length, short, and documentary films as well as other events are the part of the festival that invites the showbiz celebrities and media persons globally by getting the flights to Karachi. Hamara Karachi 4 Arts Council 5 All Pakistan Music Conference 6 Dolphin Show 7 Karachi Literature Festival 8 9 Karachi Classic Car Show 10 Karachi Photo Walk 11 Karachi Fashion Week 12 Get in edit By plane edit Karachi airport building Jinnah International Airport (IATA. KHI ICAO. OPKC ), 13. is Karachis largest international and domestic airport located on the outskirts of the main city though in a huge populated area. The Airport has connections to many other hubs such as Toronto. London. New York Tokyo and Dubai. It is also the hub for Pakistan International Airlines 14. Pakistans national carrier, which flies to numerous destinations, including all the major cities in Pakistan. and international cities such as Beijing. Barcelona. London. New York Toronto. Istanbul. Kabul. Copenhagen. Paris. Frankfurt. Amsterdam. Milan. Kuala Lumpur. Oslo. Abu Dhabi. Chicago. Birmingham. Manchester. Glasgow , Hong Kong. Dhaka. Sharjah. Al Ain. Kathmandu. Kuwait. Mumbai. Muscat. Riyadh. Jeddah. Amman. Bangkok and Tokyo. The Airport has three terminals out of which the Terminal 3, also referred as Jinnah Terminal is in the commercial operations whereas Terminal 2 is now dedicated to Hajj operations and Terminal 1 is now the Head Quarter of Civil Aviation Authority. The Main Jinnah Terminal i. e. Terminal 3 is divided into two concourses - the Jinnah East Satellite Concourse which is used for international flights and Jinnah West Satellite Concourse for domestic flights, each having a provision of passenger-loading bridges, which extends from airport terminal gate to an airplane, allowing passengers to board and disembark without going outside or transfer via shuttles. The two satellite concourses also supplement the departure lounges of the terminal building and also provide shopping facilities, mobile recharging points, and snack counters. The lower level of the terminal is for arriving passengers, where a dedicated lane of taxis is situated just outside the airport building for arriving passengers whilst the upper level of the terminal is for passengers departing. Facilities in the airport include several restaurants including McDonalds and Butlers Chocolate Cafe. There are also a number of Bank Kiosks, ATMs, Money Exchange counters, Wi-Fi, Free Internet kiosk (in Departures), mosques, coffee shops and many gift, convenience stores and sweet shops. There is a big duty free shop selling rugs, carpets, sports goods, medical instruments, onyx, gems and many more at cheap prices but it doesnt sell alcohol. Left-luggage facilities are also available within the terminal for those wishing to store baggage. Free trolleys and Dedicated Porter Services are available at Rs100 for domestic flight passengers and Rs200 for international flight passengers. Assistance for the disabled is available on request from the airline prior to departure. Wheelchairs and wheelchair assistance can be found from desks in the arrival and departure areas of the terminal. Airports CIP Lounge can be used for free by all FirstBusiness Class Passengers, major Credit Card Holders and Jubilee Saffron Card Holders including one other guest on all outbound flights. Barclays and UBL have separate lounges for their credit card customers. There is also PIA Business Class Lounge next to CIP Lounge. The facilities at Airports CIP Lounge includes a comfortable sitting area to relax in, access to leading TV Channels, free wifi, a wide range of snacks and beverages for free, newspapers, magazines, shower rooms, fax, telephone and mobile charging facilities. Immigration and customs procedures are often a lengthy process, especially during peak hours, and can take a notoriously long time (more than 45 minutes). Passport Control is always hectic with long lanes especially at the Pakistan Passport counters, but there are ways to avoid lanes and get a special handling at both arrival and departure lounges with Foreign Exchange Remittance Card (FERC) 15. There are also plenty of hotels near Jinnah International Airport including 5 Star Ramada Plaza Hotel and budget Airport Skyrooms Hotel. These are located in less than 1 km (0.6 miles) from the main terminal building and linked via a shuttle bus service. Facilities at these hotels include a gymnasium and pool, as well as meeting and event space. There is also an on-site McDonalds outside the main terminal building at Karachi Jinnah International Airport. Short-term car parking is located immediately opposite the terminal building while long-term parking is a little further from the terminal, but within easy walking distance. Immigration and customs procedures are no longer as tedious and ordeal as they used to be. For lost and found items, contact the Civil Aviation Airline Baggage Lost and Found office within the terminal. Also it is advisable to reach the airport atleast three hours early for international flight to complete various procedures on time. For domestic flights two hours should be enough. By bus edit Daewoo Sammi 16 offers direct services to Karachi from over 40 major cities and 45 destinations nationwide including Hyderabad. Multan. Faisalabad. Lahore and Islamabad. Theyre considered as punctual and safe. You can also call them on their UAN number which is 92 21 111 007-008 for ticketing enquiries. Their Main Bus Terminal is located at Sohrab Goth, Super Highway and has facilities including Summit Bank and HBL ATM that accepts Visa, Mastercard and UnionPay cards. Moreover they also have ticketing and pick and drop points at convenient locations throughout the city where passengers are transported to the main terminal via shuttles. Super Highway Main Bus Terminal . Sector 3-B Coridor Area, Scheme 33 (Next to PSO), Sohrab Goth, Main Super Highway. Karachi Airport Terminal . Shop No. SF-3, Falak Naz Heights, Opposite Jinnah International Airport, Shahra-e-Faisal. Contact numbers: 021-34684200, 021-34684300 Karachi Cantt Railway Station Terminal . Shop No. 45, Fatima Jinnah Road, near Bombay Hotel, Cantt Railway Station Karachi. Contact numbers: 021-35641043-4 M. A. Jinnah Road Terminal . Taj Complex, adjacent to Ali Raza Imam Bargah, Karachi. Contact number: 021-34248982 Federal B Area Terminal . Shop No. 05, Nighat Square, Naseer Abad Market, Oppsite to Allama Iqbal Open University, Taleemi Bagh Road, Block 7 FB Area, Karachi. Contact Numbers: 021-36333311-2 Gulshan-e-Iqbal Terminal . Shop number A83, A84, Rabia Palace Block 10, Gulshen-e-Iqbal, opposite Alla Din Park, Rashid Minhas Road. Contact numbers: 021-34964611-12 Hyderi Terminal . Nazimabad, Shop 9-A, plot No. SF1, Yaqoob Market, Block E, North Karachi. Contact numbers: 021-36672827-8 By train edit Karachi Circular Railway First Class travel with Pakistan Railways 17 is good, and Karachi has railway connections with various major cities in Pakistan including Lahore. Quetta. Multan. Faisalabad. Gujranwala. Hyderabad. Rawalpindi. amp Peshawar. Seats availability can be checked on their website while tickets can be purchased from Pakistan Railways booking offices located across the city including Level 1 of the Jinnah International Airport and Railway Station itself. The city is served by two major railway stations namely The Karachi Cantonment Railway Station and Karachi City Station. Other two stations include Landhi Railway Station and Drigh Road Railway Station. The Drigh Road Railway Station is located close to the Jinnah International Airport but not all the trains stop here. The Thar Express runs weekly between Bhagat Ki Kothi near Jodhpur in India and Karachi . Cargo trains also run between Turkey and Karachi via Iran. Passenger facilities are currently not available in Turkey to Karachi trains. Karachi Cantonment railway station . earlier known as Frere Street Station, is the principal railway station served by all trains coming tofrom Karachi. Situated near Dr Daud Pota Road in Saddar. the station building has been declared as Protected Heritage by the Government of Sindh but despite that the station needs attention of the authorities on maintenance. The facilities in the station includes a large parking lot to park vehicles, Current and Advance Reservation Offices for booking seats in trains and ATM machines. Food and drink stalls and book Shops are found on platforms. Some restaurants like Rehmat-e-Shereen and Pizza Hut have their branches at Platform No.1. The distance between Jinnah International Airport and Karachi Cantonment Station is around 17.5km and the journey takes around 30 minutes. There are also several budget hotels around the station within walking distance. Pak Business Train 18 is a private train that runs daily non-stop between Lahore and Karachi via Karachi Cantonment Station. Facilities in the train includes family cabins, LCD, Free Wifi, Food and Medical services. Tickets can be reserved online and can be collected via home delivery option where you can pay for the ticket via cash on delivery. Credit cards are not acceptable. The train also has a business lounge, a hotel and a cafe at Lahore Railway Station. Karachi City Station . formerly McLeod station, is the first and the oldest railway station of Pakistan. It is commonly called City station or City railway station in Karachi. It is situated near Habib Bank Plaza on I. I. Chundrigar Road. The Station has all basic facilities including a Parking lot, Ticket Reservation counters, Cargo and Parcel services. Specific trains such as Bahauddin Zakaria Express (from Multan), Bolan Mail (from Quetta), Fareed Express (from Lahore), Hazara Express (from Havelian), Khushhal Khan Khattak Express (from Peshawar) and Sukkur Express (from Sukkur) currently serve the Station. By car edit Karachi can be reached by car from different cities of Pakistan as well as India, China, Afghanistan and Iran. National Highway N5 connects the city from other cities of Pakistan (Lahore 1,240 km, Peshawar 1,380 km) as well as Afghanistan, India and China. RCD Highway N25N55 connects the city with Southern Balochistan including Gwadar via Makran Coastal Highway as well as Iran and Turkey. M9 Motorway (also called Super Highway) connects the city with Jamshoro and Hyderabad 160km. By boat edit Kemari Boat Basin in Karachi Karachi is a major trading hub for dhows from around the Indian Ocean. Travellers wanting to arrive in the city via boat or ship will probably need to make their own arrangements with the captain of the vessel. Foreign visitors cannnot arrive this way. A cruise service used to run between Karachi and Dubai but it is now closed. Get around edit Left luggage There are left luggage services available in the Arrivals area of Jinnah International Airport . The left luggage office remains open 24 hours. Some hotels will also store luggage for customers who have checked out of the hotel. Once you get the hang of traveling in Karachi, it becomes a very entertaining experience. You meet new people and get to see unexpected things. Its not very hard to find a mode of transportation and if you know what you are doing, it is very easy to get around. By foot edit Sometimes, walking may actually be the fastest way to get from point A to point B but much of Karachi is quite pedestrian-hostile. Distances are long and road signage is poor. But if you really want to walk around, always ensure you walk on the footpath, or if one isnt available, as far to the side of the road as possible and on the right facing on-coming traffic. The road is not that dangerous a place in Karachi, but many pedestrians are often injured by passive drivers. Those who are squeamish to pollution or have asthma may need to wear a mask the air pollution from passing trucks and buses, combined with the searing heat and humidity can be overwhelming at times. If you really want to walk around, these places would be good: Walk from Dolmen City, Sea View to Salt n Papper Village and onwards (a walk of close to 2-3 km). Walk from Mereweather tower on II Chundrigar Road to the National Museum of Pakistan on Dr. Ziauddin Ahmed Road and towards Arts Council of Pakistan on MR Kiyani Road. Walk on Club Road from Sheraton HotelPC Hotel to Frere Hall on Abdullah Haroon Road By bus edit The most common method of traveling in Karachi is by bus and is used by most people. Regular bus services link the airport with the city and the journey time is around 50 minutes. For lack of space, people often sit on roof, or hang from bars, and are jam-packed inside the bus. Outsiders might be put off by the cramped conditions in the buses, and might prefer traveling in taxis. But for very tight budget travelers, bus is the only option. Karachi Bus routes and numbers can be checked here 19 and the mini buses and coaches routes can be checked at 20. By taxi edit A number of taxi companies operate from outside the airport terminal building. The journey time to the city is around 25 minutes depending on traffic, and the fare starts from Rs250. Uber and Careem services are also available. Black and Yellow edit Black and Yellow taxis are the most economical way of traveling within the city and are located immediately outside the airport terminals. These taxis dont use meter anymore, so you should first fix the charge and the location with the driver before getting in. The official rate per kilometer is around PKR 7 but expect to pay around double. Taxi fares from airport to downtown hotels in Saddar should not be more than Rs 300. Although, you can always call hotel in advance to get better idea about taxi rates. Private taxis edit If you want a comfortable and air-conditioned ride, its best to travel by branded cab services that operate with government-approved tariffs. These services operate modern fleets with well trained drivers. Available with 30-60 minutes notice, theyre clean air-conditioned equipped with digital, tamper-proof meters punctual honest and GPS-equipped and monitored (which makes them far more secure at any time). Respected firms include: White Cab . 21 is most popular and can be called in at the airport or anywhere in the city. Per kilometer rate is PKR 15 plus PKR 50 calling charges. Available on just a call (92 21) 111-789-786. You can easily find kiosks of White Cab in Level I of Jinnah International Airport, Parking Area of Cantt Railway Station, East Wharf Gate at Karachi Port Trust, G-4, AB, Court Road and 10-C, Main Khayaban-e-Shamsheer Phase 5, D. H.A. Typical cost for a full day (8 hrs, 150 km) is US25. Metro Cab . 22 can be called at (92 21) 111-222-787. Usually easily available from the airport, their rates are reasonable, they have a white corolla fleet - Per mm charges: Pak Rs. 20. Min charges: Pak Rs. 300 within 12 km. Metros are taxis operated by several different private sector companies. Foreigners are often overcharged. Sky Cab . 23 is another popular cab service with limousine fleets. They can be called (92 21) 111-759-426. Pak Radio Cabs . UAN: 92 21 111 732-732 Pearl Cabs . UAN: 92 21 111 725-786 Careem, UAN92 111 227-336 By car hire edit A number of private-hire taxi firms provide longer-term vehicle rental, with a driver included. Avis is also represented at the airport and offers self-drive vehicles, but it is generally advisable for foreign visitors to opt for a car with a driver. Avis 24. has comprehensive operational system, wide range of fleet selection and highly qualified staff. Their Toll Free Number is 0800-111-69. Hertz 25. is another great option. They have Mercedes, Accord, Camry, Civic and Corolla Fleets. Their Toll Free number is 0800-HERTZ(43789) Europcar 26 Vintage Limousine Services . 92 21 5677721-23. All kinds of vehicles with chaufer, without fuel just on one call. Pearl Radio Cab . 92 21 4604465. Rs 1,500 per day including fuel, if youre staying in the city limits and travel less than 100 km. Waljis . 92 21 5660248. 13 Services Mess, Mereweather Rd. For self-drive cars. Prices are around Rs 2,400 per day (without fuel unlimited mileage). Travel amp Culture Services . 92 21 35218097. 702 Panorama center Fatima Jinnah road Saddar. For cars and vans with driver for tours in Karachi or out of Karachi Excursions. Prices are around Rs 2,800 per day (without fuel). 27 HA Rent A Car 28. Is the most reliable car rentals in Pakistan, HA rent a Car Pakistan Leading Best Car Hire Pakistan Services. Cell Number is 92 321 555 2572. Rent Cars 247 29,is best and top rental agency in Islamabad, Pakistan. Hire the best and cheap car rental services. Call: 92 304 111 9994. Pak Car Rentals 30. Best Rent A Car service in town. Your car is just a call away from your doorstep. Providing doorstep delivery 247. Call: 92 342 022 2262 By rickshaw edit Rickshaws (also called three-wheeled scooters, tuk-tuks or simply autos) are good for shorter trips. You can find rickshaws everywhere across the city. Set prices beforehand and haggle. They dont usually follow traffic guidelines, so some might think its dangerous, but theyre perfectly safe and a cheap way to get around. Call-a-Rik . 31 92 331 2255745, is an innovative mode of public transportation. These rickshaws are installed with tracker devices and also has LED and sound system for customer entertainment. Prices are very reasonable at around Rs 10 per km. Chingchi Rickshaw . is another affordable transport service which carries a group of people where each passenger pays for their own seat. A Chingchi is available at almost every signal crossing but theyre banned in citys South district due to traffic mess. By MRT edit Karachi Circular Railway used to run in the city but closed due to excessive losses. A project to transform the existing but non-operational Karachi Circular Railway into a modern mass transit system, also covering an underground and elevated Mereweather Tower to Sohrab Goth line has been approved by the government but work on it has yet to be commenced. By ferry edit Two ferries operates between Kemari and Manora Island named after Arfa Karim and Afza Altaf on daily basis. Besides these, hundreds of boats operates between Kemari and Manora on daily basis. You can also take boat from the marshes of Port Grand to Boat Basin, Kemari and Savor Restaurant in DHA peninsula. Karachi to Mumbai Ferry Service was operational until 1965. Talk edit Karachi is Pakistans largest metropolitan amp cosmopolitan city. Urdu is the national language and is spoken throughout Pakistan as a lingua franca . However, being Pakistans largest city and main commercial centre, English is widely used in the corporate world and in banking and trading. English is also the official language of the country and you will be able to get by with English everywhere, as most people you will encounter can communicate in broken English at the very least. Signages and Announcements are bilingual in both English and Urdu. See edit add listing Individual listings can be found in Karachis district articles Karachi is a huge city and there is a lot to see here, so all individual listings are in the appropriate district articles, but the typical tourist sights are concentrated in South Karachi. An overview is presented here. Waterfront and Seafront edit A view of the Port Grand Promenade Port Grand. MT Khan Road ( Under Jinnah Bridge ), 32. is an extensive food street and entertainment complex located at Port of Karachi near Native Jetty Bridge in downtown Karachi. It has a pedestrian friendly pier, housing different restaurants on one side and views of Karachi Harbor on the other side. The center of the attraction is 150 years old Banyan tree and an iconic tavern building known as the Napiers tavern that sits at the edge of the Napier Mole Bridge. The Port Grand also has shops, port bazaar, bookstore, florist, Art lane, 6D Cinema, ATMs and a Hindu temple. You can also take boat ride from here to the adjoining creek for Rs. 500. There is an entry fee of Rs. 300 per person out of which Rs. 200 is redeemable at different food outlets and shops inside the facility. Entry fee is waived for Jubilee Saffron and UBL card holders, selected university students, children below 12 years and adults above 65 years. Some restaurants also offer free entry on advanced reservation. Also entrance is strictly for families amp couples and single males are not allowed inside except for Wednesday evenings. Opens daily from 6:00PM to Mid night, the facility is accessible from M. T. Khan Road for visitors coming via carstaxis and from Jinnah Bridge for visitors coming through buses. Parking is free with a complimentary valet service. 160edit Clifton Beach. Beach Avenue. was the worlds most popular silver-sand beach and health resort during 20th century but now it is affected by an oil spill that occurred in 2003. The beach is still Karachis most busiest beach due to its location with in the central metropolitan area, although here youll want to take a stroll rather than a swim. There is also a nearby Beach Park. The beach is deserted before late afternoon, and most festive on Sundays. Camel and horse rides on the sands are popular, while hawker stands sell cold drinks, chai (tea) and grilled corn. There is also a nearby Water Jet Fountain which is the worlds tallest fountain that remains open during weekends between 6PM and midnight. The taxirikshaw to the Clifton beach from Saddar might take around PKR 200. 160edit Dolmen City. Beach Avenue ( next to the clifton beach ). is the largest shopping complex of Karachi. It is home to numerous high street shops, a huge Carrefour hyper market, Sindbad amusement park for kids and a large food court with eateries from western cinnabon, fat burger, johnny rockets to the most trendiest GunSmoke. You can also enjoy beautiful sea view from Gloria Jeans here or try Fish Spa. 160edit Bagh-e-Ibn-e-Qasim. Shahrah-e-Firdous ( next to the beach park, opposite Park towers ). is the most famous park of the city. Attractions include: Lady Lloyd pier, Jahangri Kothari parade, a century old amusement park called Funland, an underground Hindu temple, a mosque and a mausoleum. Two of Karachis photo walks held here and the park offers many subjects. Try to visit the park at late evening hours when the park is lit. It is closed in the daytime anyhow. Bebas. 160edit Boat Basin. Khayaban-e-Roomi. got its name from the famous China Creek which was used to park boats. Today the creek is surrounded by a large public park called Benazir Bhutto Park spread over an area of 240 acres (40 acres dry area and basin on 200 acres). The park is the most expensively built in the country and just across it is a mile-long strip of open-air street food amp restaurants. Bebas. 160edit Do Darya. Beach Avenue. also referred as Devils Point and located in DHA Phase 8 next to the Arabian sea has now become a giant food district housing several authentic restaurants such as Kolachi, Charcoal, Ambala, Afridi Inn and several others. Restaurants with dine in by the sea really worth a visit. Also, the place is getting popular for dinner cruises, Savor and nearby Carlton Hotel offers dinner cruises in the Arabian Sea. Rs. 1000-1500 per head. 160edit Museums edit There are a few good, if not so many, museums in Karachi which can be referred to as the most famous museums in Pakistan. Most of the museums in the city are concentrated in Karachi South district (Saddar amp Clifton) such as Mohatta Palace, Quaid-e-Azam (Muhammad Ali Jinnah, founder of Pakistan) Mausoleum and Museum, State Bank Museum and most popular National Museum of Pakistan. Also worth planning a visit is prominent Arts Council of Pakistan. There are many small museums scattered in all over the city. For listings of specific museum, see the individual district sections of our guide. Quaid-e-Azams Mausoleum and Museum. The tomb of Muhammad Ali Jinnah, founder of Pakistan, is a prominent and impressive landmark of Karachi located at the City Center. Designed by architect Yahya Merchant, this white marble Mausoleum with its curved arches, copper grills and a four-tiered crystal chandelier gifted by the peoples Republic of China is a must see. There is also a museum and large park surrounding the mausoleum. Entry fee is Rs 20. 160edit Mohatta Palace Museum of regional history. Clifton. 33. a beautiful palace that now houses a museum with rotating exhibits, often modern art and offers a diverse range of activities for both the casual and informed visitor. The exhibitions in the museum detail the history of Pakistans distinctive artistic heritage. Theres also a small but nice gift shop with art and handicrafts. The museum open every Tuesday to Sunday from 11:00AM to 6:00PM and it is closed on Monday. Entry fee to the museum is Rs 20 for adults while it is free for students and children under 12 years. Gallery talks are conducted every Wednesday at 12.00 noon and are strictly by appointment only. You can also reach the museum through Bus No 20, Minibus N and W30 and Coaches Super Hasan Zai and Khan Coach. 160edit National Museum of Pakistan. Dr Ziau-ddin Ahmed Rd. displays two million years old axe discovered from the Potohar Plateau. There is a remarkable gallery describing the early civilisation of Debal and Mansura. Another gallery Freedom Movement gallery contains a large collection of pictures and articles arising from the time of the Independence movement . Items on display include archeological artefacts, islamic art, and other historical documents. Currently being renovated, caretakers may unlock some of the dusty, largely empty rooms for you. The museum opens every Thursday from 10AM-1PM and 2PM-5PM and every Saturday through Tuesday from 9:00AM to 12 noon. 160edit Quaid-e-Azam House ( Flagstaff HouseM. A. Jinnahs House ), Fatima Jinnah Rd. The home of Muhammad Ali Jinnah, founder of Pakistan, it has many items Jinnah owned and from the same time period. A step back in time. The museum is free but you should tip the guide a little bit. A nice garden as well. 160edit Frere Hall ( Bagh-e-Jinnah ), Abdullah Haroon Road. A beautiful British Colonial building, it now houses an art gallery (Sadequain Galerie,) a library plus a peaceful garden. It also hosts an old book sale on some weekend days. Bebas. 160edit State Bank Museum. I. I Chundigar Rd. 34. is the money museum of Pakistan that exhibits financial history of the country. The museum consist of seven Galleries and it remains opens Mon-Fri from 9:00AM to 5:00PM. Bebas. 160edit Pakistan Maritime Museum. Karsaz Road. 35. located just next to Arena 36 and the famous Ringoli Restaurant in Karsaz, Pakistan Maritime Museum is a well maintained, fascinating and highly recommended maritime museum. Apart from several interesting galleries including the Naval Gallery, Marine Life Gallery, Maritime History Gallery and Interactive Science Gallery which houses scientific articles and machines of FDSK and SUPARCO (Pakistans Space Agency), there are some great outdoor exhibits. The museum is also a venue of seasonal Karachi Dolphin Show 37. which happens mostly in winters. Dont forget to check out the midget submarine, mine sweeper and breguet atlantic aircraft. The museum remains open seven days a week from 8:00 am to 10:00 pm. The entry ticket for Adults is Rs 30 and Children Rs 20. 160edit Pakistan Air Force Museum. 38. has 30 aircrafts on show, including an Indian Gnat that was captured by Pakistani forces in 1965. The Museum is also a major venue for events and has an outdoor Amusement Park called Sindbad. The museum remains open everyday throughout the year from 8:30AM to 10:00PM except for Friday when it opens from 3:00PM to 10:00PM. The entry fee for Adults is Rs 30 while it is free for children under 3 years and senior citizens over 60 years. 160edit PIA Planetarium. ( next to Karachi Expo Centre, on main University Rd ). is a virtual observatory which regularly puts on shows about the solar system and cosmic phenomenon. The shows in English are much more detailed, and are held every Sunday evening. On other days there are only Urdu shows. A ticketed, guided tour by an officer enables one to view the plane from the inside its cockpit, pilot seats, and various other areas. Tickets for the planetarium show are Rs 45, and for the show plus the plane tour are Rs 60. 160edit Karachi Expo Centre. University road ( opposite City and District Government Offices ), 39. is a huge venue for different Trade Shows. Some of the most popular shows include IDEAS, Dawn Lifestyle, My Karachi and Expo Pakistan. Bebas. 160edit WWF Wetland Centre. Sandspit. 40. Explore the wildlife of Karachi in the middle of mangrove forests, just 35 min drive away from the city centre. The activities include trips to mangrove forests, beaches, bird watching, turtle watching, lake watching and nature excursions can be arranged. It also houses an information center which provides an overview of the major Ramsar sites, biodiversity of the area and geographical information. 160edit Colonial buildings and landmarks edit The British built variety of private and public buildings during British Raj from 1858 to 1947 in Karachi, many of which colonial buildings and landmarks still remains today. The city possesses over 600 protected buildings dating largely to the British period. Some fine examples are located in the Karachi South district, such as Frere Hall, Mughal architecture styled Mohatta Palace and Hindu Gymkhana, Karachi Port Trust, Khaliqdina Hall, City Court Building, Denso Hall, Quaid-e-Azam House, Trinity Church, Sind Club, Karachi Gymkhana, Karachi Cotton Exchange, DJ Science College, Supreme Court, Saint Andrews Church, Saint Patricks Cathedral, Sindh High Court, Wazir Mansion and the most notable Empress Market. There are a also lot of other modern and old structures to look at in this district specially in Saddar town. These include Habib Bank Plaza, which was built in 1963 and was the the tallest building in South Asia for more than a decade. To get the best experience, take a long stroll around the wide roads of MA Jinnah Road, and I I Chundrigar Road. Other famous monuments to be seen in I I Chundrigar area are the Mereweather Tower, Former Lloyds Bank building, Karachi Stock Exchange and many banks that are also excellent examples of colonial architecture in the city. This area preserves some of the finest private architecture from Karachis early period. The area is known as main business street of Karachi and home to a large number of banks and office buildings. It is the also largest financial district in the country and often termed as the Wall Street of Pakistan. Beaches and Islands edit Riding on the beach in Karachi Karachi coastal line of more than 60 km stretches from Cape Monze in the west to Bundle Island in the east however most of its area is barren except little tourist attraction or facilities provided and waiting for developments. Karachi has many big and small beaches, including one in the Karachi Souths downtown area Clifton Beach, which is citys busiest and most popular beach. But they arent that great and the water off Karachis coast is extraordinarily dirty and also these beaches are not the kind where women can wear swimsuits particularly two-pieces. The relatively better ones are in the Karachi West district most popularly Sandspit Beach, Hawks Bay Beach and French beach. These are located at the outskirts of the city and are less strict about clothing. These beaches are also the breeding ground for endangered turtles and sometimes contain stinging jellyfish, especially during the monsoon (July to September), so it is advisable to avoid walking on beach alone after dark. Karachi also has several islands including Oyster Rocks, Bundle Islands, Minora Island and Churna Island. Minora Island is a great place to visit and there are ferries and boats available from Keamari terminal to take you there. This is the island where the Talpurs gave up to British. You can find ruins of the 19th century hindu temple and church. Many food stalls here are selling fish. Another island is Churna Island which is a Naval gunnery site and coral reef. It is gifted with a marine park and here you can find fishes from Dolphins, Sea urchins, Barracudas, Hound fish, Marlin, Angel fish, Turtles, Parrot fish, Sea Anemones, Jelly fish, Puffer fish and creatures that are just beyond the word Beautiful. Besides the marine life, there are also birds of various species on the island. Divers Reef organize weekly trips to the island from PKR 3500 per person. Parks edit Karachi has a justified reputation as a concrete jungle, but there are some nice pockets of greenery within the city. Some city parks are very well-maintained mostly in Karachi South district where two most popular Bagh-e-Ibn-e-Qasim Park and Boat Basin Park are located. Others being Polo Ground, Frere Hall, Hilal Park, Nisar Shaheed Park, Sea View Park, Captain Raja Farhan Ali Shaheed Park offers various facilities such as Playland area Contact 923218736448 facebookCaptRajaFarhanAliShaheedPark and Zamzama Park. Zamzama Park offers various facilities such as skating rinks, walking paths, jogging tracks, bonsai gardens, gymnasium, Playland area Contact 923218736448. It also houses Karachis only Modern Arts Museum FOMMA. The city zoo (Karachi Zoo formerly Gandhi Garden) is also located in this district and well-preserved. Jheel Park and Hill Park are also very popular and offers birds eye view of the city. In Karachi East, there are plenty of amusement parks as well as adventure parks with Safari Park being most popular. Aamir Kanji Gardens inside Aga Khan University Hospital is one of citys best urban landscaped garden. Quaid-e-Azam park is the largest park of steel town. In Malir district, you can found plenty of water parks, a best option for relaxation. Karachi also have Pakistans second largest national park Kirthar National Park, which is situated outside the city in the Kirthar range mountains in Karachi District. Pakistans largest national park Hingol National Park is also located just 190kms from the city. Do edit add listing Ice skating in the Arena There is much to do in Karachi, a city of more than 18 million people is unlikely to be short on activities. Simply let yourself be overwhelmed by this city, its size and scope, its heart breaking disparity between rich and poor, and its breathtaking sights and sounds. Karachi isnt just a city, it is a world unto itself. KiaSceneHai. pk. 0344-4436661. 41. Discover whats happening in Karachi through online event discovery offered by KiaSceneHai. pk 160edit Relaxation edit You can walk along the beaches . under clear skies, which at night is an experience worth the travel alone, as visitors can gaze towards the heavens while the Arabian sea cascades over their sandalled feet. Streetlights dotting the coast of Karachi increase the beauty of the sea and surrounding areas. A Riding Victoria type horse carriage from Polo ground to Clifton can be a memorable experience. Most city dwellers visit other beaches at the outskirt of the city like Hawksbay, Paradise Point, Sansdpit amp French Beaches. Huts are available on these far-flung beaches, where you can also do fishing . yachting . ride on horses and camels . collect sea shells or dive . Manora Island, next to Clifton Beach, is another breathtaking place for a picnic. Private boats are the easiest way to reach the Island they can easily be hired from marshes Port Grand. Manora Island also has a shrine, a light house, hindu temple, church and some hundred-year old monuments. For those who love watching the city skyline . they can visit Hill Park, an amusement park, offering a nice view of the City. Karachi has recently been experiencing a spa and massage boom, and there are now plenty of choices for everything from holistic Ayurveda to green tea hydrotherapy. Good spas can be found in most five-star hotels such as Avari, Marriott, Sheraton, Ramada Plaza, Regent Plaza and PC. There are plenty of options for Boating amp Cruise Dining . Checkout the options by Savor 42 and Carlton Creek Hotel 43 If you have the time, and inclination to smoke, check out one of Karachis cigar lounges. They stock quality international brands including authentic Cuban cigars at Club Havana (DHA 5). Other notable lounges are Castros and the Cigar Bar in Zamzama. These places have luxurious interiors and can give the illusion of being in a 1950s film, Note that you will have to pay a handsome sum for the pleasure of genuine Cubans. You can also try shisha at Cafe Shisha or at Indulge. Entertainment edit Karachi is also a great place to go to the movies. Most cinemas have world-class standards and show the latest Hollywood, Bollywood and Pakistani releases. The tickets are available at very low prices compared to the west and expect to wear 3D glasses for some of the latest Hollywood releases. Atrium Cinema 44. located inside Atrium Mall in Saddar. There is also a gaming zone Atrium GHQ just next to the cinema entrance. Nueplex Cinemas 45. is Pakistans largest Cinema Complex located inside The Place at Khayaban-e-Shaheen, DHA Phase VIII (Opposite Creek Vistas Apartments). The complex has five theatre halls 270 seats in cinema 1, 360 seats in cinema 2, 275 seats in cinema 3, 148 seats in cinema 4 and cinema 5, which is a luxury cinema, has 48 seats. Cinepax 46. located in Ocean Mall, Clifton Karachi Cineplex 47 . 5D Cinema . 48,a 8 seat movie cinema is located inside Emerald Mall Karachi offering a unique movie experience. You might also like experiencing 6D Cinemas located inside Port Grand and Millenium Mall or visit The Arena . 49 a gaming arcade at Karsaz offering an ice skating rink, a bowling alley, minigolf course, arcade games, rock-climbing and much more. Area 51 is another bowling alley located besides creek club in DHA Phase VIII. Culture edit Karachi has a fine collection of Anglo-Indian architecture . a legacy of the British Raj, which will keep history buffs engaged. Culture vultures will find a city with many art galleries . displaying a broad spectrum of works from Asia, and some New Age works from aspiring Pakistani artists. Adventure amp Sports edit One is spoiled for choice by the variety of adventure options that can be found in Karachi: Jetski. Airmen Club, Korangi Creek. 92-300-8202332 (Jetskikarachigmail ), 50. Mon to Sun 6am-6:30pm. 1999-4999. 160edit Snorkelling . Explore the beautiful aquatic life of Arabian Sea at a totally different level. Spend a thrilling, fun and excitement filled day with Divers Reef 51 at the Churna Island and know what true open sea adventure is all about for PKR 3500. Scuba diving . Karachi Scuba Diving Center 52 organizes and promotes swimming, lifesaving, skin diving and scuba diving, through training programs to provide a complete range of instructions. Water sports . Jetski Rentals at Jetski Karachi 53. Sailing ( at the Karachi Yacht Club ), snorkelling, water-skiing, wind surfing, deep sea fishing which are accessible due to the Citys Arabian Sea coast. Paragliding - packages offered by Karachi Gliding Club. Offshore Fishing . If you are a nature and outdoor lover, then saltwater fishing is the sport for you. The adventure and joy of Karachis outdoor wilderness, fishing in the virgin blue waters, will definitely be one of the finest and exciting investments of your lifetime. Aghas Sportfishing 54 (the headquarters of saltwater sport-fishing in Pakistan) was established in 1985 in Karachi, with the prime purpose of promoting sea fishing in the country. It organizes offshore sport-fishing tournaments, provides fishing guide service, sells charters and takes out fishing publications that also highlight environmental issues. The company also promotes marine environmental causes. Go Aish Adventure park . University Rd, 55 is Karachis largest adventure park offering different adventure activities such as rope course, Paintball, Wall climbing, ATV track, Big Swing amp Flying Fox. Golf . there are several fine golf courses which host international tournaments such as the Pakistan Open on the Asian circuit. Airmen Golf Club has the biggest golf course in Pakistan. Cricket can be found at every conceivable corner, from the lush grounds of the more wealthy professional clubs or elite schools to the side streets of the working class Saddar City district. Water parks . there are several water parks located in the suburbs of the city near the Super highway. Some popular ones include: Fiesta . 56. opens only on weekends (fri-sun) and public holidays. Sunway Lagoon . 57 Cosy Water Park . 58 Amusement parks edit Dont miss the indoor kids theme parks that are located inside shopping malls, listed under Buy Dreamworld Resorts . 59 Pakistans MashAllah icon Resort with Golf club, Amusement Park, Water Park, 5-star Hotel, Spa, multiple World-class restaurants, numerous all-ages entertainment and sports events. Also very popular among Corporate for various official events and meetings as well as different Corporate entertainment activities. Aladdin Amusement Park . Gulshan-e-Iqbal, 60 is an outdoor theme park with several rides for children. It also has a mini zoo and offers options for boating, shopping etc. Sindbad . Gulshan-e-Iqbal, is another outdoor kids theme park offering different rides for children. Dont be confused with other Sindbads which are located inside different shopping malls in Karachi. Askari Park . Main University Rd. The reptilian house and aquarium are worth a visit. Hill park amp Jheel park . ( near Tariq Rd ), offers Birds eye view of Karachi. Karachi Visual Park . Well its nothing compared to the ones in Dubai and Vegas but for those who wants to see the glimpse. Wildlife edit Safari Park . Gulshan-e-Iqbal, 61 has a zoo, a childrens playland and many gardens. It is one of the major recreation and amusement areas of Karachi geared with viewing facilities like chairlifts and safari tracks, as well as two natural lakes. You might be interested in catching a birds-eye view of the animals from the Chair lifts here or enjoy Swan lake which is a natural lake featuring a pagoda style sitting place. There is also an adventure park called Go Aish Adventure Park 62 also running in the Park as well as Metro Cash amp Carry 63. Aladin Park 64 is also originally a part of Safari Park but has a seperate entrance from Rashid Minhas road. Dolphin Show . 65 Experience the beauty of sea life and a dazzling array of flips, leaps and twists of Dolphins at Pakistan Maritime Museum, Karsaz Road Karachi. Karachi Zoo 66. Garden Rd, ( formerly called Gandhi garden ), Reptile house, a natural history museum, and a mughal garden. Turtle Spotting . In the evenings of September and November, you can easily spot giant Olive Ridley and green turtles along parts of Hawkes Bay and Sandspit. The best way see them is to go with a local naturalist or hire a boat from Keamari with a knowledgeable captain for the specific purpose of watching them. Crabbing tours . Karachi Oyster Rocks is an amazing location for crabbing. Avari Hotel organizes crabbing tours where you will be picked from the hotel in the evening for Kemari harbor where you will be transferred to board on a traditional sail boat. It will cruise outside the Karachi harbor and stop near oyster rocks to try your luck to catch crabs. The crabs caught by you and the expert fishermen will be cooked on board with traditional style of mild spices and fried potatoes and you can have a delicious dinner and enjoy the sunset at Karachi harbor. You will be bought back to the hotel around 8:30 - 9 PM Clubs edit Karachi has numerous quality country clubs. If you know anyone who has membership (they are, of course, restricted) check them out. Arabian Sea Country Club . Bin Qasim, 67. 68 . Aga Khan sports club . Stadium Rd. Auto travel club . 72 Garden Rd, 69 . Arena 70. Karsaz Rd. Ice skating rink, bowling alley, mini golf, arcade games and rock climbing. Civil Aviation Club . Star gate, Sharah-e-Faisal Carlton resort hotel amp club . DC-5, Opp. Zulfiqar Street, Phase 8, D. H.A. UAN, 92 21 111 727 272, Dinner amp boating excursion. Countryside Chalets, Club E Resort . Super Highway, 71 . Dreamworld Resort, Hotel and Golf club . ( adjacent to Gulshan-e-Maymar, off main Super Highway ), 72 . DHA Creek Club . Phase 8, DHA. DHA Golf Club . Phase 8 DHA, 73 . Karachi Boat Club . MT Khan Rd. Karachi Club . Ziauddin Ahmed Rd. Karachi Gymkhana 74. 4 Club Rd. Karachi Race club Karachi Scuba Diving . 75 . Karsaz golf club . Karsaz, 76 . Kashmir Club . Kashmir Rd, PECHS. Marina Club . 77. DHA. PAF Yacht club . Korangi creek. Pavilion end club . Rashid Minhas Rd, ( adjacent to Alladin park ), 78. Club house, sporting facilities and swimming pools. Sea View riding amp Equestrian club . Clifton Sind Club . Abdullah haroon Rd, 79 . Sunset Club . Khayaban-e-Jami, Phase 2 Extension, D. H.A The Royal Rodale . TC-V, 34th Street, Khayaban-e-Sehar, Phase-V, Ext.,DHA UAN: 92 21 111 000-168, 80. Sports and recreational complex with dining, banquets, sauna, jacuzzi, gym, swimming pool, yoga, aerobics, tennis, billiards, and snooker. The Yacht club . ( Standard Chartered Bank compound ), I. I. Chundrigar Rd, 81 Medical Treatment edit Medical tourism in Pakistan is viewed as an untapped market. A number of modern health facilities exist while majority of doctors amp surgeons are foreign qualified. Many patients, mainly of Pakistani origin, from the Middle East, United Kingdom and United States, also travel to the city to seek a range of treatments which they cannot otherwise access in their resident countries either due to expense or lack of insurance coverage there common treatments that these patients seek include cardiac surgery, infertility treatments, dental surgery and cosmetic surgery including liposuction. A number of patients from neighbouring countries also travel frequently to Karachi for treatment. Learn edit Body Beat. 1st Floor, 42-C, 10th Street, Badar Commercial Phase 5, D. H.A. (92-21) 3-584-1243 (bodybeatdancestudiogmail ), 82. Dance workout set to the latest Indian and Hip-Hop music. 160edit The MAD School. Zam One, Main Zamzama Boulevard, Zamzama Phase 5, D. H.A. (92-21) 0336-235-0775. Mon-Fri 11am-7pm. Run by a team of fervent artists and musicians who are dedicated to helping students learn means of expression in fun and interactive ways. The school aims to fine tune the students potential, elevating their passion to new heights. The faculty include the famous and talented Nida Butt amp Hamza Jafri. 160edit Candela. Salsa dance group with instructors from USA amp Canada. Have been dancing salsa and other Latin dance styles for over 10 years. Learn the hottest salsa moves from New York amp Los Angeles. The Original and Classic Salsa from Puerto Rico. 160edit Indus Scuba. No. C-23, Small Bukhari Commercial St 5, Phase 6, D. H.A. 92 21 3524-3153, 92 21 3524-3163 (infoindusscuba infoindusscuba ), 83. PADI scuba diving centre with scuba diving classes, equipment sales and service. 160edit Rangoonwala Community Centre. Dhoraji Colony. Variety of classes on cooking, computers, handicrafts, sewing, textile designing, English, fitness and more. Art gallery and other exhibitions. 160edit School of Leadership. Clifton. Provides a platform for individuals to discover and utilise their lives through conscious endeavor. A youth-driven organisation, SoL has a huge following and regularly organizes and facilitates learning conferences, seminars and events. 160edit Work edit Karachi is the financial and commercial capital of the country. There are many jobs available in the financial sector such as banking, the ITmedia sector such as BPO, call centre etc. especially for English-speakers which you can find at 84 and 85. You can also do acting in one of the largest play and drama industry of the world or work in one of many television morning shows. Buy edit add listing Individual listings can be found in Karachis district articles Karachi is the worlds cheapest city and the shopping capital of the country. You can shop to your hearts content, in the massive range of markets and bazaars that dot the city, or you can shop in one of the many modern shopping malls that are found across the citys more affluent sectors, namely Defence and Clifton. And dont worry too much about your budget as a recent survey by the Times newspaper (UK) found Karachi to be the cheapest city in the world. It is generally advisable to plan and list down the items that you want to buy before coming here. There are a great number of shopping places in Karachi, ranging from the traditional bazaar to the modern shopping malls. A first-time visitor should try and visit the bazaars, The bazaars usually consist of many small vendors selling a variety of products from accessories to clothes to food and drink. In addition, there are larger stores which are more specific in their products. Also one would find that the bazaars are a more culturally enriching experience. One problem is that when shopkeepers find out youre from out of town, they will charge you doubletriple prices. Try to go with someone local if you can to get a good price. If there is one book you need to pick up about the people of Karachi, go for Karachiwala: a subcontinent within a city written by Rumana Husain. It is a coffee-table book sold at all outlets of Liberty Books and copies of the book are also available at bookshops located in major hotels in the city. The book is priced reasonably, and it helps to understand the origins, traditions, history and lifestyles of the diverse communities inhabiting this metropolis. Buying Pakistani currency edit The Pakistani currency is the Pakistani Rupee (PKR Rs). It is usually advised to get your foreign currency converted in local currency before you buy stuff (of course thats only applicable if youre planning to buy with cash and not credit card). A number of licensed currency exchange companies operate their offices located in various parts of the city that can be used for the exchange. A passport might be required as an identification document but the requirement is often ignored. Some good repute currency exchange companies are Dollar East and Galaxy International and they exist at both arrival and departure entrances of the airport. Most large department stores and souvenir shops, as well as all upscale restaurants accept major credit cards. Some small shops may choose to pass on their 2-3 service fee to you if you choose to pay through credit card, but this is negotiable so dont hesitate to haggle. ATMs exist almost every where across the city including airport and major hotels and accept major credit debit cards including Visa, MasterCard, American Express, UnionPay etc. ATMs charge fee of 3 of the transaction amount for foreign currency transaction. The exchange rate between the transaction currency and the billing currency used for processing foreign currency transactions is a wholesale market rate selected by Visa from within a range of wholesale rates in effect plus the Bank charges of 3 as the Foreign Currency Conversion Fee. Places to Shop edit Shopping at a Karachi bazaar Shopping Malls are everywhere in Karachi. Locally renowned ones are: Atrium Mall 86. on Zebunissa Street is one of the brand new and largest shopping mall in the city. Its also home to Karachis only 3D Cinema, a Gaming Zone, Zam Zam departmental store and a giant food court. Dolmen Mall is the place to shop in Karachi, especially if youre looking for big shopping malls and high street designer boutiques. There are currently 3 Dolmen Malls in Karachi at Clifton, Tariq Road and Hyderi. Each is equipped with big and budget brands, an indoor kids theme park and huge floor dedicated to food. The Clifton Dolmen Mall is the largest of all and is also featured on CNN news report. The mall is home to Debenhams (a British department store), HBL Bank Smart Branch with cash deposit machine, a huge Carrefour hypermarket (locally called Hyperstar), ToniampGuy salon and the countrys largest Sindbad (the kids amusement park). Khaadi and Khaadi Home is a hip local chain stores with clothes, furniture and home goods. Wall Street Money Exchange company is also located inside Hyperstar in the mall. Ocean Mall . located in Pakistans tallest building The Ocean tower in Clifton, is one of the brand new malls of the city. It is home to Farids, one of the countrys most sophisticated retail shop which houses popular brands such as Liberty books, United Mobile, Scentsation, Pharmacy, MARS Currency Exchange, Mong Chow, OPTP etc all under one roof. It also has a wide-ranging Grocery Section that houses everything including gluten free food, soy milk, organic fruit and vegetables, diet and low fat food, pro-biotics and a fresh deli selection (catered by the best restaurateurs in town) and the famed Rahat Bakery. Other famous shops in the mall include Bonanza, BabyShop, Ego and Krude. The mall is also home to several restaurants including Turkeys most famous Solen Istanbul, Cafe Zouk and Shoko latte. Cinepax Movie Complex and Childrens Play Area are located on fourth floor of the mall. Chase ,87 is a departmental store selling various products at wholesale rates. You are sure to get the best value for your money here. The Forum . Clifton. Includes shops, food court and Ebco superstore. Park Towers . Clifton, 88. Includes Shop, food court, a superstore, an indoor kids theme park and art gallery. Lavish Mall . Tariq Rd. Jumeirah Mall . Tariq Road Millennium Mall . Gulshan-e-Iqbal. Includes shops, restaurants, indoor kids theme park, superstore, 6D cinema, cocktail bar and a bowling alley. Emerald Mall . Clifton, opposite Ocean Tower Makro Wholesale Centre . Saddar 89. Also houses famous clothing brands like Gul Ahmed, Kurta corner, Cambridge and Junaid Jamshed. PakStyle . Main Shahrah-e-Faisal, Karachi 90. A fashion store offers fashion apparel and accessories from different brands. You can also shop online and enjoy Free Home Delivery with COD services Metro Cash amp Carry . University Rd, Stargate Airport amp SITE 91 . Hyperstar - Carrefour . Inside Dolmen Mall, Clifton Awami Markaz . Sharah-e-Faisal. Imtiaz Super Market . Bahadurabad, Awami Markaz at Shahrah-e-Faisal, Nazimabad. 92. Store Of Selling Products, Exports Products, Ration With Highly Discount. Naheed Super Market . ( near Tariq Rd ). Superstores chain. Aghas super market . Shop no 1,Uzma court DC 3,Block 8,Clifton, Karachi. Sea View, Bahadurabad, 93. Superstores chain. Dreams . Mohd Ali Society. Lal Qila Lane, Karsaz, ( near Kay bees restaurant ). ARY Cash n Carry . Gulshan-e-Iqbal, 94. Superstores chain. Some of the main bazaars in Karachi that deserve a visit: Tariq Road Bazaar . is currently the largest shopping district of the city. It houses several shopping malls such as Dolmen Tariq road, Jumeirah and Lavish. Sunday Bazaar . for a wide variety of second hand goods. Zebunissa Street . ( formerly known as Elphinistone Street ) during the british era is now home to Karachis biggest high end shoes shops from Metro, Sputnik to English Boot House, Gold Souks and other retails shops. It also houses one of Karachis largest Atrium Mall. Bahadurabad Bazaar . adjacent to Tariq Rd Zamzama Boulevard . for upscale designers boutiques, clubs and restaurants. Gulf Area Market . many traditional vendors and more upscale boutiques and designer shoes Hyderi Bazaar . North Nazimabad, is also home to several high-end malls such as Dolmen Hyderi, Madni and Saima mall. KDA Market . Gulshan Iqbal. Comparatively small than other Bazaars of Karachi, but KDA offers wide range of brandednon-branded clothes, foot-wear and cosmetics. Zainab Market . Branded clothing for half the normal price. There are also three underground bazaars in Karachi at Bohri Bazaar, Nazimabad chowrangi and Liaqatabad No. 10. These are just a few to mention. On the whole, shopping in Karachi is interesting, exhilarating, and an often tiring experience. What to Shop edit You can buy very cheap garments, bed sheets, shirts, T-shirts from any store located at Tariq Rd or Zainab market local branded stores include Chen One, Bonanza, Ideas (Gul Ahmed), Cambridge Shop 95. For upscale designers boutiques, you can go to Zamzama Avenue, It is also worth mentioning that many world renowned brands like Adidas, Levis, Slazenger, HangTen, Nike, Reebok, Calvin Kline Jeans, Armani, Versauce, American Eagle etc get their products prepared from Faisalabad which has got one of the largest textile industries of the World. You can find cheap products of these brands at local stores. You can get a pair of Levis jeans (or any other good brand for that matter) for just Rs 1200. Leather goods . like shoes, jackets and bags are also a specialty of Pakistan. Go to English Boot house 96. Hush Puppies, Sputnik, Shoe Planet, Servis, Metro, Gap shoes (at Tariq road), Lotus, Step-in (at Hyderi, North Nazimabad), Jaybees (at Zebunissa market, Saddar) for best quality shoes at low prices. Also, do shop for Leather Jacket, Leather Wallet, Ladies Bag and Travel bags from Panaroma Center in Zebunissa Street. Gold . at Gold souks located in major malls and across Zebunissa market. Gold in Karachi is available duty free and is cheaper than even Dubai and other major Gold destinations. Sports goods . like cricket bats, balls, kits, footballs, sports wear and almost anything related to sports you can imagine. You will not find such high quality equipments at such low cost anywhere else. To mention, Pakistan produces ninety percent of the worlds sports goods and is the largest provider of sports equipment to FIFA for the World cup. Pakistan produces cheap and high quality musical instruments . You can get an acoustic guitar for as low as Rs 2,000. Books . from Liberty Books next to Bar BQ tonight restaurant in Clifton. You can also find Liberty Books in most of the shopping malls and well as in the Marriot hotel. Computer accessories . Regal Centre, (Preedy St, Saddar), Rainbow centre (near Preedy St, Saddar for CDs amp DVDs), Technocity (II Chundrigar Rd, Saddar), Unicenter (II Chundrigar Rd, Saddar), Naz plaza (M. A Jinnah Rd). Electronics Cell Phone . from Electronic Market in Preedy St Regal. You can buy the worlds cheapest Samsung S4 here. Arabian, Afghan, Iranian and Pakistani carpets. Afghan carpets . ( Marriott hotel ) Asian carpet palace . Zebunissa St. Wazir Carpets . ( Hotel Metropole on Club Rd ) or visit stores located at Zamzama Ave. Wood carvings Gems. handicrafts, glassware, brassware, marble products, crystal works, carved wood and antiques, Zebunissa St, Saddar. ( formerly known as Elphinistone St ). Also buy pashmina, rugs, wool-shawls or wraps . which can cost anywhere between US15 to as much as US700. Remember to bargain. Ajrak . a shawl is the souvenir of Sind province. Souvenirs . such as decorative items from sea shells. Food stuffs . go to any super store like Dmart, Makro, Naheed especially buy Swat honey (the worlds best), biscuits and Mitchells Jubilee chocolate. Home accessories . visit shops located in Dolmen mall at Tariq Rd or one of many departmental stores such as Imtiaz and Zubedas. Art galleries V. M Art Gallery . Rangoonwala Community Centre Jahanzeb Art Gallery . Clifton Commercial area Vision Art Gallery . Kehkashan, Clifton Tariq Jay Gallery . P. E.C. H.S A. R. Fareedi . (Permanent Collection), Arts Council building Ahmed Pervaiz Gallery . Arts Council building Fayzee Rahamin Gallery . (French Cultural centre), Alliance Francaise De Karachi Art Gallery Sadequain Galerie . Frere Hall, Bagh-e-Jinnah, 92 21 920-4325, Ongoing art exhibition amp library plus a peaceful garden . Clifton Art gallery . 11-Al Habib Apartment, Clifton Rd Indus Art Gallery . Bath island, Feroznama Rd Chawkandi Art . DCI Kehkashan. Clifton Funkar Art Gallery . 202,Dean Arcade, Schon Circle, Building No.8, Clifton Studio Art . D-67,Block-9,Clifton Kunj Art Gallery . 147D KDA Scheme No.1 Majmua . The Art Gallery, 239 Staff Lines, Fatima Jinnah Rd. 97 Momart . The Art Gallery, Anum Classic, Mezzanine, Main Shahrah-e-Faisal Reevaj . The Art Gallery, at Park towersparktowers. pk Louvre Art gallery . 9 Pearl Haven, Block 5, Clifton Canvas Art gallery . A-3 Hassan Homes, Block 5, Clifton, Clifton Rd Zinaini . Clifton Commercial Area, Eat edit add listing This article or section does not match our manual of style or needs other editing. Please plunge forward. give it your attention and help it improve. Suggested fixes . Wikitravel articles are not meant to be a directory like a phone book, please help by trimming down the entries here and help provide more information that is of interest to the traveller Karachi is a multi cultures city where you can find every class of food of other areas of the country. As the worlds cheapest city, you can buy a normal lunch even at 0.5, however it may not be hygienic. Karachi has also several fantastic upscale restaurants, which serve a huge variety of cuisines. Most of the upper-end restaurants are either located within one of the major hotels in the city (the Sheraton, the Pearl Continental and Avari Towers), or in malls such as Dolmen, Ocean and Atrium or in the trendy shopping district of Zamzama in Defence. One can also easily find a franchise of KFC, McDonalds, Subway, Papa Johns, Mr Cod, Hennys, Pizza Hut, Domino and Dunkin Donuts. The beauty of the food in Karachi is that you will probably find cuisine for every taste. Food districts edit Tipping Tip between 5-10 at sit-down places. If a place includes service charges on the bill, you dont need to leave an extra tip. Note the difference between service tax and service charges. Service tax goes to government and not to the staff. While tipping is always a good practice. Please do not miss the food courts located inside different malls listed under Buy. Beach Avenue. is a huge strip along the Clifton beach. is home to several restaurants including Pizza Hut. It is famous for its giant food outlets such as McDonalds, KFC, Burger king, Dip shop, The Village, Kinara and of course the Dolmen Mall. Along side, far away from main beach there is a strip known as Do Darya . it is a food district filled with several authentic restaurants: Sajjad, Afridi inn, Charcoal grill, Ambala, Kolachi, Hot bite etc to name a few. Here, the rocky shore provides shrimps which is used as bait to catch fish. 160edit Port Grand Promenade. 98. along side Karachi Harbor next to Clifton is the citys only pedestrian friendly food strip with scores of restaurants, cafes and eateries such as Aylanto, Chairman Mao, Bistro, Skewers, Mr. Cod, Mr. Burger, Oishi Sushi, One Potato Two Potato, Sheikh Abdul Ghaffar Kebab House etc. 160edit Zamzama Avenue. This is the place where the rich. famous and affluent like to hangout. Zamzama is home to the trendiest and hippest Cafes in Clifton town. where all the hip and young people of Karachi like to hang out in their designer attires and sip on the best brews in town. At the same time Zamzama is also home to the more up end and exclusive dining places in the city. some of the most expensive restaurants in the country are found on this one boulevard. For Cafes be sure to check out Ciao, Espresso. Aylanto, Chatterbox and of course the only chocolate caf in town Butlers Chocolate Caf ( the Irish chain). As far as restaurants go Copper Kettle, Arizona Grill and Roasters being the oldest restaurants on the street win hands down as far as popularity goes. For fine dining the most reputed places to head to are Fuchsia, Okra and Baan Thai. Other than the above mentioned Zamzama has a fair share major fast outlets scattered across it, the most notable being Pizza Hut, Dominos and Subway. 160edit Boat Basin. is a mile-long strip of open-air street foodrestaurants in Clifton. Favorites tend to include Karachi Broast, Mr. Burger, Qasr-Al-Nakheel, Jans, Dera, Nihari Inn, Cafe Clifton, BBQ Tonight and Tandoori Hut. Boat Basin is where almost all of Karachis late-partying citizens wind up, since food is often available here until 5-6AM, and some restaurants are open 24 hrs. Most dining is open air, during winter this becomes the most popular hangout place in the city. Local style breakfast (such as halwa puri and anda paratha) is also served at Boat-Basin from 6AM-7AM onwards. Note that restaurants here will frequently only accept cash. It is a good idea to carry enough cash to tide you over, at most of these locations Rs 1,000-2,000person will be more than sufficient. If youre not the experimenting type then theres always the fast food option. KFC, Pizza Hut, Burger King, Mr Burger and Nandos can all be found here. The Chicken Makhni (Butter Chicken) with Garlic Naan at Tandoori Hut is by far the most popular dish on this mile long gastronomic delight. 160edit Burns Road. It is one of the most famous food street in Karachi and known to many citizen of different cities of Pakistan. For authentic Karachi food this is the place to be in Saddar district. The best tasting Nihari, Sajji, Bottis and Tikkas can be found in this congested corner of Old Karachi. Burns Road is a part of Saddar the main business district of Karachi. Most of the restaurants here are built in really old pre independence era Victorian style buildings which sort of gives you the feeling of being in a crowded part of Old Delhi. Hygienically this may not be the cleanest part of town, but if you are a big time foodie and you really want to taste real Karachi food then seriously this is the place to head to. If food preparation hygiene is really an issue for you then the best option is to head to Food Centre, the biggest and prettiest building on the street. Places to head to here include Punjab Lassi house for the best Lassi in town, Food Center and Sabri Nihari. Other than these there are many more restaurants scattered througout this street. Restaurants accept only cash here. Price wise you can easily have food dessert and a glass of Lassi for less than Rs 300. 160edit Khadda Market. in Defenceis mainly famous for its delicious Paratha Rolls that can be eaten with a various array of different meats eg Chicken, Beef and Kebab to name a few. With different fillings and yea that includes Cheese and Garlic Mayo also. For the best Paratha Rolls head to Hot and Spicy and Red Apple. One average Paratha Roll with out any fillings will cost you around Rs 80. The more fillings you add the more price increases this can go up to around Rs 130-150 per roll. Other than the Paratha Rolls both of the above mentioned restaurants serve great Sandwiches and Burgers also. Other popular places in the area to head to are Chatkharay and Gazebo for Chaat. Indus Biryani for Biryani. Kay Bees for fast food. Mingcourt, Chopstix and China Ming for Chinese. Food aside Khadda market is home to the best Salons in the city for a designer snip head to Clippers and Pzazz. 160edit Sindhi Muslim SMCHS. The main food district in PECHS is basically built around one roundabout. Sindhi Muslim is home to the typical fast food joints like KFC, Nandos and Pizza Xperts. Places to check out over here are Kahva, Royal, Bundoo Khan and Hyders. Karachis famous Hob Nob bakery is also located here. Most recently a new coffee chain Gloria Jeans Coffee house has opened there. 160edit Shahbaz Commercial. This place is slowly developing in to the new Zamzama. With Zamzama getting more and more congested new restaurateurs are looking towards Shahbaz in Defence to set up their new businesses. Trendy cafes and restaurants have started to spring up left right and center. Shahbaz like Zamzama is basically a rich mans playground where most of the restaurants and cafes clientele comprises of people from the rich and upper middle class of society. Notable places to check out are Studio Cafe for the best Sheesha in town theres a seperate floor for Sheesha, the one thing thats special about this place is that once youre done eating your food a professional photographer takes you down to the basement for a photo shoot and you get a CD that contains your pictures in it to keep as a memorabilia of your visit here. Then theres Kaps Cafe that is a flower shop cum coffee shop all in one. Secret Recipe is popular for its sumptous Cheesecakes and other desserts. Not to forget Espresso is by far hands down the most popular cafe in town. this place serves the best western styled breakfast in town. Espresso has two more outlets in town but this branch tends to be the most popular one in town. The newly opened The Diner seems to be doing pretty well it serves great continental food. Sawasdee is famous for its tangy hot and sour Thai food. Other than the above mentioned your fast options in this part of town include Pizza Hut and Subway. 160edit 26th Street and Tauheed Commercial. Fine dining in Karachis Defence has officially found a new home. Most of the finest art galleries in the city are found in this area. so it isnt uncommon to come across a restaurant that has an art gallery within in it or vice versa. Hence because of this. this area has unofficially been dubbed the Artist district of Karachi. The finest French restaurant in the city if not the country Cafe Flo is located here. An artist favorite is Cafe Koel. The Patio is another favourite that has an art gallery attached to it. Purple Haze a popular youngster hang out where they occasionally have a Karaoke night. Another youngster favourite hang out is The Hotspot. The Hotspot is known to serve the best desserts in town. From Banoffee Pie to Supersonic fudge sundaes you name it and theyve got it. Infact you can also create your own Milkshake flavour over here like for eg Banana Caramel with White Chocolate (Toblerone). 160edit Hyderi. This densely populated suburb of Karachi (Central Region) in North Nazimabad has now grown into a food hub of Karachi housing numerous restaurants. It has a separate Mini food street (between 5 Star and Landi Kotal). US famous Hardees which is famous for its thick burgers and unlimited drink refills to other fast food chains like Pizza Hut, KFC, Arizona Grill, Burger king, Dominos, Nandos, Largess, California Pizza, Yogen Fruz, Lal Qila (chain Restaurant), Mc Donalds, Burger King, Montina Ice Cream Parlour and several others can also be found here. Hyderi is also home to sub branches of Karachi namely chains like Red Apple, United King Bakery, Bin Dawood Super Store and several other restaurants and food centers. 160edit Bahadurabad. in Gulshan is famous for its restaurants like Tooso, Wimpys and Have More and ofcourse the United King bakery. 160edit Tariq Road. Apart from Shopping, Tariq Road in PECHS district is also famous for different traditional food items including traditional Samosa, Katchori and especially the mixed fruit chat (Type of fruit Salad mixed with spices andor fresh Cream). Laziz Mix Fruit Chat Liberty Signal Tariq Road is the most renowned, famous and an old clean place for dine in and take away. 160edit Hasan Square. ( University Rd ). in Gulshan-e-Iqbal is famous for Sajji, Barbeque and various other Pakistani dishes. 160edit Drink edit add listing This article or section does not match our manual of style or needs other editing. Please plunge forward. give it your attention and help it improve. Suggested fixes . Wikitravel articles are not meant to be a directory like a phone book, please help by trimming down the entries here and help provide more information that is of interest to the traveller Drinking alcohol in public areas is nominally banned, since Pakistan is an Islamic country, but most of the top end hotels have their own bars. Non-Muslims are allowed to consume alcohol after obtaining a permit license. Karachi also has few legal shops that stock alcohol in posh areas. Try local brands like Murree Brewery, in addition to that there are other brands such as Budwieser and Barveria with non-alchoholic beer. Some larger hotels have bars, but often they are hidden (as in, you have to go through the laundry room or they are in a random guest room.) In soft drinks, try local Limca cola which makes pop sound when opened. you can also try Pakola Pakistans premier soft drink brand which is available in different flavors like Ice cream soda, Lychee, Orange, Raspberry, Apple sidra, Vino, Double cola, Bubble up etc. Also try, Lassi which is a classic yogurt drink that is served either plain or sweet, and is sometimes flavored or even fused with fresh fruit. Rooh-Afza, a red-color-sweet-herbal drink. Sugar Cane Juice which is extracted by mechanical force, it is best when fresh. You would also love the Falouda and Gola Ganda which include various kinds of syrups in crushed ice. If you want to drink plain water, always prefer bottled water of a good brand, it just costs Rs 35 for a 1.5 ltr bottle of Nestle water. Mirchi 360. Stadium Lane No. 2, Phase 5, D. H.A. 160edit Cafes edit Aroma . ( Regent Plaza Hotel ), Main Shahrah-e-Faisal, UAN: 92 21 111 111-774 Bread people bakery amp Cafe . 10-C, Khayaban-e-Shahbaz, 26th St, Shahbaz Commercial Area, Phase 6, D. H.A. 92 21 524-3256. Live music bands, usually on random Saturday nights. Call for schedule. Basement . ( off Zamzama Ave ). Bowling Cafe . Royal Rodale, TC-V, 34th St, Khayaban-e-Sehar, Phase-V, Ext.,DHA, UAN: 92 21 111 000-168 Celsius . Defence Phase II, adjacent to Iqra University, UAN: 923343828155, 923218950766 Cinnamon . Avari Towers, Fatima Jinnah Rd, UAN: 92 21 111 282-747 CAFE 9 . 5-E, 9th Commercial Ln, Zamzama. Phase 5, D. H.A. 92 21 529-5081, 92 21 529-5082 Cafe Chatterbox . 3-C, 3rd Commercial Ln, Zamzama, Phase 5, D. H.A. 92 21 583-0337, 92 21 586-9548 Cafe Fresh . ( Juice Zone ), Shop No. 1 Main Zamzama Blvd. Phase 5, D. H.A. Cafe Lamore . 4,I-C, 3rd Commercial Ln, Zamzama, Phase 5, D. H.A. 92 21 581-0061 Cafe Lagoon . ( Dreamworld Resort ), 99. ( off main Super Highway ), 92 21 32219236, 92 21 32219246 Cafe Sheesha . Clifton Casbah amp 007 Club . ( Beach Luxury hotel ), MT Khan Rd. Saturday night dance party. Couples only. Call to confirm. 92 21 561-1031 Creek inn . DHA 8 Don Coreleons Cafe amp Restaurant . Mall Square, 6th Commercial Lane, Zamzama, Phase 5, D. H.A. 92 21 583-0615 Damascus Cafe . ( near KPT Underpass ), Block-9, Clifton, 92 301 824-9444, 92 300 824-9444 Dunkin Donuts . 11 Locations around the city. Dj Vu . Clifton Indulge . For Sheesha, Park Towers. 100 92 21 587-7953, Millennium Mall, Rashid Minhas Road, Gulshan-e-Iqbal. 92 21 460-0995, 92 21 460-0996 Koel Cafe . F-422, Block 4 Scheme 5, Clifton Karachi, Pakistan. 92 21 530-9745 Kahva . 6-C, Mustafa Arcade, Block A, S. M.C. H.S. 92 21 455-3395, 92 21 455-3582 Latte Lounge . C3C, Nishat Commercial Area, Phase 6, D. H.A. 92 21 534-8631 OL . Plot 22, C-1, 6th Commercial Lane, Zamzama, Phase 5, D. H.A. 92 21 529-5144, 92 21 529-5145 Opera Cafe . Grand Mercure Hotel, Karachi Airport, Star Avenue Terminal 1 Original Crepe Factory . Shop 1, Khaada Market, Main Khayaban-e-Mujahid, Phase 5, D. H.A. 92 300-987-8778, 92 21 322 206-8783 Purple Haze . 66C-68C, 25th Street, Tauheed Commercial Area, Phase 5, D. H.A. ( in the basement of Evolution restaurant ). 92 21 586-0941, 92 21 582-4651. It serves some of the best desserts in Karachi and also Shisha (Arabic Tobacco). Karaoke nights are usually fun too. Roadside Cafe . F-10, FL 19, Block 5, Kehkashan, Clifton. 92 21 586-9777, 92 21 586-9778 Roasters . 10-C, 2nd Commercial Lane, Zamzama, Phase 5, D. H.A. 92 21 530-2204, 92 21 530-2205 The Sports Bar C-22, Suite No. 2, 26th St, Tauheed Commercial Area Phase 5, D. H.A. 92 21 530-4257, 92 21 530-4258 The Elbow room . Mumtaz Hussain St, I. I. Chundrigar Rd, 92 21 241-2241, 92 21 241-2242 The Grapewine . Pearl Continental Hotel, Club Rd, UAN: 92 21 111 505-505 Venus Cafe ( Carlton Resort Hotel amp Club ), DC-5, Phase 8, D. H.A ( opp. Zulfiqar St ). 92 21 584-9172 UAN: 92 21 111 727-272 Butlers Chocolate Cafe Plot 10-C, 6th Commercial Lane, Zamzama Phase 5, D. H.A. Coffee houses edit Avenue Art Cafe . 33-C, 6th Commercial Lane, Zamzama. Phase 5, D. H.A. 92 21 582-3972, 92 21 583-0983 Alao Coffee House . Shop 37, SB 3 K. D.A. Scheme 1 92 21 200-5129 Coffee Day . First Stadium Lane, Khayaban-e-Shamsheer, Phase 5, D. H.A. 92 21 546-3814, Live rock bands, usually on random Saturday nights. Call for schedule Ciao . 31-C, 6th Commercial Lane, Zamzama, Phase 5, D. H.A. 92 21 587-7974 Espresso ( 3 locations),The Forum Shopping mall, Clifton ,10th Commercial Lane, Zamzama, Phase 5, D. H.A. 92 21 582-4007,Main Khayaban-e-Shahbaz, Commercial Area Phase 6 D. H.A. 92 21 534-2725. Fanoos Coffee Shop Sheraton Hotel Club Rd. 92 21 563-3333 Lattetude . Clifton Le Grand 9-E, 7th Commercial Lane, Zamzama Phase 5, D. H.A. 92 21 582-0186, 92 21 582-0187 The Second Floor (T2F) 101. 10-C, Sunset Lane 5, Phase 2 Extension, DHA, Karachi, 92 300 823-0276, 11AM - 9PM. The second floor is a wireless coffeehouse, featuring a bookshop and a space for creative expression and intelligent discourse. Apart from excellent coffee, T2F also has a range of excellent sandwiches, snacks and dessert. There are regular events such as poetry readings, book signings, workshops, talks, debates, film screenings, unplugged music sessions, gallery openings, exhibitions and stand-up comedy. Numerous well-known politicians, artists, writers, musicians, dancers, filmmakers and thinkers of all ages frequent the place to speak, work or simply hang out. U ampamp Me Coffee . 10-C 8th Commercial Lane, Zamzama, Phase 5, D. H.A. 92 21 587-8913, 92 21 857-8931 Juice, milkshakes, frozen yogurts and ice cream edit Agha juice since 1960 main Nazimabad No1, branches 1. Opp Amber Auditorium, Bahadurabad. 2. Main Rashid Minhas Rd, Gushan Iqbal. 3. Khadda Market Defence phase 5. The Dip Shop . ( near Sea View Mc Donalds and Gulshan Iqbal 13 ). Brown . Rahat Commercial, DHA Phase 6. Mvenpick Ice Cream . Clifton Gelato Affair . haidery, karsaz, clifton HotSpot . 33st, Towheed, DHA Phase 5 Hyder Juice . Sindhi Muslim Housing Society Commercial Area, ( near Tariq Road and off Shahrah-e-Quadeen Rd. ) Tutti Frutti, Many locations in the city, Dolmen City Mall, North Nazimabad etc. Yogunfruz, Bahadurabad Snog Frozen yogurt, Dolmen city mall Red Mango Tcby Cigar lounges edit Castros Cigar lounge . Carlton Hotel, DC-5, Opp. Zulfiqar Street, Phase 8, D. H.A. UAN: 92 21 111 727-272 Cigar Bar . 6th Commercial Lane, Zamzama, Phase 5, D. H.A. 92 21 530-2006 Club Havana . 2, Vawda House, 10C, 10th Commercial Lane, Zamzama. Phase 5, D. H.A. 92 21 537-4463, 92 21 582-1696 Mizaaj . Clifton. An Egyptian theme restaurant, is also famous for cigars. Club Genova,37-C khayaban-e-Seher off Saba avenue DHA. Karachi, Pakistan-74500 Badal Pan Shop . North Nazimabad near Five Star Chowrangi, Karachi, Pakistan 92 333 292 9142 Maps:102 Nightlife edit Excelsior, Tobys bar, Purple haze, Basement, the Casbah. Karachis night life has become the envy of the region. Bars, nightclubs and dance halls have sprouted across the city and some people have also made entertainment venues in their own homes. In the seaview and defence area there are Sports car and bike races. Port Grand . 103 is an extensive entertainment amp food complex in downtown Karachi housing numerous food outlets, shopping malls, art gallery, tavern area, pedestrian friendly street and much more. Arts Council . 104. Live theatre . Karaoke nights amp Live Bands at Purple haze . at Base Rock cafe 105 (6th lane, Ittehad, DHA phase 6), at The Sports Bar (26th Street, Towheed, DHA Phase 5), and at Thespianz Theater Bread People Bakery amp Coffee Day Cafe . Live music bands, usually on random Saturday nights. The Elbow room . ( off II Chundrigar Rd ). Concerts, movie nights, masquerade balls. Nadia Cafe . ( Marriott hotel ). Theme Nights Royale Rodale club on Sea View Road with a gym, sauna bath and a bar and bowling alley. Spianz Theater . Live theatre. PC Hotel . Live band playing all types of music from 8:30PM-11PM. Live Ghazal band from 11PM-2AM Karachi Club . Live band playing all types of music from 8:30PM-11PM. Live Ghazal band from 11PM-2AM Al-Bustan . ( Sheraton Hotel ). Live Pakistani traditional band playing nightly from 8PM-12 midnight. Dumpukht . ( Marriott Hotel ). Live Indian traditional dancer every night except Monday from 8-11:30PM. Beach Luxury Hotel . Saturday night dance party for couples. Boat Basin . Restaurants at are open till 6AM Carlton Hotel . offers a luxury cruise out to sea with a buffet dinner for up to 35 people Sleep edit add listing Individual listings can be found in Karachis district articles Contact edit The area code for Karachi is 21 . Prefix 92 If you are calling from outside Pakistan. Phone numbers are eight digits long. All mobile numbers, however are 11 digits long and begin with 03, and should not be dialled with the city prefix. Omit the 0 when dialing a cell phone from outside Pakistan and prefix the 92 code. Internet Access . can be obtained easily on mobile phone or notebook computers with the help of GRPS or 3G4G LTE, supported by almost all of the 5 mobile operators. Alternatively, you can buy PTCL Evo Wingle 106. which is a USB internet device with speed upto 9.1 mbps. Basically, Karachi is one of the most internet-friendly city compared to other cities of Pakistan, specially downtown area as it is refereed as wall street of Pakistan, for example Witribe 107. Qubee 108 and Wateen 109 also offers wireless pocket modems with good speed at low prices. Wifi . There are several free Wifi Hotspots in Karachi 110 in hotels, malls and cafesresturants. Wateen HotSpot 111 is a paid WiFi service, which is being offered free of any charges for a limited time only. Cybercafes . used to be found on virtually every street corner with rates as low as Rs 15-20 per hour but most of them have closed now with the emergence of mobile internet but still some exist. The ones which exist usually use 14 inch monitors with Windows 2000, Windows 98 or Windows XP installed. They usually dont have a very fast operating system or decent internet speed so dont be too impatient. Also caution is advised for putting USB in these computers as they mostly have viruses. Public Call Offices . can be found all over the city. You will find a PCO in nearly 50 of the general stores. there is usually someone who operates the phone and fax. Fees will be charged according to the time spent, and you will pay when you have finished your call. Cell phone . coverage in the city is pretty good. There are various service providers offering a huge variety of plans. Among them are Mobilink, Warid Telecom, Telenor, Ufone amp Zong (China Mobile). Its not a bad idea to buy a new sim and use a prepaid plan to get yourself connected while you are in the city. You can purchase a new sim only from the customer care centers of the cellular companies by providing a copy of your passport while you can recharge your sim from almost every general store in the city. Postal amp Courier . can easily be found across the city. Some popular postal amp courier companies include TCS 112. Leopards 113. Pakistan Post 114. DHL 115. Fedex 116 etc. Stay healthy edit Karachi is a hot city. The temperatures from April through June regularly top 35C, meaning that proper hydration is of the utmost importance hence you should keep a bottle of water with you at all times. Drink only bottled water so you may avoid any water-related illness. Also, Drink a lot of water, 8 glasses a day, particularly in the summer. Keep yourself covered in summers to avoid a heat stroke. Do not eat food that has been lying out for some time, as high temperatures speed up deterioration. Some street food can be very spicy Always notify your host, cook or waiter if you can not stomach very spicy food. Stay safe edit NOTE: Some districts such as Orangi town and Lyari town are home to regular conflicts between gang groups and other criminals. These conflicts can result in loss of life, so visiting the effected areas should be done with caution. Street crime in Karachi is about what youd expect from a big city. Use common sense and avoid dangerous areas. Avoid going out alone, or walking by yourself on dark, empty streets. Never flash electronics or valuables in public keep your cell phones, watches, and purses in a safe place. These things easily attract attention. There are also con men looking out for foreigners, so if someone you dont trust approaches you, just keep on walking. Beware of pickpockets when you are in any crowded areas. If you are planning to see colonial public buildings, especially those that are located on MA Jinnah road or Preedy street, try to see them at late evening, after 10PM or at early morning, before 7AM because traffic in those streets are a nightmare during the day time. The people of Karachi are very hospitable. They tend to welcome any foreigner very warmly, but regardless of how nice someone seems you should remain aware and alert at all times, and try to keep a low profile at all times. Karachi has mostly been spared the attacks that have happened in the rest of the country, but mostly is a relative term. You should always keep the emergency telephone contact numbers of your countrys consulate in Karachi. There should be no serious danger in the affluent parts of the city. Defence and Clifton are regarded as safe at all times, as they are populated by the citys business and cultural elite. These districts offer the most tourist-friendly experience of Karachi, given that there will be no language barrier (most Pakistanis can speak some English, and many people in these districts will be completely fluent). Most visitors will find there is a large degree of cultural understanding and compatibility between the residents of Karachi and western tourists. Traffic jams are a major hassle in Karachi. Although the city government has recently built dozens of underpasses and flyovers to get rid of the overflow of the traffic, it is a good idea to keep a look for any ralliesprotests and check out alternate routes while traveling in the city. Do not attempt to drive in Karachi if you are new to the city since drivers are aggressive and chaotic. Pedestrians should be careful while crossing roads as some drivers will neither slow down nor sound a horn to warn of an impending accident. This also applies when getting out of the car on the traffic side look both ways until you are off the road and dont hesitate to run if you sense a car barreling towards you. Minibus drivers are particularly notorious. Emergency Numbers edit Police. (toll free: 15 ). 160edit Rangers. (toll free: 1101 ), 117. Sometimes police is not helpful in whole of Pakistan whether its Karachi, Lahore or Islamabad. For instance, if youre threatened by a political partys military wing. In such cases only rangers are able to help you out of such situation as theyre special army forces trained to protect border as well as citizen of the country. 160edit Fire. (toll free: 16 ). 160edit Ambulance. (toll free: 1021 ). Private sector handles Ambulance network in the city. Edhi Foundation runs the worlds largest ambulance service while others include Chippa (1020) and Aman Ambulance (1021). For Air Ambulance Service contact Princely Jets at (92-21-111000062), Edhi(1150) or Aman Air Ambulance (92-21-111118324). 160edit City Call Center. (toll free: 1339 ). For complaints regarding civic amenities 160edit Cope edit Newspapers amp Radio edit Local newspapapers are reliable sources for daily updates about the city. Several newspapers publish daily from the city including Dawn 118 which is an english daily. The newspaper also has a supplement called Metropolitan which is dedicated to the updates about the city. Another major newspaper is the The Express Tribune 119 which is an international affiliated newspaper that publishes in partnership with The International Herald Tribune, the global edition of The New York Times. There are also other english newspapers like The News, Business Recorder, The Nation and Daily Times. Liberty bookstore sells British and American newspapers. There are also plenty of radio stations in the city with most of them broadcast on FM band. Hospitals edit Individual listings can be found in Karachis district articles List of Major Hospitals: Aga Khan University Hospital. Stadium Road, P. O. Box 3500. (92-21) 3-493-0051. 120. 24x7. 160edit Aga Khan Hospital Clifton. Scheme 5, Block 2, Clifton. (92-21) 3-925-0051. 121. 160edit South City Hospital. St-1, Shahrah-e-Firdousi Block 3, Clifton. (92-21) 3-586-2301. 160edit Omi Hospital. 891, Depot Lines. (92-21) 3-225-8075. 122. 160edit Jinnah Post Graduate Medical Center. Rafiqi H J Rd, Karachi ( Its a Government-run free hospital for civilians ). 160edit Animal Hospitals edit Karachi Veterinary Hospital. Garden Road ( Inside Karachi Zoo ), 92-21-35426684. 160edit Richmond Crawford Veterinary Hospital. MA Jinnah Road. 160edit Animal Care Center. Badar Commercial Area Phase 5 Extension, D. H.A. (92-21) 3-585-1296. 160edit 24 hour chemist edit Time Medico. Afzal Apartment, Stadium Road ( Opposite Aga Khan University Hospital, next to McDonalds ). 92-21-34932278. 160edit Get out edit By road edit Thatta - Once a famous center of learning, arts, and commerce, as well as a provisional capital for about four centuries. Visit Makli a UN World heritage site, Debal The first Mosque of South Asia was built in 8th Century A. D. by Muhammad Bin Qasim, Jamia Masjid - built by Mughal emperor Shah Jehan - who also built Taj Mahal, Haleji Lake - Famous Birds sanctuary and Sunway Lagoon Waterpark . 55 km away from Karachi. Keenjhar Lake Resort - 16 miles from Thatta on left side is the famous Keenjhar Lake with cottages for overnight stay. Here, travelers can take a break, go boating, bird-watching and fishing. At night you can light beachcombers torches to extend your enjoyment of the day, before turning in at your cottage. The cottages are booked through Pakistan Tourism Development Corporation (PTDC) offices located in Karachi on Stratchen Road, opposite Hotel Metropole. Kirthar National park - An absolutely beautiful park. Hungol National Park - The biggest park in Pakistan, with sites including volcanoes and remnants of the countrys ancient civilizations. Makran Coastal Highway - (Over 770 km From Karachi to Gwadar) provides a unique destination for tourists. The highway, which follows the route that Alexander the Great took through the coastal belt of Balochistan in 325 BC, takes you by some of the worlds most beautiful beaches. Somiani Caves - Spectacular and amazing By train edit Pakistan Railways has connections to several major cities of Pakistan including Sukkur. Lahore. Rawalpindi and Peshawar By air edit Moenjodaro - An ancient civilization, not to be missed by history buffs Gwadar - Enjoy the beaches of Gwadar Dubai - Several low-cost carriers frequently travels between Karachi and Dubai By sea edit It is apparently possible to take cargo ships from Karachi to a few ports around the Middle East like Dubai. Oman and other cities. This is a usable article. It has information for getting in as well as some complete entries for restaurants and hotels. An adventurous person could use this article, but please plunge forward and help it grow 2014 GDF Suez Aberdeen The new GDF Suez office in Aberdeen provides 40,000ft2 of office space. On this project our Edinburgh team provided a full acoustic consultancy service for the base-build and Cat A fit-out, which included undertaking environmental noise and vibration surveys at the site, support through the planning process and specification of the facade sound insulation performance. Our London team provided detailed design advice on the fit-out, advising on inter-area sound insulation inside and on the acoustic quality in meeting rooms and office areas. Our understanding and considerable experience of working for both developers and end clients (and their respective design teams) meant that we were able to help to deliver an office building which high acoustic standards throughout. An Cridhe on the Isle of Coll won top prize at the Scottish Civic Trust My Place Awards. The Main Hall provides a venue for music concerts, travelling theatre performances, sports activities for local clubs and school, social events, ceilidhs, private functions such as weddings, community cinema, and the annual Coll Gala and half marathon. 2013 The Avenues The development brings together six unique shopping experiences, each with its own character (The Mall, Grand Avenue, SoKu, The Souk, Luxury Mall and Bazaar). It houses 545 retail units in total, including 52 food and beverage outlets. The acoustic design included acoustic modelling and simulations of different acoustic conditions in the various different areas. 2013 Vue Cinemas, Bicester town centre This project sees the redevelopment of a large swath of Bicesters high street with a new Cinema and Sainsburys as the anchors for a large retail centre. The primary acoustic challenge was detailing the isolation of the cinema from the car park located overhead as well as providing adequate sound separation and noise levels within the cinemas. The scale of the project in relation to Bicesters high street also warranted careful assessment and attenuation of the environmental noise impacts from plant, goods movements, and traffic. 2013 Edinburgh University Centre for Carbon Innovation The refurbishment and remodeling of the 17th Century Old High School together with new build accommodation, including an innovation suite, lecture theatres, seminar rooms, and a large atrium space for exhibitions events and social space. The building is designed to bring together experts from business, government and academia to collaborate on problems such as climate change and low carbon technologies. It has become the first refurbished listed building in the UK to earn a BREEAM Outstanding Design Stage accreditation. A cascading office building in the Kurla area under the flight path for Mumbais international airport nearby. The design includes an acoustic louvred canopy to reduce noise levels in external areas. 2013 Glasgow Film Theatre Cinema 3 The new 60 seat Cinema 3 at Glasgow Film Theatre is located in the area once used as a cafe, and its introduction involved a complete reconfiguration of surrounding ancillary spaces. Despite being located in an extremely constrained space in a historic building, the sound proofing between Cinema 3 and the other two cinemas meets modern-day standards for new build cinemas, using a box in box construction. We advised on all acoustic requirements for the cinema shell, and also on the bespoke fit out and finishes. 2013 Leeds Arena The arena has a capacity of 12,500 when fully seated which can be increased to 13,500 with partial standing or reduced to 1,500 for smaller shows. It is used mainly for amplified concerts, family shows and sports events. One of the key acoustic issues was the provision of a high sound insulating building envelope to control noise egress to neighbouring residential buildings. Sandy Brown acted as Technical advisers on behalf of Leeds City Council in the review of contractors submissions, site monitoring and commissioning. 2013 SSE Hydro Arena The SSE Hydro Arena is located at the Scottish Exhibition and Conference Centre in Glasgow. It provides an arena venue for major music, entertainment and sporting events, seating up to 12,000 people plus 1000 standing. The 125m wide roof was designed to minimise noise breakout. The foyers have an ETFE facade. 2013 Regents Place This prominent office development for British Land at Regents Place in central London comprises a 16-storey landmark development. It occupies a key site facing on to Euston Road and includes approximately 505,000 sq. ft of high quality office accommodation with retail and cultural space at ground floor level. The building is planned around three articulated blocks and linked by bridges across two dramatic full-height atrium spaces. 2013 Transforming Tate Britain The first phase of this major project to transform the visitor experience and improve gallery conditions at the Grade II listed Tate Britain involves refurbishment of the South East Quadrant Galleries, opening up circulation to the ground and upper levels, a new caf and schools reception, new improved Members area and learning spaces. 2013 Watershed Media Centre Watershed comprises three cinemas, a cafebar and a suite of flexible conference and events spaces, which are housed on the first floor of a Grade II listed building. The building is complemented by the Pervasive Media Studio, a separate research and development space. 2013 Urbanest, Kings Cross Urbanest Kings Cross is student accommodation that raises the bar. In a sector not previously renowned for offering quality housing, the 669 student bedrooms in the scheme offer a unique blend of design and functionality. The 27-storey tower covers nearly 20,000 sq. meters and includes communal areas, roof terraces and a caf as well as the student dwellings. In 2014 the development was named as the winner of a Value Excellence Award at the AJ100 Awards. 2013 Edinburgh Napier University Music Department The new facilities for music students at Napier University offer spaces for teaching, rehearsal, practice and recital. The facility includes three recording studios. 2013 Edinburgh Botanic Gardens Lecture Theatre The project involved the refurbishment and modernisation of the 250 seat lecture theatre. The volume of the space was increased by removing the existing ceiling and installing a new acoustically absorbent pitched soffit, comprising a timber slatted finish. 2013 SEPA Eurocentral The design of a new fit out to provide SEPA with new laboratories, offices and meeting rooms at the Maxim Office Park at Eurocentral. 2012 2012 Olympic Athlete8217s Village The design brief for the Athletes Village was to provide thousands of beds for athletes and officials during the 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games, as well as affordable housing as part of the Stratford City regeneration after the Games. Along with this accommodation, it comprises shops, restaurants, medical, media and leisure facilities, large areas of open space and a water feature. The acoustic design was essentially a two stage process, with the lasting legacy accommodation being the primary design consideration. The Games accommodation was then designed with temporary partitions used to provide increased capacity and additional bedrooms, with consideration given to a number of factors including providing appropriate acoustic separation. 2012 259 City Road Adjacent to Regents Canal is a residential development combining private and affordable housing with retail units and parking on the lower ground levels. The private accommodation is located in a 28 storey tower with a triangular form, whereas the affordable housing is located across a landscaped courtyard in two lower buildings of 12 and 15 storeys. 2012 Andrew Marvell College and Kingswood College Andrew Marvell Business and Enterprise College (AMBEC) and Kingswood College of Arts are amomg the first to follow the sample schools in the Building Schools for the Future scheme. Both schools replace the existing schools on the same site, with increased capacity. AMBEC offers additional community facilities, with drama and dance studios a music area and sports hall, while Kingswood has updated, open-plan teaching spaces and a central atrium. 2012 Assembly Rooms Refurbishment of the Grade A listed 18th century Assembly Rooms on George Street, Edinburgh, to return the building to its former glory and enhance the facility for modern day requirements as an events venue whilst retaining and conserving the historic fabric. One of the main acoustic considerations was the acoustic performance of the Music Hall. Major interventions were made to enhance the sound insulation of the separating floor between the Music Hall and the Supper Rooms below so that the two spaces could operate simultaneously. Secondary glazing was added to minimise external noise break in to the Music Hall and to minimise noise breakout from noisy events. Measures were taken to optimise the acoustic quality. The building services systems were renewed throughout the building. Sound insulation was also a factor in many other areas including the ballroom, new bar, dressing rooms, and foyers. 2012 Barking Skills Centre Part of Phase 1 of the London RoadNorth Street regeneration project, the Skills Centre is a new type of educational facility for 14-19 year olds, providing vocational training. The hair and beauty salon and student bistro are open to the public and operate as businesses within the centre. 2012 China Central Television CCTVs headquarters in Beijings Central Business District comprises an iconic looped skyscraper and contains TV studios, offices, broadcasting and production facilities in two towers that lean towards each other, merging in a perpendicular 75 m cantilever. Sandy Brown provided initial advice on the planning and design of the specialist broadcast areas. 2012 The Courthouse, Deansgate The redevelopment and fit-out of two linked Grade II listed buildings, formerly used as a courthouse, to provide office and retail accommodation. The design included enhancements to existing structures, to provide greater flexibility in terms of possible uses, whilst still maintaining important interior features of the building. 2012 The Crystal Urban Sustainability Centre The Crystal is a sustainable cities initiative by Siemens that explores how we can create a better future for our cities. Based in the Royal Victoria Docks, the centre of Londons new Green Enterprise District, the Crystal is a natural home for thought leadership on urban sustainability. It provides a global knowledge hub that helps a diverse range of audiences learn and understand how we can all work to build better cities for ourselves and for future generations. It houses an exhibition space and a 270 seat auditorium, as well as office and meeting space, and restaurant and cafe facilities. As a world-class centre for dialogue, discovery and learning, it reveals the challenges that cities face, and the ways we can reduce their environmental impact using sustainable technologies, many available today. 2012 Edinburgh International Conference Centre 8211 Additional Function Space The project comprises two distinct components: an expansion of the EICC conference facilities and a commercial office development. The EICC facilities consist of a new additional function space (2,000 m2 multi-purpose hall) below the existing street level together with a new extension comprising a new entrance and circulation space, cafe on the first floor and office space on the two upper floors. The multipurpose hall has a moving floor to form different seating configurations, and the space is sub-divisible using movable acoustic partitions. The 8 storey office development provides approximately 17,500 sq. m of Grade A office accommodation, with three retail units at ground floor level. 2012 Eileen House, Elephant 038 Castle The parallelogram-shaped 138 metre tall main tower housing 369 flats forms the northern point of a triangle of tall buildings which is central to the regeneration scheme for Elephant Castle. The development also includes a 7 storey commercial building, residential amenity space, commercial units, retail and cafe space. 2012 Harvard Art Museums This project renovates Harvards historically registered Fogg and Busch-Reisinger Museums building at 32 Quincy Street (circa 1925), replacing a newer extension, adding considerable space, and modernising the building services in the process. Sandy Browns full acoustics service has included an extensive survey and measurement of existing conditions, informal tutorials on noise and acoustics for the client, as well as assessment, advice, and specification for sound insulation, room acoustics, environmental noise, and building services noise. Computer models were utilised to determine the effects of proposed major changes to the buildings internal enclosed courtyard, which is extensively used for events, with a number of options put forth for them to adapt the space depending on the type of event. The renovated museum will house galleries, lecture theatres and classrooms, study centre space, and a conservation lab in addition to offices, art storage and support space. 2012 Jericho Health Centre Building Situated on the ROQ campus, Oxford University, this three-storey health centre houses three GP surgeries and nursing services. The upper floors are occupied by the Department for Primary Health Care and Oxford University Publishers. 2012 MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology (LMB) The building is designed to house 440 scientists and is located on the edge of the current hospital site, on the expanding Cambridge Biomedical Campus and adjacent to the London-Cambridge railway line. It consists of two kinked laboratory blocks joined by a central atrium in a shape reminiscent of a chromosome. There are several notable features of the design. All heavy plant servicing the building is housed either in a separate energy centre, or in the four stainless steel-clad towers linked to the building. This removes sources of noise and vibration from the laboratory itself, allowing a more lightweight construction. 2012 2012 London Olympics Basketball Arena This 12,000 capacity basketball arena is one of the key temporary venues on the Olympic Park site. During the 2012 Olympic Games the arena will not only host the basketball preliminaries competition but will also host the wheelchair basketball and wheelchair rugby competitions during the Paralympics Games. Detailed sound insulation and reverberation assessments were required because of the lightweight nature of the building structure. 2012 Winstanley College, Media and Performing Arts Building Acoustic performance was a priority in the this building containing two recording studios, TV and radio studios, music practice rooms and a dance studio. 2012 Memorial Hall The Memorial Hall is a Grade II building located in Albert Square, Manchester. It was built in 1866 in the Venetian-Gothic Style. After a long period of low usage, this project converts the interior into a lower floor restaurant, a ground floor pub, a first floor dedicated to function rooms and a boutique hotel on the upper levels. 2012 New Ambassador8217s Residence A two-storey residence for the UK Ambassador to the Sudan. A modern, efficient building incorporating high security, it serves not only as the home for the British Ambassador but also for functions and meetings. 2012 Nirvana, 2223 The Leas, Westcliff-on-Sea A complex of 45 residences constructed on the Thames Estuary seafront in a building that evokes the sails of ships. 2012 North Lanarkshire Schools The North Lanarkshire schools project includes St Ambrose and Drumpark ASN School, Calderhead High School, Caldervale High School, and Alexandra and Rochsolloch joint campus primary school. Three of the schools are new builds, while Caldervale High School is a complete refurbishment of an existing building. We provided a full acoustic design service. 2012 Viridor North Manchester Recycling Facility Investigative works at a large recycling facility on Reliance Street, North Manchester. Sandy Brown carried out extensive survey works to identify noise sources and advise on mitigiation measures to control noise transfer to nearby residential premises. Sandy Brown has provided advice for a number of Viridor Recycling Centres in the north west of England. 2012 Park Hill, Sheffield Regeneration of Europes largest listed building to provide 874 distinctive homes. This inner city development originally opened in 1961 with its famous streets in the sky. For the redevelopment, the building was stripped to its structure, its internal layouts were changed and its facade was replaced. The development also includes facilities such as shops, an art gallery, dance studios and a health centre. 2012 Pioneer Point, Ilford A mixed-use scheme comprising two residential towers of 33 and 25 storeys containing 294 apartments. The towers are located above a three storey podium housing a gym and 80,000 sq. ft. of net commercial space. 2012 The Power House Jazz Club The Power House Jazz Club stands on a large waterfront site, part of an urban leisure area. The custom-built complex is in the form of two buildings linked by a stairway bridge to mirror the industrial appearance of the adjacent power plant building. The larger building is for live concert performances and events while the smaller contains Red FireBlack Diamond, a club and restaurant venue featuring live jazz. 2012 Queen Alia International Airport The design concept for the terminal building, which is to cater for the expected increase in passenger traffic over the next 30 years, articulates a sense of Arabic hospitality drawing on the vernacular tradition of outdoor areas and open-air gardens. Large covered interior spaces form a direct relationship to the external environment and accommodate generous greeting and hospitality areas that are central to the terminals cultural programme. 2012 University of Manchester, SCEAS Building A new building for the School of Chemical Engineering and Analytical Science. The facilities include pilot plant areas, which accommodate high noise level test equipment as well as research laboratories, classrooms and offices. 2012 Tottenham Hotspur Training Facility The training centre covers 67 acres comprising 11 outdoor pitches and a two storey training centre, which also has a basement, which has been designed to be an integral part of the landscape. The building has been designed around a 70m x 50m indoor artificial pitch which features a transparent ETFE roof. The building also incorporates a learning centre for the Academy and educational space, medical facilities, a hydrotherapy swimming pool, fitness centregym, changing rooms, a canteen and media centre. 2012 University of Brighton With more lecture space required by the University, the Post Office building in the Priory Quarter was renovated and the original extension replaced, providing lecture and seminar rooms, offices and a cafe. 2012 Waltham Forest College, Heart of the Campus Walthamstow The 1930s building was extensively refurbished to provide new formal and informal learning and meeting areas. A cafe at the entrance, in what was formerly the hall, draws users into the main building and a double-height space contains a library, while a new seminar pod is suspended over the learning centre. The hall area can be converted to a multi-function performance space by using the studio as a stage. 2012 York St John University, Wilmott Building Professional standard recording studio facilities constructed using floated box-in-box structures in an existing building. The facilities include a live room, voice booth and control room with 5.1 surround sound. High levels of sound insulation were achieved to control noise egress to neighbouring properties. 2012 Yacht Club de Monaco The yacht club, designed to be Monacos sporting and social hub, is a symbolic centrepiece of the citys remodelled harbour front. The building creates a series of deck-like viewing terraces that step up along the harbour to offer unrivalled views out to yacht races at sea or inland over the course of the renowned Formula 1 Grand Prix circuit. Accommodation includes a sailing school, rowing club, event spaces, restaurants, bars, shops, cabins for visiting guests and a museum. 2012 ZDF Television Studio ZDF (Second German Television) is one of the largest television broadcasters in Europe. Their studio and offices near St Jamess Park in London are in an early 19th Century listed terraced townhouse. The seven-storey building required refurbishment prior to the 2012 Olympics to provide upgraded office and broadcasting space. 2012 Alan Gilbert Learning Commons, University of Manchester The Alan Gilbert Learning Commons at the University of Manchester is a state-of-the-art study and learning centre. With 400 fixed workstations and 30 group study rooms, the space provides a stimulating and comfortable environment for study. The build was a redevelopment of a 1960s refectory building where the concrete frame structure was retained. The final design was 40 per cent refurbishment and 60 per cent new build. Covering a total of 5,500 sq metres, the building is structured around a central atrium. As well as housing a caf in the foyer, this central area provides students with a social meeting space and adds further flexible study zones. 2012 NHS Grampian Emergency Care Centre The Emergency Care Centre offers 8 floors of clinical accommodation (10 storeys in total). It is designed to meet all of the acoustic requirements of HTM08-01, thereby gaining BREEAM credits in relation to acoustic conditions inside the building and in relation to noise pollution to the environment. 2012 Ninewells Hospital Nuclear Medicine Unit The new nuclear medicine unit houses three gamma cameras which are used to diagnose conditions such as Parkinsons and Alzheimers disease and also for cardiac scans for heart disease. 2012 BSRC St Andrew8217s University BSRC is an integrated research complex that includes the Centre for Biomolecular Sciences (BMS). The facility brings together scientists from Biology, Chemistry, Medicine and Physics engaged in research into infection and immunity. Over 160 staff, including over 60 PhD students, have access to state-of-the-art facilities. 2012 121-123 Princes Street, Edinburgh A development in the heart of Edinburghs city centre comprising 30,000 ft2 of retail accommodation and a 100 bedroom hotel above. 2012 Milton of Leys Primary School A new primary school at Milton of Leys, near Inverness. 2011 The Alchemist and Australasia Located in Spinningfields in Manchester City Centre, The Alchemist is a bar-restaurant and Australasia is a gourmet restaurant serving Australian-Pacific fusion cuisine. Sandy Brown provided advice and specifications for sound insulation works to enable playback of loud amplified music without disturbance to other commercial tenants. 2011 Baths Hall A multi-purpose auditorium on the site of the old Baths Hall, which was demolished in 2008. The capacity is 1,200 seated or 2,000 with standing. The auditorium has variable acoustic finishes to provide flexibility for uses such as amplified music concerts, drama, comedy, classical music and sporting events. 2011 MediaCityUK, BBC fit out MediaCityUK is the UKs first purpose-built media city in Salford Quays, Manchester. This fit-out project provides accommodation for the BBC over three buildings. Facilities include 21 radio studios, 28 edit suites, 4 open-plan presentation studios and offices. 2011 Canada Water Library The Library, in the form of an inverted pyramid on five levels, forms part of a larger development in the Canada Water area of Londons Docklands and has a Tube entranceexit within the building. The roof of the six-sided building protrudes 12m out from the base over the water. A 150-seat pentagonal auditorium forms part of the ground floor, while a sweeping staircase, lined with acoustic oak-veneered ribs ascends from the ground floor to the large open reading room. The lined, convex curve to the ceiling of the reading room reduces noise propagation within the spaces. Theh library was a regional winner of a 2012 RIBA Award. 2011 Clapham One: Library, Leisure Centre and Gallery The Clapham One regeneration project is intended to totally transform the community sevices in Clapham, consisting of three sites. The first is a mixed-use, state-of-the-art landmark scheme consisting of a new multi-storey block containing a library, GP surgery and apartments. The library is based around a spiral theme and includes a performance space, community rooms, a cafe and a customer centre. The second is a new leisure centre featuring a six lane, 25-metre swimming pool with movable floor, larger fitness suite, a four court sports hall, a climbing wall and community rooms. Finally, the old Clapham Library has been converted into a community art centre. 2011 East Berkshire College, Langley Campus Development Re-development of the East Berkshire College Langley campus comprising state-of-the-art accommodation including sport, construction, motor vehicle maintenance, engineering, creative arts and hair beauty facilities. 2011 Edgbaston International The new section of the stadium, which replaces the existing section of stadium, seats 8,250 spectators taking the grounds capacity to 25,000. The re-development includes additional conferencing, banqueting and exhibition spaces, improved player, spectator, media and visitor facilities, plus the erection of permanent floodlighting and provides world class player and media facilities. 2011 Fort Augustus Abbey Phased conversion of the Grade A listed former fort, monastery and school into 100 plus luxury flats with associated leisure facilities for the Raven Group. Design advice was given to control the transmission of noise via separating walls and floors, and sound insulation tests carried out at completion of each phase. 2011 Four Seasons Hotel, Mayfair This luxury five star hotel, winner of a RIBA London Award in 2012, is situated in Londons Mayfair and is set back from Park Lane overlooking Hyde Park. Its major refurbishment provides a domed rooftop extension housing grand spa facilities, expands the conference and event facilities, and completely updates the 146 guestrooms and 45 suites providing stylish and elegant design, improved sound insulation and noise control. 2011 ICON Innovation Centre A multi-functional building for organisations involved in sustainable design and construction. It has 55 business units and a 200 seat auditorium with variable acoustics for music performance and conferences, all organised around a central street. The building is timber-framed with cross-laminated timber partitions. It is a recognised exemplar of energy efficiency, with an excellent rating from BREEAM, the assessment method for the environmental performance of buildings. 2011 Mary Rose Museum Henry VIIIs flagship Mary Rose was completed in the year 1511 and sank in 1545. This museum provides a permanent home for its hull which was raised from the seabed of The Solent at Portsmouth in 1982. The hull requires highly specialist environmental conditions and the design takes an inside-out approach, cradling the hull at the centre of the museum. A virtual glass hull, created alongside the original hull to represent its missing section, provides an in-context display of the artifacts found with the ship. Deck galleries run the length of the ship corresponding with the original deck levels and lead to further gallery space at the end. The building, constructed around the Mary Rose whilst maintaining the conservation environment in its old enclosure, is roofed by a low shell prefabricated structure. 2011 Moray Council Offices The conversion of a disused former supermarket building (originally built in the 1990s) to provide flexible office accommodation for Moray Council. The acommodation comprises large open plan areas, meeting rooms, breakout spaces and training rooms, which can also double as an emergency control centre. The building is naturally ventilated using wind chimneys. A BREEAM excellent rating has been achieved and the energy performance rating improved from G to B. 2011 The New Marlowe Theatre This prestigious development, in the historic city of Canterbury, includes a 1200 seat venue created using the existing fly-tower and 900 seat auditorium. The redevelopment also includes a new 200 seat second space, cafes, bars, rehearsal and backstage facilities. The theatre was a regional winner of a 2012 RIBA Award. 2011 Tripoli International Airport, new terminals Detailed design of one of two new terminals to increase airport capacity to 20 million passengers per year. Each terminal has a floor area of 175,000 square metres and incorporates full facilities including 160 check-in counters, 12 baggage handling carrousels, 32 fixed and 64 mobile passenger boarding bridges as well as retail and CIPVIP areas. 2011 North West Kent College North West Kent College has transformed its Dartford campus with a multi-million pound improvement scheme that provides state-of-the-art further and higher education amenities. New facilities include a multi-purpose teaching block, performing arts, dance and music studios, and a high quality sports facility with a double netball court sized sports hall and an indoor swimming pool. 2011 Park City 8211 Moscow Park City is a residential community in Moscow with self contained public infrastructure including a school, child activity centre, fitness facilities and other amenities. Located directly between the Moscow River and Kutuzovsky Prospect the development provides a three hectare park, two dominant green boulevards and private residential areas providing a mix of high rise waterfront luxury residential towers. Commercial areas include state of the art Class A office buildings varying in height from nine to 70 stories, hotels, restaurants, retail, leisure and entertainment areas. 2011 Playboy Club London Not far from the site of the original Playboy Club, this return venue features a restaurant, cocktail bars and casino over two levels as well as a specially designed acoustic canopy for the roof terrace. 2011 Qatar National Convention Centre Facilities include a 2,500 seat lyric theatre with variable acoustics a 500 seat theatre with variable acoustics for chamber music and speech and a multi-purpose hall to accommodate 4,000 people for conferences or rockpop concerts with a further exhibition space beneath. The building also houses six further conference spaces. 2011 Rotherham College of Arts and Technology Redevelopment This provides a focal point entrance for the Town Centre Campus and forms part of the Colleges long-term plan of development. It contains classrooms, offices and social areas. 2011 The Studios, MediaCityUK Located at the heart of Media City in Salford Quays, Manchester, the studio block features a concert studio for the BBC Philharmonic Orchestra as well as technical facilities for the BBC childrens and sports programming. The facilities include 7 TV studios, ranging from 90 m2 to 1165 m2, along with a second major audio studio with variable acoustics for radio programming. 2011 Waldorf Astoria Hotel, Syon Park A new-build 137 bedroom luxury hotel set within the estate of the Duke of Northumberland at Syon Park in Brentford, next to the Thames. The site is Grade I listed parkland and the distinctive new hotel includes extensive conference and spa facilities. 2011 University of the Arts The University of the Arts is Europes largest university for art, design, fashion, communication and the performing arts. The new site for Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design will cater for 5,000 staff and students. The scheme includes dynamic new teaching spaces, studios and workshops, social spaces, lecture theatre and seminar facilities, flexible performancerehearsal and exhibition spaces (including a 300 seat theatre), a museum and gallery, library, research and innovation centre. The project was one of the winners of a 2012 RIBA Award. 2011 White Water Centre, Lee Valley Park The London 2012 Olympics site for canoe slalom races, this venue has two separate white water courses for rafting, kayaking, or canoeing. The Centre was a regional winner of a 2012 RIBA award. 2010 The Angel Building Angel Building is a refurbishment located where City Road and St John Street meet Pentonville Rd. The existing concrete frame is re-used and re-wrapped with a highly energy-efficient glazed skin which extends the buildings envelope at selective points to create a better fit with the surrounding context. An existing open courtyard is enclosed to form an internal, top-lit public room entered off St John Street which acts as the heart of the building. 2010 AstraZeneca Corporate Headquarters Located on levels 16 to 19 of the Broadgate Tower, the corporate headquarters includes open plan offices, private cellular offices, meeting rooms, quiet rooms, a conference suite with HALO video-conferencing room and restaurant facilities. 2010 Barnet College, Wood Street Campus The Wood Street campus of Barnet College has been re-developed to provide a state-of-the-art learning centre incorporating highly sustainable technology. Teaching, specialist and social areas are provided within the four-storey development. 2010 Burlington Danes Academy An academy expansion, sponsored by the childrens charity Absolute Return for Kids that provides a new performing arts centre and classroom building as well as refurbishment of the existing 1936 art-deco Grade II listed main building. The Dennis Potter Performing Arts Building provides a 300-seat auditorium as well as music lab, classroom, recording, and practice space, while the Stanley Fink Building provides first class learning spaces for English, Maths and Science, as well as commons space. The acoustic challenges were to orientate the buildings to maximise natural ventilation in an urban setting, provide proper room acoustics in cylindrical glass commons areas, and to provide an adaptable auditorium to be used for dance, exams, and lectures as well as theatre and music performances. 2010 Evelyn Grace Academy An academy, sponsored by the childrens charity Absolute Return for Kids, that is notable for its angled internal walls and offset vertical arrangement which were advantageous for acoustics. The banding on the curving facade delineates the location of the four smaller schools making up the academys whole. The four schools share the central commons spaces and ground floor arts and sports facilities. Acoustic issues included sound insulation of the commons rooms with operable partitions, room acoustics for all spaces, and a ventilation strategy that maximised where natural ventilation was possible. 2010 G1, George Square, Glasgow The redevelopment of the Grade A listed former General Post Office building on George Square, Glasgow to provide a basement bar and restaurant area, underground parking and nine floors of high quality speculative office space. The original stone work facades are retained to contain the lower storeys while a three storey glass extension provides additional office space to the upper storeys. 2010 Grace Academy Located in Woodway Park in the north east of Coventry, the new academy comprises a mixed school and sixth form for 1,350 pupils aged 11-18 and specialises in Business and Enterprise. The design comprises a main building with four wings, each being two storeys high with a central overarching three storey cantilevered structure. 2010 Granite Point Hotel Renovation and extension of an existing Portelet Hotel, St Brelade, Jersey, including alterations of existing buildings. The facilities include 78 guestrooms, dining and bar areas, health and beauty and conference facilities. Work included testing of existing structures to determine whether they provided modern standards of sound insulation. 2010 International School, Aberdeen The relocation of the International School of Aberdeen to Pitfodels as a consequence of the proposed Aberdeen By-Pass. The International School of Aberdeen was the first school in Scotland to offer the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme. There are approximately 490 students pre school-high school, with over 35 nationalities represented in the student population. The new school facilities provide classroom wings, sports centre, swimming pool, library, auditorium and music department and an internal street containing dining facilities. 2010 Kempinski Hotel, Bahrain City Centre This five star hotel provides 460 rooms and suites. A 1,000 m2 day spa is also included, which features a sauna and hamam, large outdoor pool and an extensive sundeck. The hotels have fully-equipped business centres with spacious interconnecting conference and banquet rooms as well as private meeting rooms and boardrooms. 2010 Las Colinas de Marbella This development includes 19 spacious villas and 61 luxury residential apartments. Within the grounds are a number of villas and duplex villa suites, all with private gardens, terraces and plunge pools. A self contained and state-of-the-art meeting complex includes a grand ballroom that can accommodate 250 people and a selection of smaller function rooms ideally designed for meetings, incentives, executive retreats and private dining. 2010 Luton Sixth Form College This prestigious development replaces the existing buildings on the college campus. The design of the building provides for up to 2,300 students a year and reflects the Colleges strength in performing arts, with a multi-function theatre space, purpose built drama, dance and music studios, and a top quality TV studio with edit suites. 2010 Medeu Village A luxury ski village in the Kazakhstan mountains for developer, Capital Partners. Constructed for the 2011 Asian games in Almaty, this development stands at an altitude of 1600m and comprises residences, retail and restaurants with a gondola providing access to the Chimbulak ski area. 2010 Dublin National Conference Centre Design of a 2,000-seat auditorium with full fly tower and orchestra pit complemented by a 5,500 m2 exhibition and banqueting suite, a range of flexible meeting rooms and corporate hospitality suites. 2010 BBC, Outside Broadcasting Production Units Design and testing of six bespoke outside broadcasting vehicles. The units had to meet BBC standards of sound insulation while remaining as lightweight as possible. 2010 Oxford Molecular Pathology Institute A new world class research centre adjoining the Sir William Dunn School of Pathology that provides state-of-the-art flexible laboratory spaces, offices, meeting rooms and new computer services facilities. 2010 Pavilion Dance Centre Bournemouth The renovation of the existing listed Pavilion Theatre provides a regional centre of excellence for dance with two studios and a 200-seat auditorium, as well as rehearsal and performance spaces. The refurbished ballroom floor improves the sound insulation to the auditorium below. 2010 Peterborough Hospital The acute hospital, built on the Edith Cavell Hospital site, includes 612 inpatient beds, an emergency care centre, a high-tech diagnostics unit, women and childrens unit, cancer unit, specialist rehabilitation unit, renal dialysis and a multi-disciplinary training centre. The 102-bed mental health unit includes adult acute, psychiatric intensive care and older peoples units and services for people with learning disabilities unit, centralised dining, fitness, recreational and staff facilities and garden areas. The integrated care centre, built on the site of the Fenland Wing at Peterborough District Hospital, includes 40 specialist rehabilitation beds, a pharmacy, outpatient diagnostic and treatment centre, general rehabilitation services and childrens care centre. 2010 Royal Academy of Music Extension An extension to the Royal Academy of Musics Marylebone premises to provide music practice rooms and an opera studio within a former light-well which is surrounded by listed buildings including the grade II listed academy and terraces designed by John Nash. 2010 Wallace Studios at Speirs Lock In 2010 The Royal Conservatoire of Scotland opened Wallace Studios at Speirs Lock. The state of the art creative centre provides rehearsal and production facilities for students of modern ballet, musical theatre and technical production arts. Designed by Malcolm Fraser, the Wallace Studios provide four large, high specification dance studios, wardrobe design studio and set design and construction space that features an industrial size paint frame. Formed out of derelict steel framed storage sheds, the studios are naturally ventilated and lit by natural daylight from rooflights. Changing rooms, a fitness suite and other staff and student facilities sit around a central court that forms a social space for users of the building. The new building won a RIBA award in 2011. 2010 St. Bololphs House A landmark building, located in the prestigious EC3 insurance district of London, which forms a key gateway to the City of London. The upper eleven floors house high specification offices, while the first and second levels provide more flexible office space. The lower ground floors accommodate a multifunctional space and retail outlets. The main elevations are double glazed curtain walling with a visor element in front of the vision glazing, with louvre panels between the main cladding system and the core glazing. The roof plant is hidden from view by a raked blade type array which runs around the perimeter of the building. 2010 Barajas Airport, Madrid The new fourth terminal building at Madrids Barajas airport - together with the associated satellite, rail and road connections - is designed to handle 35 million extra passengers annually. It is the first major new airport development of the 21st Century and builds on many of the concepts developed for the new Terminal five at Londons Heathrow Airport. 2010 Centre for Energy and the Environment Thurso The Centre for Energy and the Environment Thurso is a new campus building attached to North Highland College, used for teaching and research in renewable energy technology. The building is almost exclusively built from timber including Glulam and Cross Laminated Timber. It contains laboratories, meeting rooms, seminar rooms, and open plan office space. The acoustic quality in the spaces is controlled by use of acoustically absorbent wall and ceiling treatments, while allowing timber soffits to remain exposed. It is rated BREEAM excellent and achieved the highest BREEAM score for an educational facility in the UK, under BREEAM Higher Education 2008. All BREEAM credits in relation to acoustics were achieved. 2009 1 New York Street, Manchester A distinctive office and retail development on a city centre site close to Piccadilly Gardens and Manchesters metrolink. It provides 100,000 ft2 of high quality office space over 12 floors. 2009 Bahrain City Centre Cinemas This cinema complex provides 20 screens with an overall seating capacity of 4,200, making it the largest in the Middle East. The screens have the latest in technology, and the complex is the only one in the region to include a special cinema screen for VIP cinema goers. 2009 Cranfield University, Chilver Hall Following on from the success of Stringfellow Hall, which was completed in early 2008, the same team was commissioned to design further student accommodation at the West Road site at Cranfield University. The two new buildings are clad in cedar which will turn silver over time, blending in with the landscape. They provide high quality accommodation for 106 students, and were completed in 2009. 2009 The College of Law, Manchester The College of Law is the UKs leading provider of legal education and training. This Manchester Centre provides a law school in the heart of the city overlooking Piccadilly Gardens. Facilities include seminar rooms, meeting rooms, office accommodation and a library. 2009 Cranfield Mills Cranfield Mill comprises a site of around 1.5 acres on St Peters Wharf in Ipswich. It is a large and prestigious residential development, consisting of 196 apartments in 5 different blocks. It also contains retail space, restaurants, bars, and new premises for the Ipswich based national dance company, DanceEast. 2009 University of Essex, E15 Acting School Clifftown Studios Conversion of a Grade II listed Victorian Church to provide studio space, theatre and back of house facilities for the University of Essex E15 Acting School for physical theatre and stage combat. There are a total of five varied and versatile studios. The theatre space has a capacity of 200 people and can expand into additional space via a full-height moveable acoustic wall. Back of house facilities include an armoury, technical suite, and workshops and stores for costumes and props. The acoustic challenges were to provide excellent room acoustics, appropriate internal background noise levels, and sufficient sound insulation between the diverse spaces. 2009 Enerus Nuclear Academy The Nuclear Academy is designed to be a world class centre of excellence for nuclear skills development to address the challenges facing employers in terms of nuclear decommissioning, energy production, potential new build and defence. The two storey building includes engineering workshops, training and meeting rooms, a circular lecture theatre and a comprehensive business support facility. One of the key acoustic challenges was the control of noise transfer from the workshops to the training and meeting areas. 2009 Norwich Cathedral, The Hostry Built on the medieval foundations of an original hostry area used to welcome pilgrims to the Cathedral. The new building blends the remains of the original building with modern stonework, oak columns and glazed walls. Facilities include a dedicated choir rehearsal room, a 150 seat conference room and education facilities for visiting school groups. 2009 Jewel and Esk College campus redevelopment The Jewel and Esk Valley College is one of the largest further education colleges in Scotland, operating over two campuses. The redevelopment of the college has provided much needed 21st century learning environments in landmark buildings which features a state-of-the-art health and fitness suite, hair and beauty school and a catering school. There is also a performance space providing an extensive suite of recording studios, live rooms, rehearsal spaces, editing rooms, TV studio and instrument rooms. The Midlothian campus includes new workshop environments for facilities including plumbing, mechanical and electrical, construction, joinery and automotive trades. 2009 JS Bach Zaha Hadid Pavilion A special commission for Zaha Hadid Architects to create a temporary space specifically for the performance of solo J S Bach chamber music. The brief was to create an intimate space for small audiences - a modern take on the 18th century chambers where the music was originally played so that the intricacies of the music could be heard rather than being lost in large concert halls. The shape was formed using lightweight non-fibrous fabric stretched over a metal frame with hidden acrylic reflectors to help project sound from the stage to the audience. The space was commissioned for Manchester International Festival 2009. The programme included solo concerts by Piotr Anderszewski, Jean-Guihen Queyras and Alina Ibragimova. The Pavilion was subsequently installed as part of Holland Festival 2010, Amsterdam. 2009 Northwood Prep 8211 New Music Block A conversion of a Grade II existing pavilion building to provide six music rooms and a multi purpose theatre. The music practice rooms have been fitted with a high standard of internal sound proofing to prevent noise egress from the building to dwellings in the vicinity. 2009 Ritz Carlton Hotel and Apartments The hotel complex, situated in the heart of the Dubai International Finance Centre, contains a deluxe 350 bedroom hotel with gymnasium and spa plus conference and meeting facilities, all equipped with the latest technology. 120 serviced apartments, 300 residential units plus retail units, and three levels of underground car parking complete the complex. 2009 Riva Hotel 8211 Heathrow A five-star, six block hotel at Heathrow comprising of 577 bedrooms with an external atrium referred to as the protective glazed envelope. This protective glazed envelope is designed to reduce noise to the areas directly around and between the hotel blocks as well as provide light to below ground levels. The basement areas contain restaurants, a conference facility with a ballroom, parking, spa, and a bowling centre which has its own entrance. 2009 Scottish Ballet Headquarters The Scottish Ballet Scotlands national dance company - is based in a purpose built home at the Tramway complex in Glasgow. The headquarters replaced a derelict section of the Tramway Arts Centre with a venue that has won the Grand Prix Award for Architecture and Best Public Building 2010 at the Scottish Design Awards. 2009 University of Oxford, St. Clare8217s College Student Acccommodation Design of new build student accommodation and listed building renovation at the Banbury Road site of St. Clares College. The facilities include 49 study bedrooms with en-suite bathrooms and communal facilities. The design uses a cross-laminated timber structure for sustainability and speed of construction. 2009 St Cecilia8217s Hall St Cecilias Hall is the oldest purpose built concert hall in Scotland, dating from the 18th century. The building houses a large collection of early keyboard instruments, and is a special venue for recitals of early music. We carried out benchmarking acoustic tests and modelling, and provided input to the strategic appraisal conservation plan study. 2009 The Towner Building The Towner Building is a 21st Century addition to the Devonshire Park Cultural Centre and is adjacent to the Grade II listed Congress Theatre. The principal space is the gallery, which brings together the entire Towner Collection for the first time. In addition to the gallery, The Towner Building also includes conference exhibition space, community activity rooms and a cafe. 2009 United Kingdom Supreme Court Renovation of the Grade II listed Middlesex Guildhall in Parliament Square, which is the UKs first Supreme Court. Work included remodelling of the existing courts, creation of a court in the south wing of the building, restoration of two original light wells, provision of a library, lift, public facilities and exhibition space. 2009 Usher Hall 8211 Phase two Phase two of the refurbishment and improvement of front of house and performance facilities of this important concert venue, including a new extension with foyer and hospitality areas. 2009 The Walbrook A high-tech 50 metre long landmark building in the heart of the City of London, comprising high quality, air conditioned office and retail accommodation. Two trading floors are provided the largest being over 51,000 sq ft. 2008 3 Hardman Street, Spinningfields, Manchester Landmark 12 and 15 storey offices and retail building and a key part of the the Spinningfields area in Manchester. This building provides 400,000 ft2 (37,000 m2) of office space with some of the largest floor plates in the City of Manchester, ranging up to 35,000 ft2. 2008 35 Basinghall Street, London To the east of the Guildhall Precinct, in the heart of the City of London, is the EuropeanUK Headquarters for the Standard Chartered Bank. A simple seven-storey block with a two-storey pavilion set back at levels eight and nine meet the stringent height requirements set by St Pauls Cathedral. 2008 ACC Liverpool Opened by HM the Queen in 2008 for Liverpools year as European City of Culture, the Arena and Convention Centre Liverpool (ACC) provides a 10,000 seat multi-purpose arena, a conference centre with a 1,500 seat conference auditorium, and an 8,000 m2 exhibition facility, supported by a major public piazza. The conference auditorium includes two rotating drum sections which enable it to be transformed into 3 separate auditoriums at the touch of a button. 2008 Ashmolean Museum The Ashmolean is the oldest museum in Britain, founded in 1683 as a beacon of learning for a new scientific age. It is the most important museum of art and archaeology outside London. The new building replaced all the display facilities apart from the original, Grade I listed 1845 building designed by Charles Cockerell and doubled the amount of display space - 39 new galleries, a new education centre, conservation studios, a walkthrough to the museum and the Casts Gallery. 2008 Bahrain City Centre Bahrain City Centre is a large scale retail and leisure complex located in Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain. The development contains 207 000 sq. metres of retail space, two luxury hotels with 460 rooms, a 20 screen multi-plex cinema and the largest indoor water park in the Middle East. 2008 The Broadgate Tower 038 201 Bishopsgate, London At a prominent city gateway location close to Liverpool Street station, the 35-storey tower and 13-storey office development is linked by two public spaces, the Piazza and Galleria. The schemes design controls structure borne noise and vibration from railway lines which run directly beneath the complex. 2008 York St. John University, College, De Grey Court An addition to the York St. John University campus at Clarence Street corner. The building includes a 140 seat lecture theatre, teaching rooms, meeting rooms and staff offices. One of the key acoustic issues was ensuring the facade design sufficiently reduced noise ingress from busy adjacent roads. 2008 Floral Pavilion Theatre, New Brighton A new-build theatre to replace an existing theatre used for drama, musical theatre, opera and variety performances. The design incorporates an 850 seat auditorium with variable acoustic finishes and an audio booth for providing commentaries to the visually impaired. Four flexible function rooms along with a panoramic lounge overlooking Liverpool Bay are also included. 2008 Hereford Cathedral School 8211 Sports and Science Facilities The design incorporates a full sized gym and sports hall along with eight modern science laboratories and preparation rooms. 2008 Jerwood Space The Jerwood Space provides rehearsal space for young dance and theatre companies to develop their work. The project provides a major additional rehearsal space on top of the converted Victorian building. 2008 Kolachi Enclave, Karachi Port Trust Scheme design of a mixed use development for the Karachi Port Trust overlooking the Indian Ocean. At the heart of this development is a major convention centre containing a 1500 seat auditorium and function rooms. A main 76 storey tower houses a luxury hotel and 175,000 m2 of office accommodation. Four residential towers ranging from 20 to 35 storeys high are also located on the site along with retail space. 2008 KX200 student accommodation A redevelopment of the former 1970s NatWest offices to form a mixed-use development with new student accommodation as well as other residential, retail and community uses. The cladding on the two towers was replaced with a unitised system, the towers extended and a new five-storey podium building added along the busy Pentonville Road. 2008 Langley Academy, Slough Sponsored by the Arbib Foundation, this non-denominational academy accommodates approximately 1150 students, 900 aged 11-16 with the remaining 250 being post 16. The emphasis is on science where the building becomes a working educational museum with atrium exhibits from the Henley Rowing Museum, exposed services and natural ventilation, the latter complicated by significant airplane traffic from Heathrow. 2008 LJMU Design Academy Liverpool Founded in 1825 as the Liverpool Mechanics School of Arts, Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU) School of Art and Design is the oldest art school outside London. The Design Academy brings all of LJMUs art and design programmes together in a stimulating new space, enabling more creative forms of teaching and research and also offering new facilities and services to the regions creative industries business sector. 2008 New Woodlands School An extension adding six classrooms, break-out space, art and other function rooms for this existing special needs school for pupils with emotional or behavioural difficulties. The configuration of the extension takes advantage of the quiet residential site to allow natural ventilation, while its lightwells and shading maximise useful daylight. 2008 North Glasgow College The new college building includes facilities for applied arts (including art, jewellery, fashion, drama, TV, video, radio and music), gymnasium, workshops (for construction skills, automotive and mechanical engineering), lifelong learning, care and supported learning, business studies, with associated classroom, lecture theatre and administration and support facilities. 2008 The Quarterhouse The Quarterhouse is an accessible social hub for the local community. It comprises a 250 seat (500 standing) multi-purpose auditorium for music, dance, theatre and conferences two levels of cafebar facilities and a business enterprise centre. 2008 Reiss Headquarters Fashion retailer Reiss relocated their offices to this central London location just off Oxford Street, constructing a new building to house their flagship store and headquarters along with residential units and an executive penthouse. The distinctive facade has double-glazing behind an acrylic rainscreen that plays with sunlight during the day and is illuminated at night. Challenges included sound insulation between the three major building uses as well as providing a suitable acoustic environment for their unique corporate office setting. 2008 Royal Albert Hall 8211 Elgar Restaurant The Royal Albert Hall is a Grade I listed building of historical and cultural significance. The Royal Albert Hall also consists of 13 bars and three restaurants, including the Elgar. The refurbishment of this existing Elgar restaurant provides a new kitchen in the west porch, including new windows, air conditioning, air inletsoutlets to the porch roof and condensing units on the gallery roof. 2008 Silken Hotel, Aldwych This luxury hotel and apartment complex, situated on a prominent site where the Strand meets the Aldwych in central London, is integrated behind the grade II listed facade of Marconi House and features an 11-storey atrium, a rooftop breakfast bar, 270 bedrooms, 90 apartments, a restaurant and bars. 2008 Spitalfield Market Redevelopment The scheme in East London involves the refurbishment of the Victorian marketplace to create a multi-functional space in which stalls will be stored at night to allow for uses such as exhibitions and talks. The existing pavilions are to house restaurants and shops. 2008 Subsea7 new campus building The Subsea7 campus building was completed in September 2008, and is now occupied by almost 1200 staff. The new building consists of around 14,000 sq. m. of accommodation, spread over four storeys and split into wings which are arranged in a pinwheel plan. The heart of the building is its atrium, which acts as a circulation spine, linking the office wings together, creating an indoor street, and also giving onto the multi-purpose restaurant. This doubles as a town hall space where the staff gather for presentations and meetings, enabling several hundred people to come together. Acoustic treatment is strategically distributed within the atrium and restaurant areas to ensure that the acoustics of the spaces are appropriate for all intended uses. 2008 University of Surrey, Multimedia Lab Video and audio capture booths, control room and lab space for use in the universitys Centre for Vision Speech and Signal Processing. Acoustics challenges included providing sufficiently low noise levels using the existing ventilation system, reducing external noise with secondary glazing, and achieving high sound insulation performance in limited space and with existing slabs. 2008 Velvet Mill Conversion of a Grade II listed mills into 190 apartments that comprises a two storey roof top extension inspired by plaited yarns of silk which were once produced by the mill. The core fabric of the building was retained, whilst restoring the original window design and using decorative elements of the building to introduce further natural light. 2008 Victoria Point, Hathersage Road, Manchester Residential buildings in the Victoria Park area of Manchester designed for student accomodation. The buildings contain one, two and three bedroom apartments. 2008 Willis Building, London 51 Lime Street consists of two buildings a 10 storey block facing Billiter Street and a 29 storey tower with roof terraces on floors 16 and 23 facing Lime Street. A new public plaza is created at ground level along with accommodation for retail, restaurants and wine bars. The fit-out includes a basement auditorium (400 seat) gymnasium, restaurant, conference rooms, studio, boardroom and offices. 2007 21 Chesham Place, London A luxury development of six apartments ranging in size from 440-777 sq m. each with their own terrace. The apartments are arranged laterally, each thereby taking up a whole floor of the building, two have private swimming pools and there is a duplex penthouse. 2007 215-219 Oxford Street and 1-9 Hills Place, London The six storey mixed-use development, approximately 50m to the east of Oxford Circus, comprises retail on the basement, ground and first floors, the second floor as officeretail and the remaining floors above as offices. The existing listed corner building is retained in its current form and a new building constructed on the remainder of the site. 2007 3 Hardman Square, Spinningfields, Manchester 3 Hardman Square is a prime eight storey office building located in the centre of Spinningfields, Manchesters business district. Mixed-use retail units are included at ground level. 2007 4 Hardman Square, Spinningfields, Manchester 4 Hardman Square, located in the centre of Spinningfields, is a prime five storey office building with accommodation at ground and mezzanine level for mixed retail use. 2007 Adelaide Wharf, London Located on the Regents Park Canal and winner of numerous design awards, Adelaide Wharf contains 147 one, two, three and four bed mixed tenure apartments in a five-storey building which surrounds a central landscaped courtyard with a childrens play space. The scheme provides 73 private flats, 33 for affordable rent and 41 key worker apartments. 2007 Belhaven Hill School, Dunbar A new music department for the Belhaven Hill School in Dunbar. The accommodation includes two class rooms, nine practice rooms, and ancillary accommodation in a two storey building. 2007 Imperial College, Biomedical Engineering building The biomedical engineering building, a refurbishment of the 1960s Bessemer building, houses the nanotechnology centre and bio-incubator suite. The front elevation of the building has been replaced and open research spaces created inside together with a roof top cafe and new entrance. 2007 Corby Academy Corby Academy specialises in Business and Enterprise and can accommodate 1,250 students. The academy has flexible classroom space and is designed to meet the BB93 standards. Facilities include music, drama, theatre and sports. 2007 Dakota Hotel, South Queensferry The four star Dakota Hotel at Ferrymuir, South Queensferry, close to the A90 Forth Bridge approach road, provides 132 contemporary bedrooms, five meeting rooms and an award winning bar and grill restaurant. 2007 Daniel Stewart8217s 038 Melville Hall Major alterations to the assembly hall within the A-Listed Old College building to provide a multipurpose venue for school assemblies, drama productions, chamber concerts and other public events. As part of the alterations the floor of the hall was lowered by two metres to improve the proportions, sightlines and acoustics in what was previously a long, narrow and low space. The space can be configured in a number of ways using power-operated retractable seating, demountable staging and movable partitions to suit varying performance modes. Sound, lighting and ventilation systems were also installed. 2007 Eden Court Theatre Redevelopment of the existing theatre complex to provide new facilities, including the creation of a new 270 seat theatre with retractable seating and adjustable acoustics, two new cinemas (138 and 86 seats) to screen blockbuster movies and independent cinema from the UK and around the world, and two new dance and drama studios. The new theatre and cinemas are naturally ventilated. The capacity of the original 830 seat theatre was increased slightly to 847. The project also involved the redevelopment of the front and back of house areas, and replacement of all ME systems plus extensive structural and fabric repairs. 2007 Folkstone Saga Academy The Academy is for 11 to 19 year olds divided into eight houses specialising in creative arts and language. The building is a three storey development in a largely residential area and contains a performance space and film, video and sound recording and editing facilites. 2007 Harris Academy, Croydon This Academy accommodates 1360 pupils and consists of a 10,000 m2 three storey main building and a refurbished Victorian building containing performance arts accommodation, including a TV studio and music rooms. The location is particularly noisy, being close to busy roads and railways. One of the key elements in the project was the design of bespoke natural acoustic ventilators integrated within the cladding to allow fresh air to enter classrooms while controlling noise ingress. These are expressed in the facade of the main building which consists of projected concrete panels interspersed with louvred acoustic panels and glazing. 2007 Haverstock School, Haverstock Haverstock School includes classrooms, music facilities, a performance hall, a sports hall and ancillary accommodation. The buildings are naturally ventilated requiring special measures to attenuate noise from the busy road adjacent to the site. 2007 Kingshurst Primary School, Solihull Kingshurst Primary School is designed to accommodate 420 infants and juniors plus 60 places for nursery children. The school is the first of 10 new schools to be developed as part of a 1.8bn project to regenerate schools in North Solihull. 2007 London8217s Transport Museum A major refurbishment of Londons Transport Museum Grade II listed Flower Market building in Covent Garden including a new mezzanine floor for additional display space, renewal of exhibits and improved educational facilities. The latter includes a new 120 seat lecture theatre and learning areas. 2007 Lycee Francais Charles de Gaulle The addition of two pod classrooms to an existing building in the central courtyard of the campus of the Lycee Francais Charles de Gaulle junior school. The Lycee is considered to be one of the best private schools in London with one in eight students placed there coming from British families who want their children to benefit from a bilingual education. 2007 Manchester Civil Justice Centre The Manchester Civil Justice Centre is the largest project of its type since the Royal Courts of Justice were built in London in 1870. Located on Bridge Street, Spinningfields, in an established legal quarter of Manchester, it contains forty-seven law courts in an innovative 13-storey building with an 11-storey atrium. As part of a mixed-mode ventilation strategy, the design includes large ventilation ducts to supply fresh air throughout working areas of the building. One of the key design challenges was to ensure sound transmission through these ducts did not undermine acoustic integrity between rooms. 2007 Mid Beds Council Offices The council offices are arranged around a double height public space with the meeting rooms providing a buffer between the public space and the three fingers of office space. The building also incorporates a council chamber with a curved glazed rear wall. The offices were designed to be naturally ventilated to ensure that the building will be be energy efficient and environmentally friendly. 2007 Newcastle College, Rye Hill House Rye Hill House accommodates the central administration department and student services. The design incorporates the refurbishment of the B-listed historic Rye Hill House, with an adjacent major new build development to the side and rear. 2007 The Public The Public brings together arts and technology. It contains the Hothouse and Nerve Centre which house interactive and multi-media IT facilities, a multi-purpose performance space, office workspaces, video and sound studios, retail, cafe and restaurant, and exhibition areas. These areas are housed in a series of internal and external pods 2007 Public Broadcasting Headquarters, Malta Outline design for a purpose built public broadcasting building in a busy city centre site in Valletta. Facilities include 2 production TV studios, 4 radio studios, 6 edit suites, a newsroom and offices. 2007 Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew 8211 Herbarium and Library Founded in 1853, the Herbarium and Library form one of the largest collections in the world relating to botany with over 750,000 volumes and 7 million specimens which include the personal collections of some of Britains most celebrated scientists and explorers of the past like Charles Darwin and David Livingstone. Accounting for over 98 of the world genera this project enables the current collections to grow by 30,000 specimens each year. 2007 Skyline Central Close to Manchesters fashionable Northern Quarter, this development consists of tiered residential buildings providing 248 apartments. On the 18th floor of the highest building is a 20 m indoor swimming pool with fully glazed facades providing panoramic views of the City Centre. 2007 Smithsonian Institution 8211 Robert and Arlene Kogod Courtyard A spectacular courtyard enclosure of the Patent Office Building in Washington, which was the third federal building erected in Washington DC after the Capitol and the White House. Today it houses both the Smithsonian American Art Museum and the National Portrait Gallery. The glass enclosure over the landmark Greek Revival buildings courtyard provides a central focus for the museums and a gathering point within one of the citys liveliest and fastest-growing neighbourhoods. It is one of the largest event spaces in Washington. 2007 Sonic Marshmallows These 2.5 m diameter acoustic mirrors were were installed at Wat Tyler Country Park in Basildon in February 2007 as one of a series of sculptures commissioned for the park. The brief was to create something playful and educational for children. The reflectors focus sound to allow people standing in front to hear each others whispers over a distance of 60 metres. The design was influenced by the acoustic mirrors built on the south and northeast coasts of England between 1916 and the 1930s to provide early warning of incoming enemy aircraft. 2007 St. Marylebone School, London A three storey building containing a gymnasium, dramadance studios, music practice rooms and art studios. The design incorporates an underground gymnasium with a large covered courtyard to bring light through a transparent facade. An external basketball court is located directly above the gymnasium. 2007 Edinburgh College 8211 Music 038 Performing Arts Centre The Music Box is part of the Colleges award winning faculty of creative arts. The facilities are intended for use not only by the college students but also the local community, as well as the professional arts community in Edinburgh and further afield. The building houses a recording studio and control room, a 120 seat flexible performance space, individual practice rehearsal rooms, dance studio, digital audio suite, and classroom accommodation. 2007 Cranfield University, Stringfellow Hall Accommodation for 250 mature post graduate students consisting of five near-identical blocks, each of five storeys. Rooms are grouped in sixes - five people plus a kitchen - with two groups per floor. Blocks are offset so that glazed corridor ends look out to greenery. The rooms are glazed floor to ceiling and have non-opening windows with louvered panels for ventilation. Winner of a Civic Trust Award 2009 2007 University of Aberdeen 8211 Heating System Renewal The acoustic design of a new combined heat and power (CHP) plant building serving the University campus. Attenuation measures were incorporated to reduce the noise from the CHP engine bay and boiler hall to residential areas which are in close proximity to the CHP building. 2007 Westminster Academy, London Located on the Westbourne Green Triangle between the busy Harrow Road and the A40 in west London, Westminster Academy caters for 1,175 students between 11 and 18 years old. Facilities include dance and drama studios, a community learning centre, science laboratories and a new sports hall. The Academy has a curriculum specialism of International Business and Enterprise. 2006 Hampstead Garden Suburb Institute Arts Institute A purpose built arts centre designed for adult learning on the site of a former neurological hospital close to East Finchley Underground Station. The building includes music and performing arts areas, 15 classrooms and 7 arts and crafts rooms. High ceilings and windows which provide light and spacious internal areas. 2006 Cambridge Regional College, Block D The addition of four lightweight mezzanine floors to one of the Colleges buildings to allow the combined teaching of traditional noisy trades like construction and metal-working with academic and IT subjects in classrooms built above. The control of noise transmission was achieved by floating plywood deck and wooden cross beams on resilient pads so that the deck was isolated from from the structural frame. 2006 Centre for Time Based Art A centre for artists, professional practice, discourse and presentation of time based art in its broadest meaning. The centre facilitates experimentation with the creation and presentation of these art forms and includes media production and post-production facilities together with projection and visual presentation spaces. 2006 De Montfort University Campus Centre Building The three-storey high Campus Centre building includes a 300 seat auditorium and 80 seat studio for the performing arts, new dining centre, teaching facilities and academic offices. 2006 Hilton Hotel, London Bridge, London This 250 key hotel is set within a 13-acre commercial development, More London, on the South Bank of the Thames between London Bridge and Tower Bridge. The hotel is conceived as three interlinked strips clad in variegated, copper panels and ribbed, honed terracotta and these mediate between the historic Tooley Street Conservation Area and More Londons contemporary towers. A dramatic cantilevered frosted glass box, the banqueting suite is cantilevered over the main pedestrian axis. An executive sky lounge gives long distance views to the Thames. 2006 Humberside Police Audiology Unit A new audiology suite at the Courtland Road Police Training Centre in Hull. The facilities are used for monitoring the hearing of staff. 2006 John Madejski Academy A specialist Sports Academy sponsored by John Madejski, Chairman of Reading Football Club, provides 1,100 places for 11 to 18 year olds. The design for the Academy buildings separates general teaching spaces from those with noisy areas. Elements of the landscape include a partially planted mound around the south of the building which encloses social areas and spaces for outdoor teachings, as well as helping to mitigate the road noise. Although naturally ventilated, noise from the classrooms had to be addressed. Attenuated trickle vents are installed to the perimeter of the classrooms, set just above the radiators so that cold air coming into the classroom is heated. Around the perimeter of the site a 2m high acoustic fence has been installed to reduce traffic noise. This fence has been set behind the existing hedge to reduce visual impact. 2006 The Leas Hotel Allcoat House, Southend-on-Sea This historic seaside hotel was converted to several private flats and completely refurbished with a new extension and conservatory to the west. New floor construction using the original timber posed challenges to the sound insulation of the units, as did areas where staircases from one unit crossed an adjacent unit. The finished building still met and exceeded the sound insulation requirements of Approved Document E. 2006 Mayfair Inter-Continental Hotel, London A major refurbishment and extension of a 300 room hotel in Stratton Street, London. The refurbishment part of the design included introduction of a new function room and complete reconfiguration of all floor layouts. The extension included new penthouse floors and a new six-floor wing with a fully glazed facade. The design incorporated additional guestrooms, meeting and function rooms, a restaurant, bar and health spa. An important part of the design was acoustic isolation of a new function room from guestrooms. To achieve this the new function room was designed to float on isolation mounts above the existing structure. 2006 Newcastle College 8211 SPACE The SPACE higher education centre provides a social venue for the colleges higher education students, including a large multi-use social area with raked seating, large screen TVs and a DJ gallery. The ground floor includes a drop in advice and interview area and spaces for student displays and informal meetings. 2006 Newcastle College Lifestyle Academy This 16 sq. metre development provides a new build facility for the college departments of Hair and Beauty, Sports and Fitness, Food and Hospitality, and Travel and Tourism. The facilities include classrooms, tutorial areas, IT suites, a student learning centre as well as lecture theatres. Additional facilities provided within these departments include a hair and beauty salon, wet treatment spa area, gym fitness studio, bar, restaurant and bistro area as well as staff rooms, administration facilities, stores, toilets and changing rooms. 2006 Palace Theatre, Redditch This Grade II listed theatre, designed in 1913 by the leading theatre architect of the day Bertie Crewe, is a rare example of Edwardian theatre architecture. With a sympathetically designed foyer and modernised visitor facilities, all the 1970s additions to the building have been removed and many of the internal and external features of the theatre have been restored to their former glory. 2006 Western Harbour, Leith We advised on Plot 2A, a residential apartment building, part of the large development overlooking the Firth of Forth at Western Harbour, Leith. 2005 All Saints Church, West Dulwich, London All Saints Church is a Grade I listed building designed by George Fellowes Prynne. It was completed in 1891 but totally gutted by a major fire in June 2000. The project includes the reconstruction of the roof, windows and complete interior, and the construction of a new west entrance linking to the crypt below which houses multi-purpose rooms and offices. 2005 Anglia Polytechnic University 8211 Opus One The Opus One project brings the Music Department onto the APUs central Cambridge campus providing music teaching and practice rooms, recording facilities and a performance space. The project also includes new Student Union facilities. 2005 Anglia Polytechnic University 8211 Rivermead Campus Phase A Phase A of the Rivermead campus development comprises two buildings: a Student Centre which includes Student support and Union facilities, bar and restaurant and a Sports Centre. 2005 Apex City of London Hotel, London This four star hotel features 130 bedrooms including a number of suites with private terraces, bar, restaurant, brasserie restaurant, five meeting rooms, gymnasium and spa facilities. The existing building was a 1950s office building. The conversion of the property involved creating a new glazed extension that over looks Seething Lane Gardens. 2005 Centre of the Cell, Whitechapel, London This cluster of orange bubbles, inspired by the nucleus of a cell, is at the heart of the advanced medical research centre at Queen Marys Institute of Cell and Molecular Science. Housing a double-decker visitor centre for 30 people, the major challenge was the pods sound insulation and control of reverberation and reflections within a complicated and confined space. This was achieved by acoustically modelling and producing auralisations of the acoustic quality inside the space. 2005 Chelsea College of Art 038 Design, London The remodelling and extension of the former Royal Army Medical College Grade II listed buildings at Millbank to provide a new home for the Chelsea College of Art Design. The college was previously housed in a variety of premises dispersed across four sites in two boroughs. The scheme now consolidates its activities on to this important site adjacent to Tate Britain. Facilities include a lecture theatre, gallery, refectory, seminar and function rooms, library (with interactive and quiet study areas) and workshops. 2005 The City Lit The City Lit is an independent adult education establishment which offers over 2000 courses. The design consolidated the institutes diverse facilities into a single seven storey building. These include areas for teaching the hearing impaired, music practice rooms, drama and dance rehearsal rooms, art workshops (including a room for traditional sculpture work), a TVradio studio, a learning resource centre and a cafeteria. Acoustic separation of noise producing activities from noise-sensitive areas played an important part in determining the building layout and structure. 2005 The Cut, Oswald Street, Glasgow The Cut is located in a busy city location between Oswald Street and Robertson Street in Glasgow, and contains 200 apartments. Many of the properties face a new central public square, but some elevations overlook the surrounding streets, including one where the existing facade was retained. Sandy Brown provided advice on sound insulation of separating floors and internal walls, and facade construction to attenuate noise ingress. 2005 Havering College Centre for Creative Arts A new three-storey arts and performance building on the Ardleigh Campus in Hornchurch, Essex. Accommodation includes dance, drama and TV studios, rehearsal and performance spaces, sound video edit rooms and a radio station. 2005 Herbert Gallery, Coventry The project comprised alterations to the existing building and a major new extension on a site directly opposite Coventry Cathedral. The public spaces opposite the Cathedral and the University draw the public through a glazed arcade into the galleries within the building. The development houses the museums collections and includes new galleries and a history centre, while providing a substantial environmentally controlled store to house the citys archives. 2005 Merton College Redevelopment Replacement of an existing single-storey building fronting London Road with a new three-storey general teaching building containing classrooms, laboratories, interview rooms, staff and student facilities and administration offices. The remaining existing buildings on the campus are to be substantially refurbished. 2005 NATS Headquarters Phase II 130,000sq ft of three story office, technical and support accommodation arranged within a series of three interlinked buildings for around 1100 staff. The buildings are connected by triple height glazed links, with lightweight bridges connecting the adjoining floor plates. 2005 Natural History Museum 8211 Darwin Centre Phase 2 This project completes the Darwin Centre, giving visitors physical and electronic access to almost 80 per cent of the Museums Botany and Entomology collections. These collections include material collected by Sir Hans Sloane, an eminent London physician and collector, who bequeathed his natural history collections to the nation in 1753 - a move that helped bring the British Museum into being and subsequently led to the foundation of The Natural History Museum. The building is designed to protect these vast dry collections from their biggest threat - attack from pests. 2005 New Garden House, London Redevelopmentrefurbishment of New Garden House, an office property at 78-83 Hatton Garden, London EC1, designed by leading architects AHMM which includes an additional 50,000 sq ft building within the courtyard of the existing development. 2005 St Ethelburga8217s Centre for Reconcilliation and Peace, Glass Entryway Smallest of the City churches (a mere 51 by 30 ft), the 700 year old St Ethelburgas Church survived the Great Fire of London (1666) and The Blitz (1941-43), but was destroyed by an IRA bomb in 1993. The church, finally restored and re-consecrated in 2002, became the Centre for Reconciliation and Peace. Noise through the front door from Bishopsgate was a consistent issue resulting in several design proposals for a glass entryway to allow both better sound control and more public visual access to the centre. SBA provided consultation on two of the designs. 2005 University of Luton Student Plaza A new student community facility for the Park Street campus, built around a four-storey atrium. The ground floor provides social space suitable for a variety of activities such as teaching, meetings, ceremonies, study and leisure. The three upper floor levels are designed for teaching and learning. 2005 Church of Our Lady and St Vincent The Church of Our Lady and St Vincent de Paul is an award winning Catholic Church in Potters Bar. It is the first new build antiphonal Roman Catholic Church in England. Mass is held using the length of the Church, with the congregation seated in pews either side. This makes a large space feel surprisingly intimate as nobody is seated more than five rows from the Priest. The elliptical building is made from brickwork with an inner lining of blockwork and is finished with timber decking inside. 2004 10 Gresham Street, London This office building, for Standard Life Property Investment, shares an island site with Wax Chandlers Hall. It has 10 levels and an atrium which expands as it rises to provide maximum daylight. 2004 Bancroft8217s School 8211 Courtyard One Building Construction of a three storey extension to provide additional facilities including a new school kitchen, a servery, teaching areas, a sixth form centre, a new sports facility housing a large multi-purpose hall, a modern fitness suite, changing rooms and offices. Natural ventilation to the classrooms is provided by cross ventilation through to a central lightwell with circulation and exhibition space. 2004 Barclays Bank Headquarters A 32 storey building located in Phase II of the Canary Wharf Development with 28 office floors, a promenade and three basement levels, plus associated plant floors. Barclays Bank plc occupy almost two thirds of the building. Facilities include two training floors, staff and private dining rooms, a health club, meetingtraining rooms, offices, auditorium, recording studio, chairmans flat and a helicopter landing pad. 2004 Cambridge Regional College A specialist arts building for a sixth form college. The building includes music practice rooms, drama and dance rehearsal rooms, recording studios, classrooms and workshop areas. Space constraints meant that high noise level areas were adjacent to noise sensitive areas so to account for this the building fabric was treated with high specification acoustic attenuation measures. This included the installation of secondary MF walling glazing, specialist suspended ceiling systems (floating rooms) and specialist acoustic doors. 2004 Oxford University 8211 Centre for Advanced Studies in Social Sciences (Phase II) Phase II of the scheme for postgraduate studies including economics, criminology and politics. Facilities include a library, lecture theatres, seminar rooms, work spaces for graduate students and staff offices. 2004 Christopher Place 8211 Phase II An extension to the specialist teaching centre in Euston for hearing-impaired children under the age of five. Facilities include one-to-one therapy booths, a sensory and creative room for group work, classrooms with play space, a staff room and a family room. 2004 Churchill Place, London (RT4) A new retail building enclosed by a semi-circular glazed roof and surrounded by planting and water features at street level. An internal balcony of retail spacerestaurants overlooks the main retail area which incorporates a new libraryideas store for the London Borough of Tower Hamlets. 2004 Creative Enterprise Centre New build arts centre at Victoria Dock, Caernarfon. The project is a hybrid between theatrerehearsal facilities, and small office spaces aimed at young creative companies. The venue includes a 395 seat multipurpose auditorium (for concert, cinema and theatre use), two 100m2 rehearsal spaces, music practice rooms, office spaces, together with associated foyer, bar, cafe, dressing rooms, workshop and backstage accommodation. 2004 Dalston Cultural Centre The Dalston Culture House, which is the focal point for Gillett Square, provides a unique community resource combining a conference centre for the existing shared workspace and a new venue for the renowned Vortex Jazz Club. 2004 Gleneagles Hotel 8211 Braid House Linked to the main hotel by a glazed corridor, Braid House is a four storey building containing 59 luxury bedrooms with balconies, fireplaces, sitting and breakfast areas and state of the art entertainment facilities. The building also contains four syndicate rooms. In addition to the acoustic design of Braid House, we also advised on the conference and leisure facilities and have helped resolve a number of sound insulation and noise problems in the historic areas of the main hotel. 2004 Grand Mosque for Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan the second PA and acoustic design for a large Mosque complex in Abu Dhabi. Balancing the PA intelligibility with the architectural constraints was the major acoustic challenge. 2004 HM Customs 038 Excise and HM Inland Revenue Renovation of the Grade II listed east end of the Government Offices on Great George Street (GOGGS), north of Parliament Square, for use by 1350 staff from HM Customs Excise and the Inland Revenue. Over 1,400 windows, 500 rooms and 2.1 miles of corridors were refurbished, and 8.5 miles of wall removed, all without access to three sides of the building and with 30 per cent of it underground. The scheme also features a refurbished circular court, restaurant and library. 2004 The Hospital studios The refurbished former St Pauls Hospital in Londons Covent Garden is a state of the art media and arts complex with studios, gallery, private members club and an 80-seat fine dining restaurant complete with private dining room for 12. The complex includes a unique multipurpose suite that can be used as a recording studio, photographic studio, TV studio and presentation area. Sandy Brown designed both live end, dead end acoustics with a very high level of sound insulation in triple sliding doors between the spaces 2004 Imperial College 8211 Faculty Building, Kensington The four storey headquarters building on Imperial Colleges South Kensington campus brings together key administrative staff for the first time under one roof. It houses a combination of open-plan spaces around the central core, perimeter cellular offices, meeting rooms, a boardroom and a Rectors suite. 2004 James Watt College, Greenock Practice room and recording technology facilities for James Watt College, Greenock 2004 Lehman Brothers Headquarters Lehman Brothers 32 storey European headquarters building provides for a range of banking facilities, mainly trading and investment banking, with support facilities, accommodating approximately 5,000. An auditorium, restaurant, executive dining and conference rooms are included. 2004 London Stock Exchange New headquarter offices for the London Stock Exchange in the City of Londons Paternoster Square. The building has 8 floors with two atria, an auditorium, studios and a visitor centre. 2004 The Lowry Theatre Redevelopment, Salford Quays The project comprises the refurbishment of the existing facility at The Lowry to accommodate a 150 seat studio theatre, flexible danceperformance spaces, education rooms and corporate hospitality facilities. 2004 Meridian TV, Forum One A new digital television centre for Meridian Broadcasting Ltd within a landmark building at the entrance to the Forum, which forms part of the Solent Business Park. Technical areas include three new studios, three galleries, five edit suites and five voice over booths. 2004 Museum of World Culture, Gothenberg The National Museum of World Culture in Gothenberg is both museum and cultural centre, without precedent in Sweden. On six levels, it includes a 150-seat multipurpose auditorium, four meeting rooms providing conference facilities, an atrium which lends itself to a variety of events, offices, a restaurant and shop. Level 1 provides the exhibition space, with further galleries on levels 3 and 4. 2004 National Galleries of Scotland 8211 Playfair Project An underground link between the Royal Scottish Academy and the National Gallery of Scotland, providing access from a concourse area overlooking Princes Street Gardens, with new educational and visitor facilities, including a 200-seat lecture theatre and seminar room, bookshop and restaurantcafe. The theatre will be used for musical performances as well as for speech. 2004 National Waterfront Museum Swansea Waless National Waterfront museum on Victoria Quay in Swansea explores the dramatic economic and social changes in Wales over the last 200 years. Collections from both the National Museum and Galleries of Wales, and the former Swansea Maritime and Industrial Museum are included in the displays. 2004 Newcastle College Music, Performing Arts and Media Centre The building provides accommodation for all Newcastle Colleges music, performing arts and mixed media courses. It contains a 250-seat flexible theatre, a music venue for an audience of 200, a 60-seat studio theatre, recording studios, rehearsal rooms, television studio, drama dance studios and a radio station. The development is the first of its kind for mixed media studies in the UK. 2004 West India Quay, London A 33-storey building containing 158 high quality residential apartments, 96 serviced apartments and a 218 room Marriott hotel. The building is clad with high performance unitised curtain walling which was designed to reduce noise break-in from the nearby Docklands Light Rail system and control sound transfer between adjacent rooms. Bathroom pods were pre-fabricated off-site to achieve high levels of sound insulation between apartments and hotel guestrooms. The hotel contains a double-height restaurant and a ballroom which are separated from guestrooms by high performance sound insulating structures. 2004 Osney 1 Building Conversion of the former Blackwell Science Building on the Osney Mead Industrial Estate to provide new accommodation for 130 staff from three major departments of the Oxford University Library Service. Facilities include the acquisition and cataloguing of new books and periodicals, the conservation of vulnerable and damaged historic collections and the maintenance of electronic resources which incorporates sensitive digital imaging. 2004 Petronas University of Technology, Malaysia A unique and flexible space with 1000 seats on a flat floor, 1000 retractable seats and 100 seats on fixed tribunes used for examinations, Convocation, conferences and meetings. The platform stage can convert to proscenium format and a large glazed rear window can be blacked out for stage events. 2004 Sacred Heart High School Two new buildings dedicated to sports and technology, supplement refurbishment of an existing main building. Facilities include music practice rooms, a recording studio, drama studios and a library. The buildings were designed for passive ventilation generated from thermal stacking in a central atrium. 2004 The Scottish Parliament Building The architects for this major development were EMBT-RMJM a new partnership formed for the project between Enric Mirales, Benedetta Tagliabue and RMJM. The development consisted of a number of new and redeveloped buildings, forming three main areas: The Assembly buildings, which includes a debating chamber with press facilities and public galleries, committee rooms, libraries, restaurant facilities and bars. The MSP building accommodates the 129 members and their staff. Queensberry House, an existing Grade A listed building, was converted to provide meeting rooms, administration areas and party leaders accommodation. 2004 Southside (Arndale Centre) Refurbishment and extension to the existing central mall of the Arndale Shopping Centre. The new build consists of the construction of a fourteen screen cinema with retail units below connecting to the existing shopping centre with a new concourse and entrance. It is one of the largest mixed new build and refurbishment projects in the UK. 2004 St Martin-in-the-Fields St Martin-in-the-Fields is a 1726 Grade I listed building in Trafalgar Square designed by James Gibbs. The project improves the quality and quantity of space for its many activities - from church services and concerts, to provision for the homeless. This is achieved by the reconfiguration and integration of internal space in adjacent buildings and the addition of underground space adjacent to the church to provide a foyer, chapel and the Neville Marriner Rehearsal Room. 2004 Swiss Re 8211 8216The Gherkin8217 Often referred to as The Gherkin, this London landmark rises 180 sq. metres with 40 storeys, including two levels of retail within a spectacular double height arcade. Built on the site of the former Baltic Exchange, it is the second tallest building in the Square Mile after Tower 42 (formerly the Natwest Tower). It has a series of spiral atria typically closed every sixth floor and a restaurant at its peak. The building houses approximately 3000 people and saves energy by using no mechanical ventilation or heating for a large proportion of the year. 2004 Zetter Hotel, London The Zetter is a conversion of a 19th century warehouse into a striking and stylish hotel in Londons fashionable Clerkenwell area, combining visionary design with innovative environmentally-responsible principles. The Zetter won the Architecture and the Innovation Awards, and a highly commended for interior Design at the European Hotel Design Awards in 2004. 2003 15 Canada Square (DS3), Canary Wharf This 12 storey speculative office building includes a seven storey atrium, two levels of trading floors, nine floors of office space, two plant floors and four levels of parking. 2003 20 Bank Street (HQ1), Canary Wharf A new 13 storey office building for Morgan Stanley Dean Witter, adjacent to the Heron Quays Docklands Light Railway (DLR) station, connecting directly to the Jubilee Park retail mall and Jubilee Line station. Unusually, the building core is on the east face and acts as a barrier to the DLR. 2003 40 Bank Street (HQ3), Canary Wharf One of five Heron Quays office buildings located on the south side of Canary Wharf. This 32 storey building, which incorporates an intermediate plant floor, is a speculative development for multiple tenancy. 2003 Anglia Polytechnic University 8211 Michael A Ashcroft Centre for Business The project continues the planned development of the Rivermead Campus at Anglia Polytechnic University. The Michael A Ashcroft Centre for Business is a space designed to be flexible and adaptable, with facilities for learning, teaching and research, as well as for conferences and seminars. It includes an auditorium, offices and meeting rooms. 2003 Ashmole School, Barnet A three storey secondary school built on an existing school site in Southgate, Barnet. The building contains 61 classrooms, a gymnasium, a sports hall, a library and an assembly hall. 2003 Bancroft8217s School 8211 Adams Building Refurbishment of the three-storey listed Adams Building, which houses the music department, to provide updated music and practice facilities on the North End Campus of Bancrofts School in Woodford, Essex. 2003 Bank of England Wellness Centre As part of a commitment to improving staff facilities, The Bank of England wished to provide a modern occupational health facility incorporating a medical suite and fitness centre. Sensitive medical equipment was installed as part of the facilities for doctors and dentists. This meant high acoustic standards were required to isolate rooms from intrusive noise and vibration from underground trains. Aerobics and spinning studios were included in the fitness centre and sound insulating constructions were used to prevent disturbance from loud music transferring to sensitive working areas in the building. 2003 BBC Music Centre The winning design for the new BBCs Music Centre was taken to detailed design stage. The building includes two major music recording studios and is to be home to the BBC Symphony Orchestra, the BBC Symphony Chorus, the BBC Concert Orchestra and the BBC Singers, bringing them together in one place for the first time. An important feature of the studios is a large glazed end wall designed to provide high levels of sound insulation and to diffuse sound within the studios. The Bullring provides Britain with one of Europes largest and most innovative shopping destinations. Bullring comprises traditional streets, squares and open spaces - and a glass ceiling Skyplane over the public malls forms a horizontal weather screen. 2003 City Inn, Westminster The 14-storey City Inn Westminster is the largest new-build hotel in central London. It contains 460 bedrooms, a restaurant, an Art Street, coach and car parking. It is regarded as the companys flagship hotel. 2003 Clifford Chance Headquarters On 33 levels, this corporate headquarters building for International law firm Clifford Chance provides offices, meeting rooms, partner dining rooms, 75 client conferencemeeting rooms, a 250 seat auditorium and staff facilities including retail, a swimming pool, gymnasium, aerobics rooms, squash courts and a 500 seat restaurant. 2003 Dubai International Convention Centre The Dubai International Convention Centre facility is linked to the Dubai International Exhibition Centre by a covered concourse that offers a range of amenities including shops and restaurants and 18 syndicate rooms that accommodate from 40 to 220 (theatre style). The main auditorium, which can accommodate from 600 to 6000 individuals, is complemented by four large meeting rooms, housed in the same multi-purpose hall. 2003 East Winter Garden, London A spectacular barrel-vaulted glass atrium linking two new headquarters buildings at Heron Quays, Canary Wharf, for concerts, functions, entertainment, exhibitions and banquets accommodating up to 600 seated. A balcony overlooking the space provides a bar and cafe. A flexible arrangement of floor traps provides facilities for exhibition and displays. Special shaped sound loudspeakers are used to provide speech intelligibility in the highly reverberant space. 2003 Ernst 038 Young, London This nine storey office building occupies a prominent Thames riverside frontage site on the north-west boundary of the More London development. The main entrance is through a double storey height glazed screen into an atrium. Facilities for Ernst Youngs 3200 staff include an auditorium, conference suites, meetingtraining rooms, open plan and cellular offices. 2003 Ernst 038 Young, Birmingham Fit-out of the upper floors of a new office development at 1 Colmore Square, Birmingham. Facilities include open-plan offices, break-out spaces, conferencetraining facilities and a boardroom. 2003 Lyric Theatre, Hammersmith Advised on the extension and refurbishment of the facilities at the Lyric Theatre in Hammersmith, West London, which included a rehearsal room, classroom and a cafe outdoors on a podium. 2003 Imperial College Business School The four storey headquarters building on Imperial Colleges South Kensington campus brings together key administrative staff for the first time under one roof. It houses a combination of open-plan spaces around the central core, perimeter cellular offices, meeting rooms, a boardroom and a Rectors suite. 2003 Lanark Sheriff Court Refurbishment of the existing courtroom, design of a new courtroom, together with a new build extension containing Sheriffs chambers, witness rooms, library and cell accommodation. 2003 University of Stirling 8211 MacRobert Arts Centre Refurbishment of the 500-seat main auditorium plus new build three-storey extension to the 1960s buildings at the University of Stirling. The new extension contains a new 100-seat childrens theatre, a 140-seat film theatre, foyer spaces, creche and cafe bar. 2003 Peebles Arts Centre Conversion of a former church to an Arts Centre, comprising an auditorium and secondary performancerehearsal space, foyergallery and ancillary accommodation. 2003 Retail Park, Elgin Noise assessment for a proposed non food retail warehouse park at Elgin, Moray. 2003 Scottish Gas (Centrica) Headquarters The four-storey corporate headquarters building for Scottish Gas, part of Centrica plc, is a functional high-density workplace and accommodates 1800 staff in two shifts. The ground floor provides meeting rooms, administration, IT, occupational health and a staff restaurant. The upper floors provide the customer contact centre comprising open plan workspaces arranged on both sides of the atrium. 2003 TVB New TV City, Hong Kong Completely new building complex to house all TVBs existing facilities for production, post production and transmission. The complex contains a major production centre with two large variety studios, nine drama and live entertainment studios, eight dubbing studios, and 23 on offline edit suites. It also has a Major News Production Centre with four news studios and satellite up-link and down-link facilities as well as terrestrial transmission facilities. 2003 University of Surry, Unis Management School Located on the University of Surrey campus in Guildford this three storey triangular building contains a 400 seat auditorium as well as seminar rooms, offices and video conferencing facilities. A central atrium provides access to all floors and acoustic treatments were necessary to control the transfer of noise within the atrium to adjacent sensitive spaces. 2003 Universal Studios Worldwide Network Central London playout facility for Universal Studios consisting of editing and format facilities, tape storage, racks and multi-channel digital control suite. 2002 20 Canada Square (DS4), Canary Wharf A 12 storey office building on the south-east corner of Canada Square with two south facing atria. The building connects underground with the Canada Place retail mall and the Jubilee Line station. Tenants are the global publishing, financial, information and media services firm, The McGraw-Hill Companies. 2002 25 Canada Square (DS5), Canary Wharf Adjoining 33 Canada Square, Citigroups existing building, this is a 42-storey office tower. The linked buildings are known as The Citigroup Centre. Office floors include perimeter cellular offices and internal meetingconference rooms. 2002 5 Canada Square (DS1), Canary Wharf A 15 storey office building on the north side of Canada Square at Canary Wharf consisting of large U-shaped floor plates with two stacked atria that offer a view towards Canada Square. Tenants include Credit Suisse First Boston and Bank of America. 2002 Bellsdyke Hospital 038 Hill of Kinnaird Environmental Noise Impact Assessment for a proposed development at the former Bellsdyke Hospital site and Hill of Kinnaird Farm, Larbert. The 88 hectare site will include a school, up to 1700 homes, 10,000 m2 business accommodation, a public park and nature reserve areas. The development will take place in phases, the last by 2019. 2002 Canada Place (DS8), Canary Wharf This six-storey retail and leisure building is located towards the eastern end of the Canary Wharf Estate. It has a large glass atrium at the entrance which is linked underground to the Canada Place retail mall. Tenants include the Reebok Sports Club, Waitrose and The Conran Group. 2002 Capital International, 40 Grosvenor Place, London Fit-out of three floors in 40 Grosvenor Place. Cooling is provided by a chilled ceiling system which produces low background noise levels. One of the key issues was maintaining acoustic privacy, particularly with regard to use of speakerphones. High levels of privacy were achieved between cellular offices and meeting rooms by use of acoustically rated partitions sliding glass doors and specification of a sound masking system. 2002 Dundee College, Theatre and Dance Complex The space, which houses the Scottish School of Contemporary Dance, includes a 200 seat auditorium with a flexible seating arrangement, 3 dance studios, conference rooms and associated facilities. It has received an award from the Civic Trust for an outstanding contribution to the quality and appearance of the environment. 2002 University of Cambridge, Faculty of Music West Road Concert Hall Refurbishment of the University of Cambridge Faculty of Music Concert Hall in West Road. The project involved the redesign of the ventilation system to reduce noise within the hall and outside adjacent premises, reupholstering of the seating (including laboratory testing) and redecoration. As well as the concert hall, the building contains lecture rooms, a rehearsal room and offices. 2002 Gilston Park Environmental Noise Impact Assessment for a proposed mixed development at Gilston Farm, Polmont. The development includes housing, retail, business units, and a distribution facility. 2002 Institute of Technology, Dublin The first four buildings for the Institute of Technology, home to the School of Business Humanities and the School of Informatics Engineering, on a greenfield campus in Blanchardstown just outside Dublin. The buildings house lecture and seminar rooms, library, administration offices, restaurant, multipurpose hall and apprentice training spaces. 2002 Jubilee Place (RT3), London The scheme is on three levels, providing a single retail floor with two levels of car parking below. It includes a mixture of shops, restaurants and public circulation space linked to the Jubilee Line underground station. 2002 University of Oxford, Keble College, The Stone Robinson Building The lower part of the building contains the 250 seat flexible multi-purpose OReilly Theatre with control room and ancillary accommodation. Above this, and supported on a resiliently floated sound insulating structure, are a music recital room and a diningconference area. The top part of the building contains teaching spaces and student rooms. 2002 Sir John CASS Business School The six storey CASS Business School in Islington forms part of the redevelopment of an entire urban block to the north of Chiswell Street, London. The school serves industry and commerce around the world in addition to the City of London and the business professions. Accommodation includes Harvard-style lecture theatres, conferenceseminar facilities, a learning resource centre, break-out spaces and offices for academic staff. 2002 Stirling Tolbooth Arts Centre Conversion of a 17th century A listed building (formerly a town hall, courthouse and jail) to form a flexible 200-seat auditorium (theatre and music performance), high performance recording studio and rehearsal room, dance studio, offices, bar and restaurant. 2001 15 Westferry Circus (WF9), Canary Wharf A 10 storey office building for Morgan Stanley Dean Witter occupying a prominent site at the western end of the estate. 2001 Arthur Andersen Headquarters A three-storey building constructed within Arundel Great Court, a courtyard off the Strand, forming part of Arthur Andersens UK headquarters. The building provides a suite of conference spaces, two floors of offices and a multi-purpose atrium with variable acoustics for presentations. 2001 Barbican Concert Hall refurbishment As part of a phased refurbishment programme for the Barbican Concert Hall, an acoustic survey was carried out to assess detailed acoustic characteristics and deficiencies in the main hall. Advice was provided on the feasibility of undertaking technical improvement work. 2001 Birmingham Hippodrome The Birmingham Hippodrome was built in 1899 and has since been at the heart of Birminghams cultural life. This project was part of its Centenary Development plan and included the refurbishment and improvement of the auditorium, public and backstage areas. It also included the construction of a second smaller theatre and new dance studios for the Birmingham Royal Ballet and DanceXchange. The refurbishment of Bloombergs City Gate House building and expansion into 50 Finsbury Square next door. The project includes five storeys of offices, 6 TV studios, an auditorium, training rooms and dining facilities. 2001 Edinburgh Gate Business Park Environmental Noise Impact Assessment for the proposed redevelopment of the former Continental Tyre Factory site, at Newbridge, Edinburgh. It is intended to develop the 24 hectare site to provide 90,000 m2 of office and other business accommodation. 2001 Imperial College, Flowers Building Multi-disciplinary research facility located within Imperial Colleges South Kensington Campus housing research and support laboratories with adjacent open plan offices, a social area and seminarmeeting rooms. Includes highly sensitive electron microscope and NMR suites. 2001 Marylebone Parish Church This church lies along the old Ty bourne, a stream that formerly ran from what is now Regents park to the Thames. A church has stood on the present site since 1400 although the current building dates from 1817. In 1980 a Rieger pipe organ was installed in collaboration with the Royal Academy of Music. The organ is seated on a rear balcony which has meeting rooms and social facilities directly underneath. Sound from the organ was distracting for people using the rooms so constructions between the organ and the rooms were upgraded to improve the sound insulation provided. 2001 National Space Centre The Centre, a landmark Millennium Project for the East Midlands, comprises a 41m high Rocket Tower clad in inflated ETFE containing a space vehicle, a 3,500m2 exhibition space with interactive exhibits, a Planetarium and a Challenger Learning Centre which houses mission control rooms. 2001 Said Business School The Salford Business Schools purpose-built building, situated in the centre of Oxford, combines state-of-the-art teaching facilities with classically modern architecture and landscaping. The building includes a 300 seat lecture theatre, four 80 seat Harvard style horseshoe-shaped lecture theatres (with dual screens to enable simultaneous use of a range of visual media), two 75 seat lecture theatres, seminar rooms, project rooms, meeting rooms, an audio-visual editing suite, library, offices, catering facilities and ancillary spaces. 2001 Warner Village, Two Rivers A 10 screen cinema complex forming part of the 22,000 m2 Two Rivers retail and leisure development by MEPC 2000 11-13 Hoborn Viaduct New office development incorporating measures to control structure-borne noise from the Thameslink railway beneath the building. 2000 50 Finsbury Square Office building by developers Standard Life Property Investments which set a record for London office rents when it was let to Bloomberg. 2000 Al Faisaliah Complex The complex includes a five-star hotel, a banqueting and conference centre, luxury apartments, a three-storey retail mall and a 267 sq. metre high office tower - Saudi Arabias first skyscraper. The banqueting hall can accommodate activities ranging from wedding ceremonies for up to 2,000 people to conferences for up to 3,400 and has a column-free space 57 sq. metres wide and 81 sq. metres long, with a moveable partition system that can divide the hall into sixteen separate rooms. 2000 Armstrong Studio A conversion of a mews house into a music compositionrecording facility for the leading recording artist and filmclassical composer Craig Armstrong. Mr Armstrong has worked with many artists such as Madonna, U2, Bjork, Massive Attack and written the scores for box office hits such as Romeo Juliet and Moulin Rouge (for which he won a Golden Globe and BAFTA award). 2000 Bluewater Cinemas A 12 screen cinema complex in the south village of the Bluewater shopping centre in Kent. Cinemas are stacked on two levels and range in size from 90 to 440 seats. 2000 Bristol 2000 Wildscreen World Wildscreen, part of the inspirational Bristol Landmark Millennium project is a unique wildlife attraction combining live exhibits, such as small animals and plants, with state of the art multimedia techniques which includes the 200-seat IMAX cinema. Designed to comply fully with the stringent requirements of IMAX Corporation and the clients brief, sound insulation to contain the very high sound levels produced in such spaces has been provided. 2000 British Museum Great Court The Great Court project gives public access the old Reading Room for the first time. The Great Court is glazed over to form a major new public space for the Museum, which includes restaurants and retail space. In addition, the project provides a new conference centre with two auditoria (350 and 150 seats) and five flexible seminar and meeting rooms. The old Reading Room has been re-arranged to house Compass computer terminals giving the public access to the Museums interactive multi-media exhibits. 2000 Broadgate Information Centre Fit-out of marketing suite resiliently supported to protect it against noise and vibration from the passage of trains immediately below. 2000 Daewoo Headquarters Daewoos new RD Headquarters building includes a 600 seat auditorium to host conferences and presentations with a VIP gallery and lounge. 2000 Falkland Islands Memorial Chapel The Falkland Islands Memorial Chapel seats 580 within the ground floor area and gallery. Its design is reminiscent of the shape of a ship - almond or mandorla shaped - denoting hands cupped in prayer. 2000 Fingal County Hall Three five-storey wings of shallow, cross-ventilated offices are linked across one end by a stunning vertical main street the outside entrance wall of which is a full height curved structural glass screen. A circular council chamber is open along one wall to the gaze of passers-by outside the main street. Great efforts have been made to achieve a sustainable low energy building. This is evident within the offices where a combination of curved precast concrete ceilings, integrated lighting and a curtain wall providing natural opening lights and solar shading, obviates any need for artificial cooling. The Council Chamber is the only truly air conditioned space in the building. 2000 Harrow Place Travel Lodge, London A Granada Travelodge hotel in Harrow Place E1 floated on elastomeric bearings, as it was built over the Metropolitan line between Liverpool Street and Aldgate Stations. Elliptical glass boardroom and elliptical glass Network Operations Control Centre as part of the fit-out of 200 Grays Inn Road for IAXIS, the former fibre-optic network company. The concept of the floating glass boardroom table with integrated AV technology and fibre-optics was developed by sculptor Danny Lane. Computer acoustic modelling was used in the design, which won an award. 2000 The Lowry Centre This is the UKs first purpose-built cultural centre combining the performing and visual arts. Situated on the banks of the Manchester Ship Canal, it comprises a gallery to display the worlds largest collection of paintings and drawings by L. S Lowry, and incorporates the Lowry Study Centre - a 1650-seat theatre capable of staging opera, ballet and drama and a 400-seat flexible auditorium for community theatre. 2000 Science Museum, Making of the Modern World Development of the ground floor of the Welcome Wing at the Science Museum in South Kensington SW1, to be used for regularly changing exhibitions and displays as well as catering and retail. The 1st floor encompasses a world-class biomedical exhibition. 2000 NBC 2000 Sydney Olympics TV and Radio Studios A 6000 m2 technical complex to provide TV and radio coverage of the 2000 Olympics for the entire USA. The complex consisted of two large demountable studios (600m2 and 320 m2) control facilities, editing, formatting, graphics and transmission facilities. The demountable studios, and their integrated control galleries, were specifically designed to serve five Olympic venues, Sydney being the first. 2000 Newbury Race Course Tattersall8217s Stand Tattersalls Stand at Newbury Racecourse consists of a betting hallexhibition space on the ground floor, bar on the 1st floor, and a 600 seat restaurant divisible into two for a range of functions including conferences. 2000 Overgate Centre, Dundee This redevelopment of a 1960s centre creates a bold new vision for city centre development in the next millennium. Avoiding the usual introverted malls, a series of glass-sided walkways link the 35,000 m2 of shops and 1000 space car park, whilst giving views out onto the 17th Century church of St Mary. 2000 Royal Academy of Music, David Josefowitz Recital Hall The new 100-seat David Josefowitz Recital Hall is the centrepiece of the project, which also included the conversion of buildings in York Gate to provide music instrument workshops, library and special music collection, a public exhibition area, and many teaching and practice rooms. The Recital Hall is partly below ground level but includes a large sound-insulating window at high level. Acoustic computer model studies were used to develop the suspended diffuserreflector in the shape of an inverted exploded T to provide early reflections, which ensure good orchestral ensemble and also eliminate focussing from the vaulted ceiling. The project won an RIBA 2002 award. 2000 Sharjah University, Sharjah Meeting Hall A landmark building at the entrance to the new Sharjah University. The facility contains a conference centre with boxes for the Ruler and his guests on a balcony. A range of large subdivisible breakout rooms is accessed by escalators at an upper level. 2000 University of Bath Student Accommodation Four new buildings accommodating 211 students and resident tutors, with kitchens, studios and study rooms, as well as parking and gardens. 2000 Usher Hall For over thirty years Sandy Brown has been involved in the renovations and improvements to this prime venue. The 19992000 renovations included new stage lifts, new seating, alterations to allow promenade concerts, upgrading of lighting, new raked auditorium floor, new concert platform and the complete replacement of the mechanical and electrical services. 2000 William Ellis School, London Alterations and extensions to increase space within the existing building at the William Ellis School. A new art room, library and assembly hall is provided by means of a mezzanine floor. 2000 Yuen Long Auditorium, Hong Kong The natural acoustic of this multi-purpose auditorium has been designed predominantly for music. The provision of a fly tower and retractable horizontal and vertical absorbent elements in the auditorium allow the acoustic of the space to be altered so that it can also be used as a theatre. 1999 17 Columbus Courtyard (B4), Canary Wharf This 11-storey shell and core office building, occupied by Credit Suisse First Boston, is linked to 20 Columbus Courtyard by glass sided walkways at ground and fifth floor levels. 1999 20 Columbus Courtyard (B5), Canary Wharf This 11-storey office building, occupied by Credit Suisse First Boston (CSFB), is joined to the original CSFB building at One Cabot Square. It houses the trading floors, meeting rooms, conference areas plus comprehensive staff facilities including a restaurant, gymnasium and retail spaces. 1999 40 Grosvenor Place, London Overlooking the grounds of Buckingham Palace, this office building is designed to house four or more tenants in space divided either vertically or horizontally. It contains an atrium winter garden, restaurant, health club, conference facilities and shops. 1999 Adobe Headquarters Headquarters office building for Adobe, situated at Edinburgh Park. Includes cellular and open plan offices, meeting rooms, video conference room, restaurant, training rooms and computer equipment rooms. 1999 Bank of England Conference Centre Tiered conference facility formed from a redundant banking hall with breakout and hospitality facilities. In addition to being used for internal conferences and meetings it is also used by the Monetary Policy Committee and for television presentations. 1999 BT Headquarters, Edinburgh Park The building, located on the northern end of the new Edinburgh Park development, comprises three separate office blocks each opening onto a central atrium. The blocks are connected by separate enclosed atria. Longitudinal streets join the three blocks on the east and west facades with meeting rooms in the east street. A linked amenity block contains the staff restaurant, kitchen, cafe, touchdown centre and conferencing facilities. 1999 The Corn Exchange Edinburgh Conversion of a former Corn Exchange building (listed Category B building) to form a multipurpose venue, with uses including a music venue, exhibition space, banqueting suite, and conference events. A major consideration was upgrading the sound insulation of the building envelope, which included large areas of windows and roof glazing, to minimise sound transmission to nearby noise sensitive areas. 1999 Dundee Contemporary Arts Dundee Contemporary Arts Centre includes galleries, 2 cinemas, meeting rooms, a cafebar, a small recording studio, and extensive creative facilities with an emphasis on printmaking and new technology modern art forms. 1999 Exeter and Devon Arts Centre The project encompassed the construction of a new theatre, remodelling of the Arts Centre, and construction of new Media Centre within an existing shell in Gandy Street, Exeter. 1999 Kwai Tsing Auditorium, Hong Kong A multipurpose fan-shaped auditorium whose natural acoustic has been designed for theatre use. An electro-acoustic enhancement system makes the auditorium more acceptable for music uses. 1999 Millennium Dome The UKs premier exhibition space to mark the 2000 millennium. This vast dome is constructed from a stretched flexible membrane and is large enough to contain the whole of Wembley stadium and its car park. It is designed to contain a variety of exhibits and corporate buildings, as well as a central performance area. 1999 Musee de la Pre histoire des Gorges du Verdon This museum includes a substantial display, research and archive areas, as well as a generous double height entrance hall with a shop and a cafe, and an auditorium capable of seating 100 people for lectures or for village events. 1999 Soho Theatre and Writers Centre A flexible theatre with removable balconies capable of theatre-in-the-round or end-stage configuration, together with rehearsal space, writing facilities and restaurant. The auditorium is fully floating to provide high levels of sound insulation from the rehearsal space. 1999 Tanzania National Television Sandy Brown, as specialist architects and acoustic consultants, worked in conjunction with a local architect Moses Mkony to establishment of a national mainland television station in Dar-es-Salaam. 1999 Tron Theatre Glasgow Redevelopment Parts of the building on the Tron Theatre site date back to 1529, and previous architects include Robert Adam. This latest redevelopment was in five phases comprising improvement and redevelopment of the auditorium, a new box office and foyer, studio theatre, bar and administration facilities and improved back of stage facilities. 1999 Tunnel Construction at Talacre Road, London A purpose designed noise enclosure to facilitate 24-hour tunnel excavation and construction in a residential area. Achieving the required noise control with a low cost, rapid-build construction were the prime objectives. 1998 Aspire National Training Centre The Aspire leisure centre provides training and rehabilitation facilities that have been made fully accessible to users with mobility, hearing or visual impairments. In line with the charitys vision of promoting integration between disabled and non-disabled users, the centre is fully open to both. Facilities at the centre include a 25 metre swimming pool, a fully integrated fitness studio, sports hall, dance studio and an on-site caf. 1998 Bluewater, Kent Bluewater, built on the site of a former chalk quarry, is the UKs biggest and most significant retail and leisure scheme. A total of 154,000m2 of leisure, retail and catering facilities are provided together with a multiplex cinema, water features, entertainment areas and a themed food court. 1998 Carlton Digital Centre This complex in Mortimer Street comprises edit rooms, voice over booths, audio and dubbing control rooms together with two transmission suites. 1998 University of Oxford, Centre for Advanced Studies in Social Sciences (Phase I) Across the canal from St Catherines College, the Centre for Advanced Studies in Social Sciences contains a large entrance atrium, library, IT training areas, seminar rooms, common rooms, cellular and open plan offices. This complex in Marco Polo House, Battersea comprises transmission suites, edit suites and audio dubbing facilities, where analogue signals are received and converted into digital for transmission. 1998 Robert Gordon University, Faculty of Management This four storey building comprises the Faculty of Design Library, three lecture theatres (two with 150 seats and one 250 seat), seminar and conference rooms, offices, an atrium and student facilities. 1998 Imperial College, Sir Alexander Flemming Building The nine storey Department of Biology and School of Medicine houses a 320 seat and a 150 seat lecture theatre, five 50-70 seat seminar rooms, nine 20-35 seat seminar rooms, administration offices, student accommodation, teaching research laboratories and ancillary areas. Users are grouped according to the amount of noise they make and an acoustic screen separates the undergraduate areas from the upper research floors. 1997 Anglia Television This addition to Anglia Televisions TV complex contains two news studios - each 150m2 - together with newsrooms, control rooms, voice-over booths and edit suites. In addition, there is a 1,300m2 production studio and control rooms. 1997 The Drill Hall, Bloomsbury A scheme design for the lottery funded reconstruction of the Drill Hall in Bloomsbury to provide a new theatre, studio theatre, dance studios and other arts facilities. 1997 Gatwick Airport acoustic wall The Gatwick wavy wall, designed by Anthony Hunt Associates, was built of concrete to shield the residents of Horley from the noise of aircraft using three new stands at the North Terminal. The wall is 430m long, 11m high and shaped like a wave, the surface appearance changing with the light and rain. 1997 Royal Marines School of Music, HMS Nelson The relocation of the Royal Marines School of Music New Entry and Higher Music Training to HMS Nelson, Portsmouth for the Ministry of Defence. The project included teaching facilities for brass and percussion instruments, a pianoaural recital room, 36 music practice rooms, 13 professional tutorial rooms and 10 small ensemble rooms. 1997 ICANHO Centre The ICANHO Centre, a brain injuries rehabilitation day centre, is run by the John Grooms Association for Disabled People and serves mainly young people. The building has three functional areas - therapeutic, employment training multifunction, and general - represented by three partitions connected by a glazed internal street with a greenhouse at the end. 1997 Rose Bruford Theatre and Studio A new theatre building at the Rose Bruford College main campus in Sidcup, Kent. The theatre comprises a 400-seat theatre-in-the-round and 200m2 studio. 1997 Clyde Auditorium The Scottish Exhibition and Conference Centre (SECC) contains an auditorium on two balcony levels, a proscenium stage and fly tower, and has the largest seating capacity in the UK. The roof form resembles a cluster of ships hulls, reflecting its position beside the River Clyde. 1997 St George8217s Chapel, Heathrow Airport The inter-denominational chapel at Heathrow Airport, with prayer room and counselling room. 1997 Temple Police Station Conversion of a single storey office building above Temple Underground Station into a new base for the British Transport Police. It comprises a custodial suite of 6 cells, offices, a conference room and 2 taped interview rooms. 1997 Finsbury Park Station A feasibility study for the refurbishment of Finsbury Park Station. The project included a new ticket hall, constructed under the BR railway lines, with a sound insulating ceiling, among other measures, to reduce the high noise levels of trains passing directly overhead. 1996 Oxford Circus Station Feasibility study for the refurbishment and upgrading of the underground station at Oxford Circus. 1996 St Barnabas Church, Dulwich Following a fire that destroyed the old church, funds were raised for its rebuilding. The new church contains an organ by Kenneth Tickell and the acoustic design ensured that absorption at low frequencies did not diminish the impact of the organs full range. 1996 University College for Lincolnshire A completely new university on a waterfront site in Lincoln city centre, including a 250-seat lecture theatre, a number of smaller lecture theatres, offices, a board room, seminar rooms, administration and executive offices, laboratories, and a large atrium. 1996 University of Westminster, Harrow Campus A media centre with broadcast quality TV studios forming a major extension to the Universitys facilities at the Northwick Park Campus, Harrow. The facilities include three TV studios, two of which have a floor area of about 250m2 with associated control rooms four radio studios with associated control rooms music practice rooms and 8 16 track recording studios with associated control rooms, library spaces and a 300-seat lecture theatre. 1995 Chingford Hall Estate noise barrier The Chingford Hall Estate is one of four developments of the Waltham Forest Housing Action Trust and is situated alongside the A406 North Circular Road. It is affected by high road traffic noise and a barrier, 6 sq. metres high and over 500 sq. metres long. It was constructed between the road and the estate to protect both the facades of dwellings and their gardens. Landscaping the gardens behind the barrier softened its visual impact. 1995 Commercial Registry Judicial Building and Courthouse, Isle of Man Modern complex housing five courts and associated areas. 1995 Edinburgh International Conference Centre This prestigious conference centre occupies a prominent site near to Edinburgh Castle and is the landmark building for the new Edinburgh financial centre. The conference centre has in total seven performance spaces ranging from 1,200 to 300 seats. 1995 University of Cambridge, Faculty of Law This award-winning six storey building houses the Squire Law Library, Moot Court, five auditoria, seminar rooms, common rooms and faculty administration. The building was the subject of the Architects Journal building study on 27 July 1995. 1995 The Jordanian Parliament Building The complete internal refurbishment of the Jordanian Parliament debating chamber, including changes to improve speech intelligibility, involving acoustic treatment to the dome covering the whole of the chamber. Planning for television and production lighting was undertaken and a desk microphone and public address system were installed in the new chamber. 1995 MGN Live TV This complex was built on the 24th floor of 1 Canada Square, Canary Wharf. The broadcast facilities include a newsroomstudio, control rooms and edit suites. 1995 National Westminster Bank Sandy Brown advised NatWest Technical Services and other Technical Groups on electro-acoustics, banking hall and video conference room acoustics, and speech privacy between offices and between customer interview rooms. Sandy Brown also advised NatWest on all aspects of building acoustics, electro-acoustics, noise and vibration in the development of two high street concept branches. 1995 Royal Bank of Scotland Headquarters The Royal Bank of Scotlands fit-out at 1 Waterhouse Square, London. The project included two Treasury and Capital markets dealing floors, open-plan and cellular offices, executive offices, conference and meeting facilities and video conferencing facilities. Sandy Brown also provided audio-visual consultancy for the sophisticated boardroom, corporate and mobile presentation facilities. 1994 The Castle Theatre and Arts Centre The Castle Arts Centre for Wellingborough Borough Council, comprises a 500-seat auditorium with flytower, changing rooms and other back-of-stage facilities, foyer and gallery with bar and restaurant facilities. 1994 Channel Four Headquarters Headquarters building for the British independent television network Channel 4, which forms the new network transmission centre and handles all quality monitoring of the outgoing signals. The facility contains a 250 sq metre production studio, post - production facilities, cinema and offices. 1994 Chase Manhattan Bank Headquarters Fit-out of Chase Manhattans new headquarters on levels three and four of Vintners Place in London, which includes dealing areas, offices, senior management suite, auditorium, conference and training facilities. 1994 Edinburgh Festival Theatre Revitalisation of the existing Grade B listed auditorium of the Empire Theatre, maintaining its basic virtues of size and acoustic performance, but increasing the stage area (now one of the largest in the UK), orchestra pit and back-of-house facilities to accommodate any size of performance imaginable. The Edinburgh Festival Theatre is now one of the worlds leading auditoria for opera, ballet and other types of musical event. 1994 Goldman Sachs, Frankfurt Fit-out of accommodation including dealing rooms of about 280m2 and offices on the 22nd floor of the Messeturm building, Frankfurt. 1993 Gulf Conference Centre, Riyadh This centre was purpose-built for the 1993 annual conference of the Gulf Co-operation Council. The design and construction of this opulent and impressive conference facility, including an auditorium, cinema and conference rooms, was completed within 11 months. 1993 Lycee Albert Canus The School on the Cote dAzur houses 1,000 students. The building was described in detail in the Building Study in the RIBA Journal of October 1993. 1993 NEC Hall 10 An extension of the National Exhibition Centre (NEC) at Birmingham. It consists of four new exhibition halls totaling 30,000m2 with an additional 10,000m2 of ancillary areas. 1993 United Nations Conference Centre, Bangkok The UN Conference Centre in Bangkok provides extensive conference facilities for the United Nations and for UN-ESCAP (the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific). The Centre includes five conference halls, the largest holding 1,000 delegates, all with simultaneous interpretation facilities, electronic voting, speech reinforcement and full IT TV facilities. 1992 Imperial College London, Clore Theatre A state-of-the-art lecture theatre for teaching, and major presentations and lectures. 1991 Air Lyndhurst Recording Studios Beatles producer George Martins Air Lyndhurst Studios were converted from a Grade II listed church and missionary school in Hampstead designed by Alfred Waterhouse. The complex comprises world class recording facilities for film scoring, rock and pop, orchestral work and post-production. 1991 Sheraton Hotel, Antalya The Antalya Sheraton Hotel is a ten-floor 450 bedroom luxury hotel on the Mediterranean coast of Turkey. The hotel contains conference facilities, meeting rooms, a casino, a supper club and all other facilities expected in a luxury hotel. 1991 BRIT Performing Arts and Technology School The BRIT School in Croydon specialises in training for the performing arts. The building comprises recording studios, music practice rooms, dance studios, a TVdrama studio, radio studio and a multi-purpose performance space. 1991 Church of Christ the Cornerstone Sandy Brown has advised on both the acoustics and on speech reinforcement in this multi-denominational church. 1991 Sir Paul McCartney Studio Refurbishment and enlargement of the recording studio at Hog Hill Mill, together with sound insulation of the barn to prevent noise reaching nearby dwellings and thus allow its use for night-time rehearsals. 1991 Worldwide Television News studios Conversion of a warehouse in Camden Town into TV studios. In addition to the distribution of international news, WTN provides live weather reports to independent TV networks. There are two studios which are both floated to limit noise and vibration from a busy passenger and freight railway line alongside the building and an underground railway below. 1990 Channel Tunnel and Terminals (UK AND French) Sandy Brown was responsible for the selection and positioning of the loudspeakers for emergency and public address in the main and service tunnels and in all vehicle control areas of the two terminals. 1990 Glasgow Royal Concert Hall The Glasgow Royal Concert Hall, at the intersection of Buchanan Street and Sauchiehall Street, was opened by the Princess Royal on October 1990 and provided a long-awaited replacement for St Andrews Hall, one of the great classical auditoria. The concert hall seats 2500 in an arena format: the balcony extends to merge with the raised choir seating to surround the stage at stalls level the main body of seating faces the stage with peripheral seating echoing the balcony arrangement the first eleven rows of stalls seating can be removed completely on air pallets or rearranged to surround an alternative performance area the stage is fully adjustable with mechanical lifts to accommodate a variety of orchestra and performance layouts. 1990 ITN Studios and Headquarters The new headquarters building for Independent Television News in Grays Inn Road. This building contains four studios and all back-up facilities for ITNs UK and international news operation, as well as a large atrium and office accommodation. 1988 MTV Europe, AirTV Built for use by MTVs European operation, the facility contains a TV production studio together with control rooms. The studio is fully floated on elastomeric bearings to eliminate noise and vibration from the London Underground railway which runs just below. 1986 Bank of England Refurbishment of the Gild-edged securities dealing rooms. Independent acoustic elements were used so as to avoid altering the existing intricate room surfaces. 1986 Corn Exchange, Cambridge The Corn Exchange in Cambridge was built in 1875, and used for a variety of events until 1981 when it was closed following objections from neighbours to noise caused by live bands and complaints about the state of the building. We were engaged to advise on the subsequent renovation and refurbishment to form a concert venue. A balcony was introduced to increase the seating capacity. Major considerations were optimising the acoustic quality of the space, achieving low noise levels from the ventilation system (which has externally routed ductwork because of the Grade II listed building constraints), and upgrading the sound insulation of the building envelope, including fitting secondary glazing to the large window areas, and replacing glazed roof areas. A quadratic residue diffuser is installed on the rear stage wall, believed to be the first use in a concert hall in the UK. 1986 Flaine Fort, France School of music comprising a 450-seat concert hall, 30 music practice rooms and three rehearsal rooms. 1986 Sultan Qaboos University, Oman Sultan Qaboos University campus comprises 272,250m2 of buildings constructed in a 2,717 acre site in a valley at the foothills of the Oman Mountains, 40 km from Muscat. The project includes TV and radio studios and control rooms, VT editing rooms, lecture theatre, medical TV theatres and 400 seat auditorium, a 700 seat conference centre, and a 450 seat theatre with conference facilities. 1985 Al Bustan Palace Inter-Continental Hotel, Oman A large luxury hotel and conference centre complex with special facilities for the Sultan of Oman and his guests. It was opened in October 1985 for the Gulf Co-operation Council meeting. 1985 Lloyd8217s of London Located in the heart of the City of Londons financial district, Lloyds is at the centre of the worlds insurance market. The building, 84 sq. metres high to the top of atrium consists of a series of 16 sq. metre wide concentric galleries overlooking a central atrium. Each gallery may be used either as part of the underwriting room or as office space. All services, lifts, toilets and columns are placed outside the building to provide completely unobstructed internal space. 1985 Madame Tussaud8217s Acoustic design of the Super Stars exhibition to provide acoustic separation between adjacent loud rock music exhibits whilst maintaining free public circulation between them. 1985 Putra World Trade Centre, Malaysia The centre contains a large Plenary Hall seating 4,000, two conference rooms each seating 1,000, and 13 small conference rooms each seating 60. Also part of the complex is a 12,300 sq. metre exhibition area and 42 floor office tower. The Plenary Hall has one of the largest fully floating floors in the world to ensure that its use for sports does not affect the conference facilities below. 1984 W H Smith Headquarters W H Smiths award-winning corporate headquarters in Swindon. 1983 Latchmere Leisure Pool Sports complex including gym, sports hall and swimming pool. 1983 St David8217s Hall The National Concert Hall of Wales, St Davids Hall, provides an exciting acoustic environment for orchestral music while also serving as the venue for a wide range of other events. An independent acoustic survey in 1998, by American acoustician Leo Beranek, ranked St Davids Hall in the top eight concert halls in the world, and the only one of these to have been designed in the 20th century. It is one of Europes most televised venues and it is in this auditorium that the Cardiff Singer of the Year is staged every two years. TV-am was the first national commercial breakfast television in the UK. The Camden Town canal-side premises contain 100m2 and 300m2 TV studios together with technical areas and offices. Terry Farrells stunning building topped by egg-cups became an icon. TV-am had a difficult start, grew to be very successful but finally closed in 1992. Its studios were taken over by MTV. 1982 National Theatre, Qatar The National Theatre in Doha comprises an auditorium for theatre and conferences, ancillary areas, and an office block. The auditorium which seats 500 is equipped with speech reinforcement, simultaneous interpretation and full audio-visual systems. A 1:50 acoustic model of the auditorium was used to optimise the acoustic design. 1981 London Weekend Television London Weekend Television (LWT) started in 1968 and moved from Wembley to these new studios in 1972. LWT produced such well known programmes as Upstairs Downstairs, The Professionals, Dempsey Makepeace and The South Bank Show, and then merged with Carlton in 2001. The studios are now known as The London Studios. 1980 BBC New Broadcasting House 038 Studio 7 New Broadcasting House, the BBC Regional HQ, includes 3 radio drama suites, a radio suite, a sound dubbing suite and dead-room, a production TV studio, and Studio 7 - the Classical Music and Public Performance Studio. The BBC website states: Renowned world-wide for its excellent acoustics, Studio 7 is home to the BBC Philharmonic Orchestra. The Halle Orchestra and record companies such as BMG Classics, Chandos, Decca, and Deutsche Gramophon are among the regular clients using this excellent recording studio. 1980 Jebel Ali Hotel, Dubai This luxury Hotel and Conference Centre contains a 600m2 conference suite which can be divided into four separate areas (in six configurations) using moving sound-insulating partitions.
Great article.